
West Central Reporter

Sunday, February 23, 2025

City of Jacksonville Cemeteries Board met October 19.

Webp meeting808

City of Jacksonville Cemeteries Board met Oct. 19.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

ROLL CALL: Members present were: Chairman Doug Moore, Tom Newby, Linda Brown, Kim Pohlman, Carolyn Bonjean, Treasurer Mary Fergurson; Superintendent Jim Pierson; City Clerk Skip Bradshaw. A quorum was declared.

AGENDA: Motion was made by Bonjean, seconded by Newby, to approve the October 19, 2018 Agenda as presented in advance. By voice vote, motion carried.

MINUTES: Motion was made by Newby, seconded by Brown, to approve the September 21, 2018 Minutes as presented in advance. By voice vote, motion carried.


a.) Treasurer’s Investment Report – September 2018:

Ms. Fergurson has little to report as things are basically the same as last month. The next maturity is scheduled for March 1, 2019. Interest rates continue to rise slowly. It appears there may be at least one more 1⁄4% increase in rates before year end. Third quarter earnings reports should be fairly strong in comparison to 2017. Supt. Pierson asked what has been put into the lock box, and asked if a lock box is necessary. Ms. Fergurson is unsure but will check into what is there and report back as to the documents and whether or not they should be kept in a lock box.

b.) Cash Receipts Report – September 2018:

Ms. Brown gave a brief overview of the Cash Receipts Report, noting that there is a current revenue balance of 32.14%, and a current expenditure balance of 38.31% remaining at the end of September. There is a currently cash balance of $7,000 over the balance this time last year and the fund looks good at this time.

c.) Cash Receipts Report and Claims Approval – September 2018:

Motion was made by Brown, seconded by Newby, to approve the Cash Receipts Report and to pay claims when funds are available. By voice vote, motion carried.

SUPERINTENDENT’S REPORT: Supt. Pierson reported on the following:

 All the trees, bushes and flowers have been removed from the front entrance of the Diamond Grove Cemetery. The crabapple trees were hollow inside and branches have been falling, in

addition to creating problems with keeping the flowers in the flower bed alive due to the trees roots, so it was determined that they should be removed. They have a plan and will be replanting the area next spring. The plants that were removed have been relocated throughout both cemeteries.

 Pricing for corner markers has increased to $9.75 per marker, lettering and shipping charges not included. The City currently charges $10 per corner marker. Supt. Pierson would like the Board to consider increasing those charges.

 Supt. Pierson is working on the Capital Improvement Budget. He is waiting for the proposal on finishing the road for the Massey addition, so that dollar amount has not yet been entered. He feels it will be close to $100,000. The project can be divided up over the next few years which will allow time to set money aside. Chair Moore suggested putting the money into the Land and Building Fund until needed for the project.

Ms. Brown feels a columbarium is needed at the East Cemetery. Supt. Pierson pointed out that there are not many burials at the East Cemetery and is not sure a columbarium is necessary. However, he has no issue with installing one if that is the Boards decision. The last columbarium purchased for the Diamond Grove Cemetery cost $35,000, but that a much smaller one at the East Cemetery should be sufficient which would cost less. He is waiting for a quote from the monument company for another columbarium at Diamond Grove. He will ask for a price quote on a smaller columbarium for the East Cemetery as well.

 Supt. Pierson has gathered pricing for a camera and alarm system at Diamond Grove Cemetery, which totals approximately $5,000. Vandalism and theft continue to be a problem, so he feels this system is necessary for monitoring several areas throughout the cemetery and the area around the greenhouse. The system keeps the video surveillance on the hard drive for three weeks. The system has been budgeted for in the 2018 Operating Budget. Additionally, anytime the alarm sounds, the police department is notified. After brief discussion motion was made by Brown, seconded by Bonjean, to approve the bid from Synergy for the purchase of a surveillance system for the Diamond Grove Cemetery in the amount of $5,010.83 from the 2018 budget. By voice vote, motion carried.

 Supt. Pierson noted that he has purchased roughly 16 assorted trees and bushes from Waldbart to be planted this fall.

PUBLIC COMMENT: No discussion.

OLD BUSINESS: Chair Moore has been working on the Rule Book and presented a rough draft of his work in progress. He will be reaching out to City Attorney Dan Beard for clarification on a few topics before incorporating them into the new rule book.

Chair Moore is still waiting for a reply from Rev. Kelly from Passavant Hospital/Memorial Healthcare regarding fetal burials.

Ms. Brown asked if a response has been given to Mr. Alan Applebee regarding his offer to donate certain land to the City, to which Chair Moore replied that to his knowledge no response has been given as of this date. Chair Moore went on to explain that he recently followed up with CA Beard on this matter because Chair Moore and Mr. Applebee talked at length as to the pros and cons of why his offer was declined. Chair Moore assumed during that conversation that Mr. Applebee had already received the letter from CA Beard, but was incorrect. As of today, CA Beard is still in the process of drafting the letter to Mr. Applebee. Mr. Applebee has indicated that he will be contacting the Council with his offer. Chair Moore suggested to Mr. Applebee that he should present his offer to Morgan County.

NEW BUSINESS: No discussion.

ADJOURNMENT: Hearing no further business, a motion was made by Newby, seconded by Bonjean, to adjourn the meeting at 9:02 a.m. By voice vote, motion carried. The next regularly scheduled meeting of the Jacksonville City Cemeteries Board will be held on Friday, November 16, 2018, 8:30 a.m. in the Commission Room at the City of Jacksonville Municipal Building.
