Village of South Jacksonville Board of Trustees will meet on June 7.
Here is the agenda as provided by the board:
Call to Order
Pledge of Allegiance
Roll Call
Approval of Agenda
Comments from the Floor
Clerk’s Report
1. Approve Regular Session Minutes of May 3, 2018
2. Correspondence
Treasurer’s Report
1. Approve Treasurer’s Report – April 2018
2. Approve Payables – May 2018
Mayor’s Report
1. Godfrey Park to close for maintenance/renovation
2. Pay Request – School Road Project
3. Sign up for summer sewer rates ended May 31st
4. Village Cleanup Days June 7, 8, & 9
5. Building Permits
Committee Reports
1. Personnel
2. Planning & Public Facilities
3. Public Protection
4. Finance
5. Parks and Tourism
Action Items
1. Approval of FY2019 Budget
2. Rezoning of 1851 South Main from B-1 to B-2
3. Rezoning of 1828 South Main from B-1 to B-2
4. CMS Resolution
5. TIF Reimbursement
6. Engagement of Services – IRC / MFT Oil & Chip Program
7. Approve Hire – Moving P/T PD Officer to F/T
8. Approve Hire – Code Enforcement Officer
9. Tourism Grants – 4th of July Festival / 4th of July Fireworks
Old Business
New Business