
West Central Reporter

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

North Greene Unit School District 3 Board of Education met May 8.

Webp chairs

North Greene Unit School District 3 Board of Education met May 8.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

Roll Call And Recognition Of Guests--

The Board of Education of North Greene Unit District No. 3, Greene and Scott Counties, Illinois, met in a special session on Wednesday, May 8, 2018, at 6:00 p.m. in the Administrative Education Center, Board Room, White Hall. The purpose of the meeting was for discussion and taking possible action for approval of proposed North Greene JuniorSenior High 1957 wing renovation project. Those answering roll call were: President Stacy Schutz; Members Edwin Ford, David Hallock, Cale Hoesman, and Brenn Killion; Member Jeff Haskell was absent. Superintendent Mark Scott and Secretary Barbara Neece were also in attendance.

Superintenent Scott reviewed the proposed renovation scope of work plans for renovation of the Junior-Senior High 1957 wing and other related work which includes new HVAC system for a portion of the 2002 wing of the building and communication system linkage. Following discussion, a motion was made by Mr. Ed Ford, seconded by Mrs. Killion, to take the following appropriate action for funding of the project:

Resolution To Proceed With Amendmen For Renovation Project--

Adopt Resolution to Proceed with Submission of Amendment to Ten Year Health-Life Safety Survey for approval of use of Health-Life Safety funds for selected renovation projects.

The President put the motion to a vote and the following roll call resulted:

E. Ford, yea; Haskell, absent

Killion, yea; Hoesman, yea

Hallock, yea; Schutz, yea

Additional projects desired to be completed but not currently approved in the Ten-Year Health-Life-Safety Survey was for upgrade to the electrical panel in the 1957 gymnasium stage area. In order to include such work an amendment to the current Health-Life-Safety Survey would be necessary. Following discussion, a motion was made by Mr. Hallock, seconded by Mr. Hoesman, to take the following appropriate action for including planned added project:

Resolution To Amend Hls Survey To Upgrade Electrical Panel--

Adopt Resolution to Proceed with Submission of Amendment to Ten Year Health-Life-Safety Survey for approval of use of Funds for Project Upgrade Electrical Panel and Wiring for 1957 Wing Junior-Senior High Stage Area.

The President put the motion to a vote and the following roll call resulted:

Hallock, yea; E. Ford, yea

Hoesman, yea; Haskell, absent

Killion, yea; Schutz, yea

Adjourn-6:15 P.M.--

With no further business to come before the board, President Schutz adjourned the meeting at 6:15 p.m.
