
West Central Reporter

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Nauvoo-Colusa Community School District 325 Board of Education met November 20.

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Nauvoo-Colusa Community School District 325 Board of Education met Nov. 20.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

1.0 Call to Order by Mr. Siegfried, School Board President

The board meeting was called to order at 6:02 p.m. by President Michael Siegfried.

2.0 Roll Call

Present: Mrs. Kyle, Mrs. Little, Mrs. Poe, Mr. Schmitz, Mr. Siegfried, Mrs. Snyder, Mrs. Stevenson.

Also Present: Mr. Young, Mr. Ayer, Mrs. April Anderson, Mr. Matt Longenecker, Mrs. Miller.

3.0 Pledge of Allegiance

4.0 Approval of Minutes

4.01 Approve Regular Meeting Minutes for October 2017

Mrs. Snyder made the motion to approve the regular meeting minutes for October 2017 with a second by Mrs. Stevenson.

Ayes-7, Nays-0. Motion carried.

5.0 Financials

5.01 Pay Bills for October 2017

Mrs. Little made the motion to pay the bills for October 2017 with a second by Mrs. Kyle.

Mrs. Kyle-Yes, Mrs. Little-Yes, Mrs. Poe-Yes, Mr. Schmitz-Yes, Mr. Siegfried-Yes, Mrs. Snyder-Yes, Mrs. Stevenson-Yes. Motion carried.

 5.02 Approve Financial and Treasurer Report for October 2017

Mrs. Kyle made the motion to approve the financial and treasurer report for October 2017 with a second by Mrs. Poe.

Mrs. Kyle-Yes, Mrs. Little-Yes, Mrs. Poe-Yes, Mr. Schmitz-Yes, Mr. Siegfried-Yes, Mrs. Snyder-Yes, Mrs. Stevenson-Yes. Motion carried.

This year N-C spent $792,843 in the education fund compared to $681,857 spent in the education fund last year. In the operation and maintenance fund, N-C spent $70,119 this year compared to last year the district had spent $97,526. The district spent $110,307 in the transportation fund compared to $95,486 last year. The district spent $973,269 this year compared to $874,869 last year at this time in those three funds for a difference of $98,400 more this year compared to last year.

The 31st of October completed 33% of the 2018 fiscal year. The district expended 29.7% of the education budget, 20.9% of the operations and maintenance budget, and 33% of the transportation budget.

Fund balances as of October 31, 2017: Education: $1,457,814 Operation and Maintenance: $545,450 Transportation: $285,782 and Working Cash: $173,044. The four Major Fund Balances: $2,462,090. Total Fund Balance for all funds: $3,606,198.

Fund balances as of October 31, 2016: Education: $1,255,077 Building: $482,042 Transportation: $265,074 and Working Cash: $98,400. The four Major Fund Balances: $2,147,042. Total Fund Balance for all funds: $3,223,087.

The district has $315,048 more this year compare to last year in the four major funds. The district has $383,111 more this year compared to last year in total fund balance.

6.0 Recognition of the Members of the Audience

6.01 Public Comment

There was no public comment.

 7.0 Superintendent’s Report

7.01 Consider Information on Receiving the 3rd and 4th Quarter Categorical Payments for the Fiscal Year 17 Mr. Young reported the district had received the 3rd and 4th quarter categorical payments for the fiscal year 2017.

7.02 Consider the Notice of the Health Life Safety Annual Review with the Regional Office of Education and the State Fire Marshal on December 6, 2017 Mr. Young and Mr. McCarty are scheduled to meet with the Regional Office of Education representative and the State Fire Marshal on December 6, 2017 to complete the Health Life Safety Annual Review.

7.03 Consider the Discussion of the Public Meeting at the Hamilton School District- Mrs. Little Mrs. Little recently attended a public meeting at the Hamilton High School. The meeting was to discuss financial issues the district is facing. Their community was presented with different options for possible updates. Mrs. Little let them know our district would be open to conversations with their district. Mr. Young and Mr. Siegfried will meet with Warsaw to discuss the situation.

7.04 Consider Meeting Dates with the Warsaw School Board to Discuss a New Tuition Payment Method According to the Deactivation Agreement Mr. Young explained the changes and how it will affect our district. Mr. Young and Mr. Siegfried will meet with Warsaw in January or February after the state determines how it will provide revenue to the districts.

