
West Central Reporter

Sunday, February 23, 2025

City of Jacksonville Heritage Cultural Center Board met October 4.

Webp meeting 02

City of Jacksonville Heritage Cultural Center Board met Oct. 4.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

The meeting (held in the Jacksonville Municipal Building Mayor’s Conference Room) was called to order at 5:18 p.m. by David Blanchette, Chairman. Those present included David Blanchette, John Clancy, Patsy Erickson, Diane Hollendonner, Laura Marks, James Pisell, Samantha Sauer, and Steve Varble. Absent were Kyla Hurt, Anne Jackson, John Power, Charles Rice, Judy Tighe (Ex-Officio) and Brittany Henry (Ex-Officio). Intern Trevor Lawson was not able to attend.

Minutes of the September 6, 2018 meeting were approved as distributed.

The September treasurer’s report showed a balance of $41,803.92 in the money market account and $1004.90 in the checking account. Treasurer James Pisell reported that as of September 23 the money market balance was $41,809.59 and $961.85 in the checking account. By the November meeting, the two accounts should be reported as combined into one (the money market account).

Laura Marks suggested that the board consider putting some of that money into a certificate of deposit (perhaps for three years), since rates are going up now. The board will continue to monitor the rates and re-visit the proposal in January.


Employee/Staff Management: Some of the planning committees have held meetings while others have not. There were no reports at this time.

Volunteer Recruitment/Management: No report.

Fundraising and Budgeting: David Blanchette reported that he has approached people to help with organizing the Hard Hat Ball and fundraising, and will keep seeking other potential committee members. Laura Marks commented that for any fundraising efforts, it will be necessary to make it clearly understood where the money will be directed: towards the renovation of the Old Post Office Building, for developing museum exhibits, or for supporting the idea of progressive museum exhibits around town. It also will be necessary to determine how to revive/increase museum memberships.

Acquisitions/Archives & Historian: A stackable book case from the Poor Farm has been offered to the museum. Laura Marks mentioned that the book coming out in November has a story about the Poor Farm, so that would be a good tie-in for an exhibit.

School District 117 approached the board about the collection of information and items that was a part of the 150th anniversary celebration. Items include a set of JHS yearbooks and a scoreboard from South Jacksonville elementary school. David Blanchette will work with the school district and museum board members to find a convenient time to view the collection to determine if the museum wants to accept all or part of the collection. Steve Varble has also talked to Karla Stice about some of the Jacksonville Sesquicentennial (1976) items that might find a home in the museum.

Exhibits/Facilities: Display cases from Prairieland Heritage Museum will be delivered to the Old Post Office for storage. Locations for display cases for a progressive exhibit are still being scouted. Samantha Sauer indicated that we need to arrange for appropriate boxes/packing material for transporting small items to the display cases once they have been set up. David Blanchette will check into prices for archival paper and storage boxes, and check on what might already be available at one of our storage areas.

Steve Varble and Laura Marks reported on a tour of the Illinois School for the Deaf’s museum collection which contains historical information since the school’s founding.

There was no update on the Old Post Office building.

Special Events/Public Education & Promotion: Some of the book topics for the late November book signing at Jacksonville Savings Bank will include Bill Walton, Illinois School for the Deaf, Jacksonville architecture, and old maps of the area.

Interns: No report.

OLD BUSINESS: James Pisell reminded the board that there is still work to be done on the cataloging database, including photographing each item and going over the lists to see if anything has been overlooked.

NEW BUSINESS: John Clancy reminded the board that invitations had been sent out for the Mayor’s Volunteer Recognition luncheon on October 24, and encouraged everyone to respond.

There were no public comments.

The next meeting will be held on Thursday, November 1, 5:15 p.m., at the Mayor’s Conference Room at the Jacksonville Municipal Building.

With no further business or announcements to discuss, the meeting adjourned at 6:55 p.m.
