V.I.T Community Unit School District 2 Board of Education met December 20.
Here is the minutes provided by the Board:
Call To Order: The regular meeting of the V.I.T. Community Unit School District #2
Board of Education was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Bob Marshall in the High School Library.
Roll Call: Roll call was answered by: Bob Coulter, Jared Heller, Bob Lascelles, Bob Marshall, Larry Payne, and Sara Porter. Don Hood attended the meeting via phone.
Others In Attendance: Others present were: Scot Reynolds, Tracey Korsmeyer, Matt Klaska, Travis Snowden, Aaron Bucher, Charles Lascelles, Carl Beebe, Carly Beebe, Lynde France, Brad Hammond, Adam Payne, and Lyndall Snowden.
Add’l Items To Agenda: None.
Pledge: The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
Executive Session: A motion was made by Larry Payne and seconded by Jared Heller to enter executive session at 7:02 p.m. Roll call: Coulter, aye; Heller, aye: Hood, aye; Lascelles, aye; Marshall, aye; Payne, aye, and Porter, aye. Motion carried with a 7-0 roll call vote.
Open Session: A motion was made by Bob Lascelles and seconded by Larry Payne to return to open session at 8:51 p.m. Roll call: Coulter, aye; Heller, aye: Hood, aye; Lascelles, aye; Marshall, aye; Payne, aye, and Porter, aye. Motion carried with a 7-0 roll call vote.
Approval Of Executive Session Minutes: A motion was made by Jared Heller and seconded by Sara Porter to approve the minutes of the executive session. Roll call: Coulter, aye; Heller, aye: Hood, aye; Lascelles, aye; Marshall, aye; Payne, aye, and Porter, aye. Motion carried with a 7-0 roll call vote.
Consent Agenda: A motion was made by Jared Heller and seconded by Bob Lascelles to approve the consent agenda items which included previous meeting minutes, financial reports, bills, payroll, and activity fund reports. Roll call: Coulter, aye; Heller, aye: Hood, aye; Lascelles, aye; Marshall, aye; Payne, aye, and Porter, aye. Motion carried with a 7-0 roll call vote.
Correspondence: None.
Teacher Input: None.
Public Input: None.
Scheduled Visitors: None.
Informational/Discussion Items:
Brad Hammond-Transportation Presentation: Brad Hammond’s recommendation is not to repair muffler system on Bus #2 after state inspection. A motion was made by Bob Lascelles and seconded by Jared Heller not to repair Bus #2 and take it out of circulation for possible trade in value along with Bus #16 on new bus. Roll call: Coulter, aye; Heller, aye: Hood, aye; Lascelles, aye; Marshall, aye; Payne, aye, and Porter, aye. Motion carried with a 7-0 roll call vote.
Aaron Bucher Chromebook Update: Technology Director Aaron Bucher proposed an update to chromebook lease that expires in October which would include an increase in lease payment covered by REAP grant. This would include an additional 45 chromebooks added to cover dying laptops. The Board agreed after a straw poll to Aaron Bucher pursuing this proposal and bringing additional information to the next meeting.
Adam Payne-Eagle Scout Project: A motion was made by Bob Coulter and seconded by Bob Lascelles to approve the proposed concrete step project for the main grandstand at the football field that would be completed by Adam Payne as his Eagle Scout Project. Roll call: Coulter, aye; Heller, aye: Hood, aye; Lascelles, aye; Marshall, aye; Payne, abstention, and Porter, aye. Motion carried with a 6-0 roll call vote plus one abstention.
Graduation Date: A motion was made by Larry Payne and seconded by Sara Porter to set the 2017-18 Senior High Graduation for May 12th at 10:00 a.m. Motion carried with an all Aye vote.
Bad Weather Preparation: Scot Reynolds reported that Principal Matt Klaska will be in charge of making the decision whether to have school or not on bad weather days while he is out of the district for the month of January.
Elementary Door: A motion was made by Bob Lascelles and seconded by Bob Coulter to replace the elementary kitchen door. Roll call: Coulter, aye; Heller, aye: Hood, aye; Lascelles, aye; Marshall, aye; Payne, aye, and Porter, aye. Motion carried with a 7-0 roll call vote.
Principal’s Report:
Jr./Sr. High School –Principal Korsmeyer: High school student of the month of December was Andrew Palm.
There are a few kinks to work out of the new semester exam exemptions.
The Junior High School took students to a movie in Macomb as an incentive reward for good attendance, behavior, and grades.
The high school was awarded an additional $4000 from the WIU Career Center. The money was spent on a new camera for tech apps, s Smart TV for family life classes, and a CNC machine for the technology class.
Elementary – Principal Klaska: The good citizen for the month of November was Shelby Heller and the good citizen for the month of December was Aslyn Nehmelman.
The Elementary had a Polar Express Fun Day on Monday, December 18th.
The Elementary School Concert was presented on Wednesday, December 20th and enjoyed by parents and staff.
Action Items:
Resignation Of Candy Heaton: A motion was made by Bob Lascelles and seconded by Sara Porter to approve the resignation of Candy Heaton effective December 1, 2017. Roll call: Coulter, aye; Heller, aye: Hood, aye; Lascelles, aye; Marshall, aye; Payne, aye, and Porter, aye. Motion carried with a 7-0 roll call vote.
Superintendent/ Elementary Secretary Position: A motion was made by Sara Porter and seconded by Don Hood to hire Amy Hampton as the Superintendent/Elementary/Transportation Secretary. Roll call: Coulter, aye; Heller, aye: Hood, aye; Lascelles, aye; Marshall, aye; Payne, aye, and Porter, aye. Motion carried with a 7-0 roll call vote.
Wiu Speech Proposal: A motion was made by Bob Lascelles and seconded by Bob Coulter to approve the WIU Speech Proposal for the 2018-19 school year.. Roll call: Coulter, aye; Heller, aye: Hood, aye; Lascelles, aye; Marshall, aye; Payne, aye, and Porter, aye. Motion carried with a 7-0 roll call vote.
Spanish Teacher: A motion was made by Jared Heller and seconded by Bob Coulter to approve the employment of Loana Devereaux as a 3/7 time Spanish teacher for the Spring of 2018. Roll call: Coulter, aye; Heller, aye: Hood, aye; Lascelles, aye; Marshall, aye; Payne, aye, and Porter, aye. Motion carried with a 7-0 roll call vote.
New Board Policies: The Board held the first reading of the following new board policies:2:260, 4:15, 4:110, 4150, 4:170, 5:20, 5:90, 5:100, 5:200, 5:220, 5:240, 5:290, 6:50, 6:60, 6:150, 6:300, 6:310, 6:340, 7:10, 7:18, 7:190, 7:250, 7:260, 7:275, 7:305, 7:340.
Adjournment: A motion was made by Jared Heller and seconded by Sara Porter to adjourn the meeting at 9:20 p.m. All Aye vote.