
West Central Reporter

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Macomb Community Unit School District 185 Board of Education met May 20

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Macomb Community Unit School District 185 Board of Education met May 20.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

Board President Jill Myers called the meeting to order in the C.T. Vivian Library at Macomb Jr./Sr. High School. Following the Pledge of Allegiance, roll was taken with the following members present: Sutton, Gray, Adams, Torrance, Myers, Thompson, and La Prad.

Wyatt McGrew, Agriculture class teacher at MHS and FFA Sponsor, introduced a group of FFA members who presented information on growth and harvest of hemp. They addressed issues of growing and processing hemp, and the problem of misinformation about the crop that is prevalent in the general public.

Molly Selders, English Teacher at MHS, addressed the Board regarding the current status of the District health insurance plan and the anticipated increases in premium and urged the Board to seek a solution that would be equitable for all.

The Board recognized the following individuals:

 Audrey Swedell – May Senior of the Month.

 Clara Barclay, Richard Engel, and Samantha Mattsey for receiving “Best of the Day” honors at IHSA Solo & Ensemble.

 The MHS Symphonic Band and Director Doug Mattsey for placing 2nd in the state at the IHSA Solo & Ensemble Contest.

 Mr. and Mrs. Lawson Barclay for donation of $2500 to the MHS Choral program, specifically for the musical.

 New teachers who completed the mentoring program and veteran teachers who mentored them.

President Myers shared a thank you note to the Board from Lincoln for Teacher Appreciation Week treats. Member La Prad thanked Molly Selders for speaking and the District Insurance Committee for their work. He expressed concern about the status of the health insurance plan and its impact on the staff. Emily Sutton echoed those concerns. Member Gray commented on the FFA Awards Banquet and what an impressive affair it was.

Dr. Twomey shared the following information:

 Construction Report

o Edison - Board will be asked to accept the lowest bid for the project.

o Turf Field – Equipment will be delivered early next week and tear out of the existing field will begin.

o Middle School – still moving forward, trying to finalize plans. Facilities and Finance committees will meet as soon as drawings are finalized.

 Classroom Spotlight – Jami Minter for MHS Wellness Day program.

 Amended 2018-2019 Budget – must amend budget if any fund experiences a 10% increase in revenues or expenditures. There will be a hearing next month and the amended budget is on display and will remain so through June 17.

 School Resource Officer Agreement – will continue for this year.

Steve Horrell, Assistant Principal at Lincoln Elementary, presented on Goal 5, Strategies 5-2 and 5-3. He provided many examples of how the District engages and collaborates with the community and how community partnerships that enhance the District’s mission and vision are sought, built and sustained.

Member Adams moved, and member Torrance seconded, to approve items 9.1-9.3 and 9.5-9.14 of the Consent Calendar as presented, which included the following: Minutes from the April 15, 2019, public hearing re: Facility and Student Security at Edison Elementary School; Minutes from the April 15, 2019 public hearing re: Facility and Student Security at Macomb Jr./Sr. High School; Minutes from the April 15, 2019 Board of Education regular meeting; Treasurer’s Report; Investment Report; Monthly Board Report; Bills and Payroll; Financial Update on Life Safety Projects (.05 levy); Financial Update on Life Safety Projects (combined); Monthly Activity Account Reports; Monthly Food Service Report; State Funding Update; and, WCISEC Financials and Personnel. Members voting “yes”: Sutton, Gray, Adams, Torrance, Myers, Thompson, and La Prad. Members voting “no”: none. Motion carried.

Member Thompson moved, and member Adams seconded, to approve item 9.4, Minutes from the April 15, 2019 Board of Education reorganization meeting. Members voting “yes”: Sutton, Gray, Adams, Torrance, Myers, Thompson, and La Prad. Members voting “no”: none. Motion carried.

Member Sutton moved, and member Gray seconded, to approve and hold indefinitely the minutes from the closed meeting held during the April 15, 2019 Board of Education reorganization meeting. Members voting “yes”: Sutton, Gray, Adams, Torrance, Myers, Thompson, and La Prad. Members voting “no”: none. Motion carried.

Member Thompson moved, and member Torrance seconded, to approve the following recommendations regarding personnel:

Certificated Staff: Request for Leave:

Jennifer Cooper, Language Arts/Reading Teacher, Macomb Junior High School, request for leave to begin April 22, 2019, and extend through May 8, 2019. Retirement:

Kelle Kelso, Language Arts/Reading Teacher, Macomb Junior High School, requesting retirement under the 2016-2020 contract, Section A., Payment Upon Retirement Notification, effective end of the first semester, 2020-2021 school year.


