
West Central Reporter

Friday, November 22, 2024

Nauvoo-Colusa Elementary School Board of Education met August 21.

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Nauvoo-Colusa Elementary School Board of Education met Aug. 21.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board

1.0 Call to Order by Mr. Siegfried, School Board President

The meeting was called to order at 6:03 p.m. by President Michael Siegfried.

2.0 Roll Call

Present: Mrs. Kyle, Mrs. Little, Mr. Siegfried, Mrs. Snyder, Mrs. Stevenson.

Absent: Mrs. Poe, Mr. Schmitz.

Also Present: Mr. Young, Mr. Ayer, Mrs. Miller.

3.0 Pledge of Allegiance

4.0 Approval of Minutes

4. 01 Approve Regular Meeting Minutes for July 2017

Mrs. Snyder made the motion to approve the regular meeting minutes for July 2017 with a second by Mrs. Stevenson.

Ayes-5, Nays-0.

Absent: Mrs. Poe, Mr. Schmitz. Motion carried.

4. 02 Approve Closed Session Meeting Minutes for July 2017

Mrs. Stevenson made the motion to approve the closed session meeting minutes for July 2017 with a second by Mrs. Little.

Ayes-5, Nays-0.

Absent: Mrs. Poe, Mr. Schmitz. Motion carried.

5.0 Financials

5. 01 Pay Bills for July 2017

Mrs. Little made the motion to pay the bills for July 2017 with a second by Mrs. Snyder.

Mrs. Kyle-Yes, Mrs. Little-Yes, Mr. Siegfried-Yes, Mrs. Snyder-Yes, Mrs. Stevenson-Yes.

Absent: Mrs. Poe, Mr. Schmitz. Motion carried.

5. 02 Approve Financial and Treasurer Report for July 2017

Mrs. Stevenson made the motion to approve the financial and treasurer report for July 2017 with a second by Mrs. Little.

Mrs. Kyle-Yes, Mrs. Little-Yes, Mr. Siegfried-Yes, Mrs. Snyder-Yes, Mrs. Stevenson-Yes.

Absent: Mrs. Poe, Mr. Schmitz. Motion carried.

This year N-C spent $208,536 in the education fund compared to $190,365 spent in the education fund last year. 

In the operation and maintenance fund, N-C spent $14,994 this year compared to last year the district had spent $30,222. The district spent $55,901 in the transportation fund compared to $53,928 last year. The district spent $279,431 this year compared to $274,515 last year at this time in those three funds for a difference of $4,916 more this year compared to last year.

The 31st of July completed 8% of the 2018 fiscal year. The district expended 8.2% of the education budget, 2.4% of the operations and maintenance budget, and 21.4% of the transportation budget.

Fund balances as of July 31, 2017: Education: $1,246,162, Operation and Maintenance: $495,673, Transportation: $201,061, and Working Cash: $162,875. The four Major Fund Balances: $2,105,771. Total Fund Balance for all funds: $3,162,383.

Fund balances as of July 31, 2016: Education: $107,978, Building: $268,339, Transportation: $195,034, and Working Cash: $116,893. The four Major Fund Balances: $668,244. Total Fund Balance for all funds: $1,393,642.

The district has $1,437,527 more this year compare to last year in the four major funds. The district has $1,768,741 more this year compared to last year in total fund balance. The differences in the fund balances were due to the timing of the tax receipts.

6.0 Recognition of the Members of the Audience

6.01 Public Comment

There was no public comment.

7.0 Superintendent’s Report

7.01 Consider the Eagle Scout Project Plan for Replacing the Baseball Field Dugouts

On behalf of Caleb Sinele, Mrs. Little reported that work is continuing with this project and there have been changes in the initial plans that have caused delays. Caleb will ask to be added to the board agenda at a later date.

This project was approved at the July board meeting.

7.02 Notice of the Tentative Budget Hearing at the September 18, 2017 meeting at 6:00 p.m.

The tentative budget is currently available in the district office.

7.03 Notice of the Independent Annual School District Audit of Funds and Internal Controls for the Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2017, was conducted July 24-26, 2017

The audit was conducted July 24-26, 2017 and everything went well. The district will receive the report when it is completed.

7.04 Elementary Report

Mr. Ayer’s report was in the board packet.

8.0 Action Items

8.01 Consider Hiring a Second Grade Classroom Teacher

Mrs. Little made the motion to hire Lacey Kirchner as a second grade teacher with a second by Mrs. Stevenson. 

