Nauvoo Colusa Community Unit School District 325 Board met April 16.
Here is the minutes provided by the Board:
1.0 Call to Order by Mr. Siegfried, School Board President
The board meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m. by President Michael Siegfried.
2.0 Roll Call
Present: Mrs. Kyle, Mrs. Little, Mr. Schmitz, Mr. Siegfried, Mrs. Snyder, Mrs. Stevenson.
Absent: Mrs. Poe.
Also Present: Mr. Young, Mr. Ayer, Mr. Jeff McCarty, Mrs. Miller.
3.0 Pledge of Allegiance
4.0 Approval of Minutes
4.01 Approve Regular Meeting Minutes for March 2018
Mrs. Stevenson made the motion to approve the regular meeting minutes for March 2018 with a second by Mr. Schmitz. Ayes-6, Nays-0.
Absent: Mrs. Poe. Motion carried.
5.0 Financials
5.01 Pay Bills for March 2018
Mrs. Little made the motion to pay the bills for March 2018 with a second by Mrs. Stevenson.
Mrs. Kyle-Yes, Mrs. Little-Yes, Mr. Schmitz-Yes, Mr. Siegfried-Yes, Mrs. Snyder-Yes, Mrs. Stevenson-Yes.
Absent: Mrs. Poe. Motion carried.
5.02 Approve Financial and Treasurer Report for March 2018
Mr. Schmitz made the motion to approve the financial and treasurer report for March 2018 with a second by Mrs. Snyder.
Mrs. Kyle-Yes, Mrs. Little-Yes, Mr. Schmitz-Yes, Mr. Siegfried-Yes, Mrs. Snyder-Yes, Mrs. Stevenson-Yes.
Absent: Mrs. Poe. Motion carried.
This year N-C spent $1,935,706 in the education fund compared to $1,668,203 spent in the education fund last year. In the operation and maintenance fund, N-C spent $162,310 this year compared to last year the district had spent $182,149. The district spent $209,214 in the transportation fund compared to $278,904 last year. The district spent $2,307,230 this year compared to $2,129,256 last year at this time in those three funds for a difference of $177,974 more this year compared to last year.
The 31st of March completed 67% of the 2018 fiscal year. The district expended 63.3% of the education budget, 41.4% of the operations and maintenance budget, and 57.0% of the transportation budget.
Fund balances as of March 31, 2018: Education: $1,017,121, Operation and Maintenance: $484,757, Transportation: $252,476, and Working Cash: $176,280. The four Major Fund Balances: $1,930,634. Total Fund Balance for all funds: $3,032,852.
Fund balances as of March 31, 2017: Education: $799,320, Building: $409,792, Transportation: $135,923 and Working Cash: $146,169. The four Major Fund Balances: $1,491,204. Total Fund Balance for all funds: $2,455,829.
The district has $439,430 more this year compare to last year in the four major funds. The district has $577,023 more this year compared to last year in total fund balance.
6.0 Recognition of the Members of the Audience
6.01 Public Comment
There was no public comment.
7.0 Consider a Motion to Enter into Closed Session (5 ILCS 120/2) to Discuss (1.) The appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of a specific employee(s).
Mrs. Little made the motion to enter into closed session at 6:35 p.m. with a second by Mrs. Kyle.
Mrs. Kyle-Yes, Mrs. Little-Yes, Mr. Schmitz-Yes, Mr. Siegfried-Yes, Mrs. Snyder-Yes, Mrs. Stevenson-Yes.
Absent: Mrs. Poe. Motion carried.
Consider a Motion to Return to Open Session
Mrs. Snyder made the motion to return to Open Session as 7:23 p.m. with a second by Mr. Schmitz.
Mrs. Kyle-Yes, Mrs. Little-Yes, Mr. Schmitz-Yes, Mr. Siegfried-Yes, Mrs. Snyder-Yes, Mrs. Stevenson-Yes.
Absent: Mrs. Poe. Motion carried.
8.0 Superintendent’s Report
8.01 Transportation Report
Mr. Young reported we had a DOT inspection last month and we had to make a repair to bus 2 due to an issue with the lift. The white activity bus still needs additional body work but it has been picked up from Melton’s out of necessity. The work will be finished this summer.
8.02 Elementary Report
Mr. Ayer’s report was included in the board packet. There have been two teachers who have requested internal re-assignment. Starting with the 2018-2019 school year, Kelly Patrick will be the first grade teacher and Sharon Rady will be the sixth grade teacher. Mr. Ayer has been in contact with a prospective teacher to fill the Special Education opening.
8.03 Consider a Discussion on the Teachers Entering Grades into Lumens in a Timely Manner
Mr. Siegfried expressed concern that some teachers are not entering grades into Lumen in a timely manner. Mr. Ayer informed the board that there is no official timeline to do so but he will speak to the teachers about the subject.
