Village of Hopedale Board met Jan. 2.
Here is the minutes provided by the Board:
Mayor Eilts called the meeting to order. Trustees Mohr, Schmitgall, and Wittrig were present, Trustees Springer, Myers and Gale were absent.
Trustee Wittrig moved to approve the minutes of the December 18, 2017 meeting as amended. Seconded by Trustee Schmitgall. Motion carried.
Trustee Schmitgall went over the Ordinance Violation Report.
Trustee Wittrig gave an update on the Finance Committee Meeting held on December 30, 2017, Trustees Wittrig, Springer and Mohr attended. The meeting was held to discuss the workflow in the office for maximum efficiency.
Trustee Wittrig set a Water/Sewer Committee meeting for Monday, January 8, 2017 at 7:00 p.m in the Community Room. The meeting will be held to discuss deposits for water/sewer accounts and storage containers at the waste water treatment plant.
Trustee Mohr moved to purchase an aeration compressor for the pond from Koenders not to exceed $1000.00. Seconded by Trustee Schmitgall. Motion carried on a roll call vote with Trustees Wittrig, Mohr, Schmitgall and President
Eilts voting aye.
Trustee Mohr will get more information on the fire truck for sale from Litwiller Excavating for the next Board meeting.
Trustee Schmitgall moved to adjourn. Seconded by Trustee Mohr. Motion carried.