Macomb Community Unit School District 185 Board met February 26.
Here is the minutes provided by the Board:
Board President Jill Myers called the meeting to order in the C.T. Vivian Library at Macomb Jr./Sr. High School. Following the Pledge of Allegiance, roll was taken with the following members present: Duncan, Torrance, Adams, Bierman, Myers, Thompson, and La Prad.
The Board recognized Isabel Sperry, Senior of the Month for the month of January.
Music students Richard Engel, Madeline Inman, Theodore Li, Robert Lobdell, Nate Nash, and Isabel Sperry, and their instructors Melanie Butcher – vocal music, and Doug Mattsey – instrumental music, were recognized for participating in the annual All State Music Festival in Peoria.
Prior to the reception of visitors, President Myers noted that while individuals might be present to address the recently filed lawsuit, the Board would not speak to about the suit. She advised anyone addressing the Board should refrain from naming individuals – either students or District employees – and that remarks should be limited to 5 minutes.
The following individuals addressed the Board regarding the recently filed lawsuit: Anne Burton, Holly Stovall, Heather McMeekan, Melissa Woods, Ilon Lauer - parents, and Maya Stovall – MHS student. All expressed grave concerns regarding the allegations in the lawsuit, the lack of public statement or response by the administration, the loss of trust in the administration’s ability and duty to provide a safe environment for all students, the negative impact on the District, its students, and the community, and violation of Title IX. They exhorted Dr. Twomey to take action to insure administrators protect all students, follow orders of protection, comply with Title IX, and to discipline those responsible for the circumstances leading to the lawsuit, and provide professionals to help students deal with the loss of trust. Dr. Twomey and President Myers thanked those who spoke.
Ms. Myers praised Jami Minter, MHS Counselor, and all who were part of the wellness program day recently put on at the high school.
Member La Prad thanked all who came to address the Board and those who had sent emails, applauding their presence and their statements.
Dr. Twomey apprised the Board regarding:
• Lincoln and Middle School: work at Lincoln slowed due to snow and ice, but should pick up as the weather warms. The Community First group met to discuss status of stakeholders in the project. Representatives will go back to their respective boards and we hope to have word from partners regarding participation no later than June. If the Community First partnership and project does not work out, the District will be prepared to move ahead with the middle school project.
• AASA Conference: Highlights included SAT partnering with Kahn Academy to roll out an SAT practice test for every student in the nation; Proximity Education – a new company contracting with experience master-level teachers from across the country to provide online instruction. This will provide smaller districts the opportunity to provide classes in spite of low enrollment numbers. Instructors follow district rules, grading system and policies. Other session topics included broadening the definition of student success, and the impact technology is having on education and the job market.
• FOIA Requests received from LocalLabs/Prairie State Wire re: certified staff information, and SmartProcure for purchasing information.
• Community Spotlight: Dr. Twomey recognized Eric Jameson and the Jameson family for donating money from the Larry Jameson Memorial to complete phases 4 and 5 of the MHS Fitness Center update. Mr. Jameson thanked the Board for recognizing the donation and noted he and his sister were happy to see the money used to benefit all students.
• MHS Principal Search: the search and hiring process is very detailed and there was a good round of candidates. There were six on the interview team and the committee unanimously chose the candidate we are recommending for hire this evening.
• Bond resolution: Board will be asked to adopt resolution at the March meeting.
• Transportation: there have been some issues lately with busses running late in the afternoons. This area is experiencing a shortage of bus drivers, so when busses are required to go out of town during the day, late returns can cause delays as there are not enough drivers to run after school routes.
Dr. Twomey addressed the issue of public posts regarding the lawsuit, noting if inaccurate or inflammatory information is put out, it needs to be addressed. He advised the complaint was provided to the media almost a week prior to service to the District. Dr. Twomey read Board Policy 2:260, Uniform Grievance Procedure, noting the District has complaint managers whose responsibility is to receive and address Title IX issues. He also addressed the matter of individuals speculating on public media that the meeting agenda item regarding destruction of closed meeting recordings was an attempt to destroy evidence relating to the lawsuit. Dr. Twomey explained School Code calls for the bi-annual review of closed meeting minutes and audio recordings. Examination of past agendas would reveal a regular cycle of early and mid-year review and recommendation to hold, release, or destroy closed meeting minutes and/or recordings. Dr. Twomey closed emphasizing his first and foremost responsibility is the safety and protection of the children in our District and noting the general and inflammatory nature of many comments is unfair to the staff who dedicate each school day and hours beyond to the students.
Kim Gillam – Lincoln Principal, Kate Hall – Edison 6th Grade Teacher, Dana Isackson – MJH Principal, and Merikay Potter – MHS Business and Accounting Teacher, presented information on District Strategic Plan Strategy 2-4: Evaluate educational staff adhering to the high professional standards of the State of Illinois and MCUSD #185. They provided an overview of the evaluation process, the Danielson model, Illinois Professional Teaching Standards, and the evaluation processes for tenured and non-tenured teachers.
Member Thompson moved, and member Bierman seconded, to approve Consent Calendar as presented, which included the following items: Minutes from the January 22, 2018 regular meeting, Treasurer’s Report, Investment Report, Monthly Board Report, Bills and Payroll, Financial Update on Life Safety Projects (.05 levy), Financial Update on Life Safety Projects (combined), Activity Account Reports, Food Service Report, State Funding Update, and WCISEC Financials and Personnel. Members voting “yes”: Duncan, Torrance, Adams, Bierman, Myers, Thompson, and La Prad. Members voting “no”: none. Motion carried.
