City of Jacksonville Heritage Cultural Center Board met March 1.
Here is the minutes as provided by the board:
The meeting (held in the Jacksonville Municipal Building Mayor’s Conference Room) was
called to order at 5:15 p.m. by David Blanchette, Chairman. Those present included David
Blanchette, Patsy Erickson, Diane Hollendonner, Anne Jackson, John Power, James Pisell,
Samantha Sauer, Judy Tighe (Ex-Officio), and Trevor Lawson (intern). Absent were John
Clancy, Kyla Hurt, Charles Rice, Steve Varble, and Brittany Henry (Ex-Officio).
Minutes of the February 1, 2018 meeting were approved as distributed.
The treasurer’s report was given by James Pisell, with $1887.53 in the checking account and
$44,051.19 in the money market account. The new checks for the money market account have
finally arrived, so the bill for the Jacksonville Main Street mailing can now be paid.
Board members were reminded that the next meeting will be held on Saturday, April 7, 9:00
a.m., at the Jacksonville Area Convention & Visitors Bureau (310 E. State St.) and will include a
short business meeting, a tour of the Old Post Office Building, and consultation with Pat Miller
(Illinois Heritage Association).
Laura Marks has agreed to serve as a new board member, and will be able to attend the April 7
meeting/consultant session. There is one remaining vacancy on the board.
Committee Reports:
Employee/Staff Management: Pat Miller, consultant for the April 7 meeting, has requested
information about the museum and the Jacksonville community; David Blanchette has responded
to her requests.
Volunteer Recruitment/Management: No report.
Fundraising and Budgeting: David Blanchette reported that he has been attempting to contact
potential donors.
Acquisitions/Archives & Historian: John Power discussed the potential acquisition of archives
and/or items (including some paintings and an 1860 lithograph map of Jacksonville) from the
Congregational Church as it prepares for the sale of the church building. The Illinois College
archives were mentioned as another possibility for the items, due to the connection between the
church and the college.
Items that had been displayed at Jacksonville Savings and Loan have been returned to storage
with assistance from several Routt football players. The new owners of the bank (CNB) are
willing to discuss future displays but are not prepared to commit to anything until after the actual
closing takes place this summer.
Exhibits/Facilities: The Old Post Office Building renovations have cost approximately
$147,500 since June of last year, paid by Morgan County Historical Society. There is now heat
in the building, the bathrooms have been installed, and there is still a list of projects remaining.
Several board members were able to examine museum items in storage recently. While
searching for items to put together a display for the Illinois Bicentennial, James Pisell has
discovered quite a bit of Civil War era items but not much early Illinois history. The box of
materials for the Jacksonville Plan of 1925 exhibit has not been located yet.
David Blanchette reported that the Genealogical Society is still operating at the South Main St.
location, and that the Society lost its 501(c)3 status recently due to a lapsed payment. They are
working to correct that.
Special Events/Public Education & Promotion: No report on a future fundraising event due to
Steve Varble’s absence. David Blanchette has obtained a list of Jacksonville Main Street
activities scheduled for the next few months. It might be possible to use a vacant downtown
business storefront for a temporary museum display, although any items displayed would need to
be protected from damages from light exposure, etc.
Interns: Intern Trevor Lawson is ready to return to work entering accession card information,
although he won’t be able to do much heavy lifting for a while.
Old Business: None.
New Business: None.
There were no public comments.
The next meeting will be held on Saturday, April 7, 9:00 a.m., at the
Jacksonville Area Convention & Visitors Bureau (310 E. State St.)
With no further business or announcements to discuss, the meeting adjourned at 5:50 p.m.