Mrs. Kyle-Yes, Mrs. Little-Yes, Mr. Siegfried-Yes, Mrs. Snyder-Yes, Mrs. Stevenson-Yes.

Absent: Mrs. Poe, Mr. Schmitz. Motion carried.

8.02 Consider Hiring a One on One Special Education Paraprofessional

Mrs. Little made the motion to hire Kelly Siegfried as a paraprofessional for a 7th grade student who transferred from another district with a second by Mrs. Stevenson.

Mrs. Kyle-Yes, Mrs. Little-Yes, Mr. Siegfried-Yes, Mrs. Snyder-Yes, Mrs. Stevenson-Yes.

Absent: Mrs. Poe, Mr. Schmitz. Motion carried.

8.03 Consider Hiring a One on One Special Education Paraprofessional

Mrs. Little made the motion to hire Megan West as a paraprofessional for a 7th grade student who transferred from the Warsaw elementary with a second by Mrs. Stevenson.

Mrs. Kyle-Yes, Mrs. Little-Yes, Mr. Siegfried-Yes, Mrs. Snyder-Yes, Mrs. Stevenson-Yes.

Absent: Mrs. Poe, Mr. Schmitz. Motion carried.

8.04 Consider Hiring an Assistant Boys Basketball Coach

Mrs. Little made the motion to hire Matt LeMaire as an assistant boys’ basketball coach with a second by Mrs. Stevenson.

Mrs. Kyle-Yes, Mrs. Little-Yes, Mr. Siegfried-Yes, Mrs. Snyder-Yes, Mrs. Stevenson-Yes.

Absent: Mrs. Poe, Mr. Schmitz. Motion carried.

8.05 Consider the Approval of the Title I Plan

Mrs. Little made the motion to approve the Title I plan as presented with a second by Mrs. Snyder. Plan approval by the school board is a new federal requirement.

Mrs. Kyle-Yes, Mrs. Little-Yes, Mr. Siegfried-Yes, Mrs. Snyder-Yes, Mrs. Stevenson-Yes.

Absent: Mrs. Poe, Mr. Schmitz. Motion carried.

8.06 Consider the Purchase of a New or Used Bus or a Lease of a New Bus

Mrs. Little made the motion to consider the purchase of a new or used bus or a lease of a new bus with a second by Mrs. Stevenson. There was discussion, on which option would best suit the district’s needs.

Mrs. Little made the amended motion to lease a new 71 passenger bus for $15,833.71 per year for 3 years with a second by Mrs. Stevenson.

Mrs. Kyle-Yes, Mrs. Little-Yes, Mr. Siegfried-Yes, Mrs. Snyder-Yes, Mrs. Stevenson-Yes.

Absent: Mrs. Poe, Mr. Schmitz. Motion carried.

8.07 Consider the Approval of the First Readings of the Policy Updates

Mrs. Snyder made the motion to approve the first reading of the policy updates with a second by Mrs. Stevenson.

Ayes-5, Nays-0.

Absent: Mrs. Poe, Mr. Schmitz. Motion carried.

9.0 Communications and Correspondence

9.01 Labor Day- No School September 04, 2017

9.02 Regular School Board Meeting- September 18, 2017- 6:00 p.m.

9.03 Fiscal Year 2018 Budget Hearing- September 18, 2017- 6:00 p.m.

Mr. Young shared with the board that work was ongoing for a memorial for Linda Henriksen. It is in the school cafeteria and includes a plaque and part of a school bus that when it is completed, will have flashing bus lights.

Closed Session to Discuss the Employment, Compensation, and Performance of Specific Employees Pursuant 5 ILCS 120/2(1)

Mrs. Little made the motion to enter into Closed Session at 6:45 p.m. to discuss the employment, compensation, and performance of specific employees pursuant 5 ILCS 120/2(1) with a second by Mrs. Stevenson.

Ayes-5, Nays-0.

Absent: Mrs. Poe, Mr. Schmitz. Motion carried.

Return to Open Session

Mrs. Little made the motion to return to Open Session at 7:20 p.m. with a second by Mrs. Stevenson.

Ayes-5, Nays-0.

Absent: Mrs. Poe, Mr. Schmitz. Motion carried.

10.0 Adjournment

Mrs. Little made the motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:21 p.m. with a second by Mrs. Stevenson.

Ayes-5, Nays-0.

Absent: Mrs. Poe, Mr. Schmitz. Motion carried.
