
West Central Reporter

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Silverstein donation just the establishment protecting their own, Petty says


Jonas Petty says the Democratic Victory Fund moving to contribute more than $55,000 to the re-election effort of troubled state Sen. Ira Silverstein (D-Chicago) is just what he expected.

“When it comes to the establishment, they protect their puppets,” Petty told the West Central Reporter. “Look at what’s happening in (House Speaker Mike) Madigan’s office. This reiterates to voters what they already know, that Springfield is all about self-preservation."

The organization’s decision to support Silverstein comes as he continues to be dogged by allegations of sexual harassment.

Jonas Petty

The harassment complaint filed by local activist Denise Rotheimer became public in October, when the legislative inspector general post in Springfield that handles such investigations was going on its third year of being vacant, during which time 27 allegations of harassment reportedly were not investigated.

Since then, Julie Porter was appointed to the post and she recently concluded that Silverstein did not commit sexual harassment, but he did violate the legislative code of conduct. She recommended that he receive counseling from the Senate’s ethics officer.

What some have called a slap on the wrist is apparently enough to put Silverstein back in the good graces of some party leaders.

“There seems to be no intent on the part of too many of those in Springfield to make life better for Illinois taxpayers,” Petty, the Pittsfield Republican running against Rep. C.D. Davidsmeyer (R-Jacksonville) in the GOP primary in the 100th House District, said. “Voters have now figured that out. They’re telling me they are going to the polls for anyone not already in office. They’re really that desperate for change.”

Having recently bagged the endorsement of the Chicago Tribune, Petty said he is feeling better and better about his prospects in the primary.

“It lends credibility to our campaign and our message,” Petty said. “They pointed out that my opponent is too wishy-washy and in these times taxpayers need to know what they can expect from the people representing them.”

Petty said he plans to continue talking with as many voters as he can, making sure they truly understand what he stands for. “We’re trying to prove you don’t need a lot of money to win, just be genuinely concerned about fighting to make things better for people.”

The 100th House District includes all or parts of Calhoun, Greene, Jersey, Macoupin, Madison, Morgan, Pike, Sangamon and Scott counties.