
West Central Reporter

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Greenfield Community Unit School District No. 10 Board of Education met April 16.

Greenfield Community Unit School District No. 10 Board of Education met April 16.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

1. President Rodney Knittel called the regular meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Upon roll call the following Board members were present: Josh Roberts, Chris Goode, Joe Kinser, Elliott Turpin, and Rodney Knittel. Chris Weller entered the meeting at 7:03 p.m. and Brandi Rynders entered the meeting at 7:05 p.m. Also present were Superintendent Kevin Bowman, Elementary Principal Jeremy Lansaw, High School Principal Beth Bettis, Ron Plogger, Rhonda Bauer and Becky McClelland.

2. Goode motioned and Kinser seconded to approve the agenda as presented. Upon roll call Weller, Goode, Kinser, Roberts, Turpin and Knittel voted “Aye”. Motioned carried.

3. Roberts motioned and Weller seconded to approve the March 19, 2018 regular and executive session minutes as presented. Upon roll call Roberts, Weller, Turpin, Goode, Kinser and Knittel voted “Aye”. Motion carried

4. Kinser motioned and Goode seconded to approve the Consent Agenda items as presented. Upon roll call Turpin, Rynders, Weller, Roberts, Goode, Kinser and Knittel voted Aye. Motion carried. (See Exhibit No. 1 attached to the Official Minutes)

5. District Highlights – High School Principal Beth Bettis reported on several changes that are being incorporated into the student handbook. These changes are recommended by the Parent Advisory Committee and also include all changes required by legislation. Elementary Principal Jeremy Lansaw reported that early registration will be held on Tuesday, June 5th for all students except Pre-K. Regular registration will be held on August 2nd and 3rd.

6. Ron Plogger reported on Facilities/Transportation:

-Long jump and discus areas have been repaired

-Baseball/softball diamonds have new grass and tile

-High School stair treads have been repaired

-Mulch for playgrounds will be delivered on Tuesday, April 17th

-The new tractor is working very well for district projects

-White bus was repaired by Morrow Brothers and is running great

-New bus has a warranty issue being repaired

7. Elliott Turpin reported on the Greenfield Foundation for Educational Excellence. The next meeting is April 18, 2018 at 7:00 p.m.

8. Superintendent Bowman reviewed the FRIS report. The district should receive $25,000 in new funding this year.

9. Superintendent Bowman reported on:

-Four Rivers Council representatives

-Four Rivers Multiple Disabilities Classroom request

-2018-2019 proposed calendar (See Exhibit No. 2 attached to the Official Minutes)

-Board volunteers for graduation

-Part-time summer maintenance help

-Hire Director of Speech Pathology

-Accept resignation of Pre-K Parent Coordinator

-Accept resignation of Pre-K Parent Coordinator/Literary Coach

-Approve Fitness Center volunteer

-IASB Annual Conference-November 2018

-Public School Recognition 2018

10. Greenfield-Northwestern Coop winter invoice was presented. The amount of reimbursement from Northwestern is approximately the same as last year. Bowman will ask the Board to approve the sports coop with Northwestern for the coming year in action items.

11. Superintendent Bowman noted that negotiations with the Greenfield Education Association will occur this year. A roundtable date has been set for Monday, May 21st at 6:00 p.m.

12. A contract with Frontier Communications was reviewed and options discussed for internet upgrades for the district.

13. Rynders motioned and Roberts seconded to go to Executive Session at 7:32 p.m. Upon roll call Rynders, Kinser, Roberts, Turpin, Goode, Weller and Knittel voted “Aye”. Motion carried.

Roberts motioned and Goode seconded to return to Executive Session at 8:28 p.m. Upon roll call Kinser, Roberts, Turpin, Goode, Weller, Rynders and Knittel voted “Aye”. Motion carried.

14. Rynders motioned and Kinser seconded to authorize the Superintendent to post for 3-4 part–time summer maintenance positions. Upon roll call Weller, Rynders, Kinser, Roberts, Turpin, Goode and Knittel voted “Aye”. Motion carried.

15. Roberts motioned and Goode seconded to hire Denise DeMoulin as the Director of Speech Pathology for the 2018-2019 school year. This will be a part-time position. Upon roll call Rynders, Kinser, Roberts, Turpin, Goode, Weller and Knittel voted “Aye”. Motion carried.

16. Rynders motioned and Kinser seconded to accept the resignation of Pre-K Parent Coordinator Cynthia Mansfield, effective the end of the 2017-2018 school year. Upon roll call Kinser, Roberts, Turpin, Goode, Weller, Rynders and Knittel voted “Aye”. Motion carried.

17. Kinser motioned and Goode seconded to accept the resignation of Pre-K Parent Coordinator and Junior High Literary Coach Pat Theivagt, effective the end of the 2017-2018 school year. Upon roll call Roberts, Turpin, Goode, Weller, Rynders, Kinser and Knittel voted “Aye”. Motion carried.

18. Roberts motioned and Goode seconded to approve Mike Fester as a Fitness Center volunteer. Upon roll call Turpin, Goode, Weller, Kinser, Roberts and Knittel voted “Aye”. Brandi Rynders voted “No”. Motion carried.

19. Roberts motioned and Turpin seconded to approve the low bid of $2,985 for refuse collection from Area Disposal for service beginning July 1, 2018. Upon roll call Goode, Weller, Rynders, Kinser, Roberts, Turpin and Knittel voted “Aye”. Motion carried. (See Exhibit No. 3 attached to the Official Minutes)

20. Goode motioned and Rynders seconded to appoint Rodney Knittel as Four Rivers Council Representative and Josh Roberts as alternate. Upon roll call Rynders, Kinser, Roberts, Turpin, Goode, Weller and Knittel voted “Aye”. Motion carried.

21. Roberts motioned and Kinser seconded to authorize two or three board members and/or school staff to attend the Illinois Association of School Boards annual meeting in Chicago in November. Upon roll call Weller, Rynders, Kinser, Roberts, Turpin, Goode and Knittel voted “Aye”. Motion carried.

22. Weller motioned and Rynders seconded to approve the Greenfield-Northwestern Junior High and High School Coop for 2018-2019. Upon roll call Kinser, Roberts, Turpin, Goode, Weller, Rynders and Knittel voted “Aye”. Motion carried.

23. Roberts motioned and Weller seconded to approve the request from Four Rivers to rent two classrooms for multiple disabilities classes. Upon roll call Roberts, Turpin, Goode, Weller, Rynders, Kinser and Knittel voted “Aye”. Motion carried.

24. Turpin motioned and Goode seconded to approve revised board policies 2:260-Uniform Grievance Procedure; 4:40- Operational Services; and 5:20-Workplace Harassment Prohibited. Upon roll call Turpin, Goode, Weller, Rynders, Kinser, Roberts and Knittel voted “Aye”. Motion carried. (See Exhibit No. 4 attached to the Official Minutes)

25. Roberts motioned and Turpin seconded to approve the Frontier Communications contract and internet upgrade plan as submitted, pending E-rate funding approval. Upon roll call Weller, Rynders, Kinser, Roberts, Turpin, Goode and Knittel voted “Aye”. Motion carried. (See Exhibit No. 5 attached to the Official Minutes)

26. Correspondence – A thank you card was read from the family of Ralph Henson.

27. Rynders motioned and Kinser seconded to adjourn the meeting at 8:40 p.m.