7.05 Consider the Discussion on the Use of Substitute Teachers Mr. Siegfried was concerned with the number of subs that have been used this year so far. He wondered if it would be an option to hire a full time sub teacher to be in the building to fill in as needed. There was general discussion as to the feasibility of this with Mr. Ayer and Mrs. Anderson contributing information. The administration does not think it is feasible or necessary at this time to hire an additional fulltime person.

7.06 Transportation Report

Mr. Young reported everything is going well with transportation.

7.07 Elementary Report

Mr. Ayer’s report was included in the board packet.

7.08 Other

8.0 Action Items

8.01 Consider the Approval of the 10-year Health Life Safety Amendment to Replace the Gymnasium Bleachers Mr. Matt Longenecker, an architect from Phillips & Associates, presented information on replacing the gymnasium bleachers. Our current bleachers are original to the building and are not up to current code but are grandfathered in. The new bleachers would seat 500 and would have handicap accessible areas. They could be installed during the summer.

Mrs. Little made the motion to approve the health life safety amendment to replace the gymnasium bleachers at a cost of $134,400 with a second by Mrs. Stevenson.

Mrs. Kyle-Yes, Mrs. Little-Yes, Mrs. Poe-Yes, Mr. Schmitz-Yes, Mr. Siegfried-Yes, Mrs. Snyder-Yes, Mrs. StevensonYes.

Motion carried.

8.02 Consider the Review and Acceptance of the Annual Financial Report for the Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2017

Mr. Schmitz made the motion to approve the Annual Financial Report with a second by Mrs. Little.

Mrs. Kyle-Yes, Mrs. Little-Yes, Mrs. Poe-Yes, Mr. Schmitz-Yes, Mr. Siegfried-Yes, Mrs. Snyder-Yes, Mrs. StevensonYes.

Motion carried.

8.03 Consider the Renewal of a 2018 Lease for a School Bus with Central States Bus Sales, Inc.

Mrs. Stevenson made the motion to renew a lease for a 2018 school bus with Central States Bus Sales, Inc. with a second by Mrs. Little.

Mrs. Kyle-Yes, Mrs. Little-Yes, Mrs. Poe-Yes, Mr. Schmitz-Yes, Mr. Siegfried-Yes, Mrs. Snyder-Yes, Mrs. StevensonYes.

Motion carried.

8.04 Consider the Approval of the 2017 School District Levy

Mrs. Poe made the motion to approve the 2017 school district levy as presented with a second by Mrs. Snyder.

Mrs. Kyle-Yes, Mrs. Little-Yes, Mrs. Poe-Yes, Mr. Schmitz-Yes, Mr. Siegfried-Yes, Mrs. Snyder-Yes, Mrs. StevensonYes.

Motion carried.

8.05 Consider the Approval of the 2017 School Report Card

Mrs. Little made the motion to approve the 2017 school report card with a second by Mrs. Snyder.

Mrs. Kyle-Yes, Mrs. Little-Yes, Mrs. Poe-Yes, Mr. Schmitz-Yes, Mr. Siegfried-Yes, Mrs. Snyder-Yes, Mrs. StevensonYes.

Motion carried.

8.06 Consider the Approval of the Athletic Director’s Job Description

Mrs. Stevenson made the motion to approve the Athletic Director’s job description as presented with a second by Mr. Schmitz.

Mrs. Kyle-Yes, Mrs. Little-Yes, Mrs. Poe-Yes, Mr. Schmitz-Yes, Mr. Siegfried-Yes, Mrs. Snyder-Yes, Mrs. StevensonYes.

Motion carried.

9.0 Communications and Correspondence

9.01 Regular School Board Meeting- December 18, 2017- 6:00 p.m.

9.02 Christmas Winter Break- No School December 25, 2017 through January 1, 2018

9.03 Regular School Board Meeting- January 08, 2018- 6:00 p.m.

9.04 Regular School Board Meeting- February 12, 2018- 6:00 p.m.

10.0 Adjournment

Mrs. Poe made the motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:55 p.m. with a second by Mrs. Stevenson.

Ayes-7, Nays-0. Motion carried.