8.04 Other
Mr. Schmitz shared that he had heard nice reviews about the recent music programs. He would like Mr. Young to research every option in keeping the position filled.
Mr. Siegfried was appreciative of the events held during the week of PARCC testing. Mr. Ayer expressed his thanks to Mrs. Elschlager for planning the events to help create a more positive attitude among the teachers and students during the testing week. He said it seemed the tests, which were paper tests this year, went well and it seemed the kids used their time wisely.
9.0 Action Items
9.01 Consider Hiring a Part-time Summer Maintenance Employee
Mrs. Stevenson made the motion to hire Logan Koechle as a part-time summer maintenance employee with a second by Mr. Schmitz.
Mrs. Kyle-Yes, Mrs. Little-Yes, Mr. Schmitz-Yes, Mr. Siegfried-Yes, Mrs. Snyder-Yes, Mrs. Stevenson-Yes.
Absent: Mrs. Poe. Motion carried.
9.02 Consider Hiring a Part-time Summer Maintenance Employee
Mrs. Stevenson made the motion to hire Andrew Harris as a part-time summer maintenance employee with a second by Mr. Schmitz.
Mrs. Kyle-Yes, Mrs. Little-Yes, Mr. Schmitz-Yes, Mr. Siegfried-Yes, Mrs. Snyder-Yes, Mrs. Stevenson-Yes.
Absent: Mrs. Poe. Motion carried.
9.03 Consider the Approval of the Sanding and Refinishing Bid for the Wood Gymnasium
Mrs. Stevenson made the motion to approve the sanding and refinishing bid for the wood gymnasium floor from Stalker Sports Floors for $23,974 with a second by Mr. Siegfried.
Mrs. Kyle-Yes, Mrs. Little-Yes, Mr. Schmitz-Yes, Mr. Siegfried-Yes, Mrs. Snyder-Yes, Mrs. Stevenson-Yes.
Absent: Mrs. Poe. Motion carried.
9.04 Consider the Approval of the Initial Process for Adding a Secured Entryway to the Building and Placing Shatter Proof Film on Outside Doors
Mr. Schmitz made the motion to approve the initial process of adding a secured entryway into the main office and adding shatter proof film on the outside doors with a second by Mrs. Stevenson. The architects will have to design the plans and get bids from construction companies to complete the project. This would require an interfund transfer from the Tort Immunity Fund to the Operation and Maintenance Fund.
Mrs. Kyle-Yes, Mrs. Little-Yes, Mr. Schmitz-Yes, Mr. Siegfried-Yes, Mrs. Snyder-Yes, Mrs. Stevenson-Yes.
Absent: Mrs. Poe. Motion carried.
9.05 Consider the Approval of the 2018-2019 School Year Calendar
Mrs. Little made the motion to approve the 2018-2019 school year calendar as presented with a second by Mrs. Stevenson.
Mrs. Kyle-Yes, Mrs. Little-Yes, Mr. Schmitz-Yes, Mr. Siegfried-Yes, Mrs. Snyder-Yes, Mrs. Stevenson-Yes.
Absent: Mrs. Poe. Motion carried.
9.06 Consider the Approval of the Retirement Letter From the School District’s Accountant
Mrs. Stevenson made the motion to approve the retirement letter from school district’s accountant, Jeff McCoy, with a second by Mr. Schmitz. Mr. Young expressed his gratitude to Mr. McCoy for his years of dedicated service to the district.
Mrs. Kyle-Yes, Mrs. Little-Yes, Mr. Schmitz-Yes, Mr. Siegfried-Yes, Mrs. Snyder-Yes, Mrs. Stevenson-Yes.
Absent: Mrs. Poe. Motion carried.
9.07 Consider the Approval of the Resignation Letter From the Junior High School Head Boys Basketball Coach
Mrs. Little made the motion to approve the resignation letter from Ty Coulter as head boys basketball coach with a second by Mrs. Stevenson.
Mrs. Kyle-Yes, Mrs. Little-Yes, Mr. Schmitz-Yes, Mr. Siegfried-Yes, Mrs. Snyder-Yes, Mrs. Stevenson-Yes.
Absent: Mrs. Poe. Motion carried
10.0 Communications and Correspondence
10.01 Regular School Board Meeting- May 21, 2018- 6:30 p.m.
10.02 Eighth Grade Promotion- May 23, 2018- 6:00 p.m.
10.03 Regular School Board Meeting- June 18, 2018- 6:30 p.m.
10.04 Start of the Fiscal Year 2019- July 1, 2018
10.05 Regular School Board Meeting- July 16, 2018- 6:30 p.m.
11.0 Adjournment
Mrs. Snyder made the motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:55 p.m. with a second by Mrs. Little.
Ayes-6, Nay-0.
Absent: Mrs. Poe. Motion carried.