Lewistown Community Unit School District 97 Board of Education met Nov. 14.
Here is the minutes provided by the Board:
President Tom Shafer called the meeting to order at 6:35 pm. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited and a roll call for attendance was taken.
PRESENT: Jayson Herrick (via speaker/cell phone), Mark Smith, Elaine Stone, Tom Shafer
ABSENT: Doug Hampton, Jeff Miller, Dale Shaeffer
Mr. Miller and Mr. Shaeffer arrived at 6:42 pm
Mr. Bill Phillips spoke to the Board of Education regarding the Health Life/ Safety amendment work that needs to be finished and the issuance of Health Life/Safety bonds.
Mr. Joey McLaughlin gave a presentation regarding MAP testing and results.
Mr. Smith made the motion that the minutes from the previous meeting be approved as presented. Mr. Miller seconded the motion. The motion carried by voice vote 6-0.
Mrs. Stone made the motion to approve the payment of the bills for the month of November as presented. Mr. Shaeffer seconded the motion.
Roll Call Vote - “Aye” –Herrick-MillerShaeffer-Smith-Stone-Shafer “Nay” - none The motion carried.
Mr. Shaeffer made the motion to approve the current credit card statement. Mr. Smith seconded the motion. The motion carried by voice vote 6-0.
Mrs. Stone made the motion to approve the October 2017 Treasurer’s report. Mr. Herrick seconded the motion. The motion carried by voice vote 6-0.
Mr. Miller made the motion to approve the October 2017 Financial Statement. Mr. Smith seconded the motion. The motion carried by voice vote 6-0
Mrs. Stone made the motion to accept the FRIS report through October 2017. Mr. Shaeffer seconded the motion. The motion carried by voice vote 6-0.
Mrs. Stone made the motion to approve the activity fund reports for the month of October 2017. Mr. Miller seconded the motion. The motion carried by voice vote 6-0.
Mr. Hampton arrived at 7:35 pm.
Mr. Shaeffer made the motion to approve the FY’17 certificate of tax levy a no greater than an 8% balloon increase. Mrs. Stone seconded the motion.
Roll Call Vote – “Aye” Hampton-Herrick-Miller-Shaeffer-Smith-Stone-Shafer “Nay” – none The motion carried.
Informational items – Financial Profile Calculation from the FY’17 AFR Principal’s/ building reports: none
The Board of Education went into executive session at 7:51 pm for discussion of appointment, employment, performance, and termination of personnel, and student matters.
The Board of Education came out of executive session at 9:46 pm
Mr. Miller made the motion to employ Candi Miller as the special education secretary. Mr. Hampton seconded the motion. The motion carried by voice vote 7-0.
Mr. Hampton made the motion to employ Ted Martin as a bus driver. Mr. Herrick seconded the motion. The motion carried by voice vote 7-0.
Mrs. Stone made the motion to employ Heath Rose as the HS baseball coach. Mr. Hampton seconded the motion.
Roll Call Vote – “Aye” –Hampton-Stone “Nay” – Herrick-Miller-Shaeffer-Smith-Shafer The motion failed with a 5-2 vote against.
Mrs. Stone made the motion to approve dean Clary as a volunteer junior high boys’ basketball assistant coach. Mr. Smith seconded the motion. The motion carried by voice vote 7-0.
Mr. Smith made the motion to approve Chance Simpson as a volunteer HS boys’ basketball assistant coach (pending certification). Mr. Hampton seconded the motion. The motion carried by voice vote 7-0.
Mr. Smith made the motion to approve Taylor Shubert as a volunteer HS boys’ basketball assistant coach (pending certification). Mr. Hampton seconded the motion. The motion carried by voice vote 7-0.
Mr. Herrick made the motion to employ Scott Hammond as the HS boy’s baseball coach. Mr. Smith seconded the motion. The motion carried by voice vote 7-0.
Mrs. Stone made the motion to adjourn at 9:51 pm. Mr. Hampton seconded the motion. The motion carried by voice vote 7-0.