Member Bierman moved, and member Duncan seconded, to approve and hold indefinitely the minutes from the closed meeting held during the January 22, 2018 regular meeting. Members voting “yes”: Duncan, Torrance, Adams, Bierman, Myers, Thompson, and La Prad. Members voting “no”: none. Motion carried.
Member Adams moved, and member Thompson seconded, to approve personnel recommendations as follows:
Certificated Staff:
Bess Thompson, Grade 1 Teacher, Lincoln Elementary School, requesting retirement under the
2016-2020 contract, Section A., Payment Upon Retirement Notification, and Section C., Additional Options, effective end of 2021-2022 school year.
Mollie Grantham, Special Education Teacher, Edison Elementary School, effective end of 2017- 2018 school year.
Request for Leave:
Adrienne Graham, Grade 1 Teacher, Lincoln Elementary School, leave to begin April 25, 2018, and extend through May 24, 2018.
Regan Chatterton, Science Teacher, Macomb Senior High School, effective 2018-2019 school year (replaces Lock).
Karissa Ham, Science Teacher, Macomb Senior High School, effective 2018-2019 school year (replaces Quigle).
Jason Johnson, School Counselor, Macomb Senior High School, 20 additional days, effective 10 days prior to 2018-2019 school year (replaces Conlon).
Samantha McGaughey, Math Teacher, Macomb Senior High School, effective 2018-2019 school year (replaces Shryock).
Chuck Milem, Principal, Macomb Senior High School, two (2) year contract commencing July 2, 2018, (replaces Rumley).
Montana Rice, Special Education Teacher, Macomb Junior High School, effective 2018-2019 school year (replaces Schnarr).
Educational Support Staff:
Cheryl Barclay, Food Service Prep/Cashier, Macomb School District, effective end of the 2017- 2018 school year.
Connie Schindel, Food Service Prep/Cashier, Macomb School District, effective end of the 2017- 2018 school year.
Paul Briney, Assistant Baseball Coach (Freshman, Macomb Senior High School, effective 2017- 2018 season.
Jake Foy, Assistant Baseball Coach (Sophomore), Macomb Senior High School, effective 2017- 2018 season.
Matt Lawver, Assistant Baseball Coach (Varsity.), Macomb Senior High School, effective 2017- 2018 season.
Jeramie Okoh, Assistant Girls Track Coach, Macomb Junior High School, effective 2017-2018 school year.
Kristi Reusch, Assistant Girls Softball Coach (Freshman), Macomb Senior High School, effective 2017-2018 school year.
Kelly Severs, Assistant Girls Track Coach, Macomb Senior High School, effective 2017-2018 school year.
John Widener, Assistant Boys Track Coach, Macomb Junior High School, effective 2017-2018 school year.
Sarah Wright, Assistant Girls Soccer Coach, Macomb Senior High School, effective 2017-2018 school year.
Cameran Yeater, Head Boys Track Coach, Macomb Junior High School, effective 2017-2018 school year.
Marshal Jordan, Girls Swim Coach, Macomb Senior High School, effective January 22, 2018.
Jean-Marc Charles, Assistant Football Coach, Macomb Senior High School, effective February 1, 2018.
Members voting “yes”: Duncan, Torrance, Adams, Bierman, Myers, Thompson, and La Prad. Members voting “no”: none. Motion carried.
Member Adams moved, and member Thompson seconded, to approve the proposed 2018-19 District calendar. Members voting “yes”: Duncan, Torrance, Adams, Bierman, Myers, Thompson, and La Prad. Members voting “no”: none. Motion carried.
Member Thompson moved, and member Adams seconded, to approve the proposed 2018-19 District fee schedule. Members voting “yes”: Duncan, Torrance, Adams, Bierman, Myers, Thompson, and La Prad. Members voting “no”: none. Motion carried.
Member Torrance moved, and member Duncan seconded, to continue to hold minutes from closed meetings held July 7, August 21, September 18, October 16, and November 20, 2017. Members voting “yes”: Duncan, Torrance, Adams, Bierman, Myers, Thompson, and La Prad. Members voting “no”: none. Motion carried.
Board President Myers moved, and member La Prad seconded, to table agenda item 13.2d regarding the treatment of audio recordings from closed meetings held November 23, 2015 through May 25, 2016 Members voting “yes”: Duncan, Torrance, Adams, Bierman, Myers, Thompson, and La Prad. Members voting “no”: none.
Member Adams moved, and member Thompson seconded, to approve the agreement between Macomb C.U.S.D. #185 and Wermer, Rogers, Doran & Ruzon for audit services to be provided June 30, 2018 through June 30, 2020. In response to inquiry about considering other audit firms and comparing cost, Dr. Twomey emphasized the importance of continuity when it comes to audit services and noted the good result the District has had with WRDR. Members voting “yes”: Duncan, Torrance, Adams, Bierman, Myers, Thompson and La Prad. Members voting “no”: none. Motion carried.
At 8:11 p.m., member Thompson moved, and member Duncan seconded, to hold a closed meeting for the purpose of discussing the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees, pursuant to 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(1), collective negotiating matters, pursuant to 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(2), the purchase or lease of real property, pursuant to 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(5), student discipline, pursuant to 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(9), and pending or imminent litigation, pursuant to 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(11). Members voting “yes”: Duncan, Torrance, Adams, Bierman, Myers, Thompson, and La Prad. Members voting “no”: none. Motion carried.
The Board returned to open session at 9:53 p.m.
Member Bierman moved, and member Duncan seconded, to adjourn at 9:55 p.m.