
West Central Reporter

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Greenville City Council met September 11.

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Greenville City Council met Sept. 11.

Here is the minutes provided by the council:

Call to Order: The regular meeting of the Greenville City Council was called to order on Tuesday, September 11, 2018 at 7:00 p.m. by Mayor Alan Gaffner.

Roll Call: Present: Mayor Alan Gaffner, Councilman Bill Carpenter, Councilman John Gillard, Councilman Mike Heath and Councilman Kyle Littlefield.

Also Present: City Attorney Patrick Schaufelberger, City Manager Dave Willey and City Clerk Sue Ann Nelson.

The pledge of allegiance to the United States flag was recited.

Citizen Input: With no comments, citizen input was closed.


 Approval of minutes of the August 14, 2018 Regular Council Meeting, August 29, 2018 Special Council Meeting;

 Financial Statements for August 2018;

 Approval of Accounts Payable totaling $1,085,667.66;

 Approval of Committee Meeting Minutes of the August 23, 2018 Tourism Committee Meeting;

 Approval of Administrative Reports of the Police Department, Public Works, Sewer and Water Departments, Building Permits, Code Enforcement, and Annual Greenville Public Library Report;

 Record Items – Nueschwander Boat Variance, Korte Boat Variance.

Ordinance 3180 – Rescind Agreement With Greenville Chamber of Commerce:

On August 28, 2018, the Greenville Chamber of Commerce provided the City of Greenville with a termination letter to end the agreement signed July 13, 1993 for a shared position to promote Greenville tourism. Ordinance presented will formally rescind all preceding ordinances relating to the original agreement.

Wastewater Plant Tool Cat Repairs:

Having hydraulic issues, repairs were being made to the wastewater tool cat. Original cost to rebuild the control box were within City Manager’s spending authority. City Manager exercised emergency spending authority to approve additional repairs resulting in a total bill of $3,610.61

Approval of Consent Agenda:

Motion by Gillard seconded by Carpenter, to approve the consent agenda as presented.

Ayes: Gillard, Carpenter, Heath, Littlefield, Gaffner

Nays: None

Motion carried.

Elevated Flags for Motorized Scooters:

Mayor Gaffner reported to the council that he had received a few comments over the past several months and an email that compelled him to bring the issue of requiring elevated flags on mobility devices or scooters to the city council. Chief Runyon stated that by law, individuals on mobility devices shall follow the same laws as pedestrians. City Manager Willey had samples of foldable flags that could be attached to mobility devices, and suggested that the City purchase and install the flags at no cost to recipients to encourage use of the flags to improve visibility and safety for the user. It was the consensus of the council to try public education and participation by offering free flags, before any type of city code with penalties be proposed for consideration.

2018 Street Program Additional Work:

At the June meeting, the city council approved street improvement program for $196,035. Since the base contract, council has approved additional $139,140. When work was completed on Spruce Street, additional subgrade remediation was required for $15,055.71. In additional curbing was identified and added to the scope for $13,695. In total, additional work approved by the City Manager and completed totaled $28,750.71. Motion by Gillard, seconded by Littlefield, to approve additional street work payable to Rooters for $28,750.71.

Ayes: Gillard, Littlefield, Carpenter, Heath, Gaffner

Nays: None

Motion carried.

Drug Update: City Manager reported that another community drug meeting was held last Sunday. There was nothing new to report from the meeting.

Appointment to Boards and Commissions:


Old Business:

Mayor Gaffner reported that due to conflicting schedules, a date not be reached for a September meeting regarding occupancy permits.

Council was asked to provide their availability to determine a possible could date in October.

City Manager Willey provided an update on the unserved sewer project, stating the installation of the mains has been completed, and the contractor is working on service line connections, and decommissioning septic systems.

New Business:

Mayor Gaffner spoke about a request to turn a field by the Idler Lane boat ramp parking lot, currently being mowed, into a pollinator field. City Manager indicated that he had received the same request and was in favor of it. City will proceed with drafting the necessary document to move forward.

City Manager Willey made note that election packets are available on the city’s website or at the Municipal Building for two city council positions for the April election.

City Manager noted the Kim Langel, Police Department secretary, retired on September 7th after forty-three years of service to the City of Greenville.

Recess to Executive Session and Adjourn:

At 7:39 p.m., moved by Gillard, seconded by Littlefield, to recess to executive session for Purchase of Real Estate, Section 2 (c) (5); Sale of Real Estate, Section 2 (c) (6); Pending Litigation, Section 2 (c) (11); Personnel, Section 2 (c) (1-2) of the Open Meetings Act. Meeting adjourned from executive session at 8:00 p.m.

Ayes: Gillard, Littlefield, Carpenter, Heath, Gaffner

Nays: None

Motion carried.
