Carthage Elementary School District 317 Board met February 21.
Here is the minutes as provided by the board:
The regular meeting of the Carthage E.S.D. #317 Board of Education was called to order
at 7:00 p.m. by Board President Brent Ufkes.
Roll call: Robert Menn/present; Andrea Jones/present; Brandon Gooding/present; Trish
Markley/absent; Amy Graham/present; Brent Ufkes/present; Ryan Blue/present.
Additional agenda items: None
Recognition of individuals wishing to speak on stated agenda items: None
Administrative Reports – Mrs. Hardy reviewed her report. She reminded the board we
would be amending the budget in May.
Mr. Butcher reviewed the information that Vicki had included in her report.
Mr. Snowden was absent due to illness.
It was moved by Mr. Blue and seconded by Mr. Menn to approve the consent agenda as
presented. Roll call: Mr. Menn/yes; Mrs. Jones/yes; Mr. Gooding/yes; Mrs.
Markley/absent; Mrs. Graham/yes; Mr. Ufkes/yes; Mr. Blue/yes. Motion carried 6-0.
2018-2019 School Calendar was discussed and will be emailed to all staff for review.
It was moved by Mrs. Graham and seconded by Mr. Blue to enter into executive session
at 7:42 p.m. for the purpose of discussing personnel and bargaining. Roll call: Mr.
Menn/yes; Mrs. Jones/yes; Mr. Gooding/yes; Mrs. Markley/absent; Mrs. Graham/yes;
Mr. Ufkes/yes; Mr. Blue/yes. Motion carried 6-0.
It was moved by Mr. Menn and seconded by Mr. Ufkes to exit executive session at 8:04
p.m. Roll call: Mr. Menn/yes; Mrs. Jones/yes; Mr. Gooding/yes; Mrs. Markley/absent;
Mrs. Graham/yes; Mr. Ufkes/yes; Mr. Blue/yes. Motion carried 6-0.
It was moved by Mrs. Graham and seconded by Mr. Gooding to approve the resignation
of Betsy Wujek as 5th and 6th grade volleyball coach, effective immediately. Roll call:
Mr. Menn/yes; Mrs. Jones/yes; Mr. Gooding/yes; Mrs. Markley/absent; Mrs.
Graham/yes; Mr. Ufkes/yes; Mr. Blue/yes. Motion carried 6-0.
It was moved by Mr. Menn and seconded by Mrs. Graham to approve the new one year
elementary principal/assistant superintendent contract with a base salary of sixty-two
thousand two hundred twenty dollars ($62,220) as presented with Jerry Butcher starting
July 1, 2018 and ending June 30, 2019. Roll call: Mr. Menn/yes; Mrs. Jones/yes; Mr.
Gooding/yes; Mrs. Markley/absent; Mrs. Graham/yes; Mr. Ufkes/yes; Mr. Blue/yes.
Motion carried 6-0.
It was moved by Mr. Gooding and seconded by Mr. Blue to approve the base salary of
Mike Snowden, primary school principal, of sixty-six thousand three hundred dollars
($66,300) for the 2018-2019 school year. Roll call: Mr. Menn/yes; Mrs. Jones/yes; Mr.
Gooding/yes; Mrs. Markley/absent; Mrs. Graham/yes; Mr. Ufkes/yes; Mr. Blue/yes.
Motion carried 6-0.
It was moved by Mrs. Graham and seconded by Mr. Menn to approve the payment of a
stipend totaling five thousand dollars to Jerry Butcher for the extra job duties as assistant
superintendent for school year 2018-2019. Roll call: Mr. Menn/yes; Mrs. Jones/yes; Mr.
Gooding/yes; Mrs. Markley/absent; Mrs. Graham/yes; Mr. Ufkes/yes; Mr. Blue/yes.
Motion carried 6-0.
It was moved by Mr. Gooding and seconded by Mr. Ufkes to approve the payment of a
stipend totaling five thousand dollars to Mike Snowden for the extra job duties as
activities director for school year 2018-2019. Roll call: Mr. Menn/yes; Mrs. Jones/yes;
Mr. Gooding/yes; Mrs. Markley/absent; Mrs. Graham/yes; Mr. Ufkes/yes; Mr. Blue/yes.
Motion carried 6-0.
It was moved by Mr. Blue and seconded by Mrs. Graham to approve the payment of a
stipend totaling five thousand dollars to Danielle Gronewold for the extra job duties as
technology coordinator for school year 2018-2019. Roll call: Mr. Menn/yes; Mrs.
Jones/yes; Mr. Gooding/yes; Mrs. Markley/absent; Mrs. Graham/yes; Mr. Ufkes/yes; Mr.
Blue/yes. Motion carried 6-0.
It was moved by Mr. Ufkes and seconded by Mr. Gooding to adjourn the meeting at 8:07
p.m. Roll call: Mr. Menn/yes; Mrs. Jones/yes; Mr. Gooding/yes; Mrs. Markley/absent;
Mrs. Graham/yes; Mr. Ufkes/yes; Mr. Blue/yes. Motion carried 6-0.