Jami Minter, School Counselor, Macomb Senior High School, effective June 10, 2019. Adam Staggs, Physical Education Teacher, Lincoln Elementary School, effective May 24, 2019.

Change in Assignment:

Shawnee Huston, was School Counselor, Macomb Junior High School, now School Counselor, Macomb Senior High School, effective July 30, 2019 (replaces Minter).

John Jarvis, was Grade 3 Teacher, Lincoln Elementary School, now Grade 6 Teacher, Edison Elementary School, effective August 12, 2019 (replaces Crosby).

Stephanie Seaver, was Special Education Teacher, Edison Elementary School, now Special Education Teacher, Macomb Junior High School, effective August 12, 2019 (replaces Peters).

Jordan Szechowycz, was Kindergarten Teacher, Lincoln Elementary School, now Grade 2 Teacher, Lincoln Elementary School, effective August 12, 2019 (replaces Parker resignation).

Administrative Reemployment:

Kelly Carpenter, Principal/Special Services Coordinator, MacArthur Early Childhood Center, 12 month contract, effective July 1, 2019.

Edward Fulkerson, Assistant Principal, Macomb Junior/Senior High School, 11 month contract, effective August 1, 2019.

Kimberly Gillam, Principal, Lincoln Elementary School, 12 month contract, effective July 1, 2019.

Katie Hoge, District Technology Integration Coordinator, 12 month contract, effective July 1, 2019.

Dana Isackson, Principal, Macomb Junior High School, 12 month contract, effective July 1, 2019.

Randy Smith, Director of Maintenance and Operations, 12 month contract, Macomb School District, effective July 1, 2019.

Kellee Sullivan, Principal, Edison Elementary School, 12 month contract, effective July 1, 2019.


Trisha Cramer, Special Education Teacher, Edison Elementary School, effective 2019-2020 school year (employment contingent upon LBSI endorsement by school year 2020-2021) (replaces Seaver transfer).

Erin Fink, School Social Worker, Macomb School District, 10 month contract, effective July 30, 2019 (new).

Kayleigh Gray, Grade 3 Teacher, Lincoln Elementary School, to be placed at Step 8, Master’s Degree with 8 additional hours, on the salary schedule, effective 2019-2020 school year (replaces Jarvis transfer).

Kurt Hickenbottom, Physical Education Teacher, Lincoln Elementary School, to be placed at Step 20, Master’s Degree, on the salary schedule, effective 2019-2020 school year (replaces Scott transfer).

Chandler Horrell, School Social Worker, Macomb School District, 10 month contract, effective July 30, 2019 (new) (employment contingent upon successful licensure with the State of Illinois with School Social Work endorsement).

Abby Ruebush, Grade 4 Teacher, Edison Elementary School, to be placed at Step 8, Bachelor Degree, on the salary schedule, effective 2019-2020 school year (replaces Robinson transfer).

Morgan Weirather, Speech Language Pathologist, Macomb School District, to be housed at Lincoln Elementary School, to be placed at Step 5, Master’s Degree with 16 additional hours, on the salary schedule, effective August 12, 2019 (employment contingent upon obtaining Professional License with Speech Language endorsement prior to August 12, 2019) (new).

Erin Wiley, Kindergarten Teacher, Lincoln Elementary School, to be placed at Step 7, Bachelor Degree with 16 additional hours, on the salary schedule, effective 2019-2020 school year (replaces Szechowycz transfer).

Monica Wright, Reading Intervention Teacher, Edison Elementary School, to be placed at Step 12, Master’s Degree with 32 additional hours, on the salary schedule, effective 2019- 2020 school year (replaces Brownlee transfer).

Emily Young, English Teacher, Macomb Senior High School, to be placed at Step 3,

Bachelor Degree, on the salary schedule, effective 2019-2020 school year (replaces Link). Educational Support Staff:

Request for Leave:

Robert Babcock, Custodian, Macomb Senior High School, request for leave to begin April 7, 2019, return date undetermined.


Debra Hattaway, Program Assistant, Lincoln Elementary School, effective May 24, 2019. Kathy Knowles, Secretary to the Principal, Macomb Junior High School, effective June 28, 2019.

Lynnette Roberts, Secretary to the Principal, Macomb Senior High School, effective June 30, 2020, with the ability to rescind this intent on or before January 15, 2020.


Charlando Simpson, Technology Multi Media Specialist, Macomb School District, effective May 24, 2019.


Jennifer Bergan, Program Assistant, Lincoln Elementary School, effective May 24, 2019.


Robyn Kilburn, Technology Multi Media Specialist, Macomb School District, 7 hours per day, 9 month contract, effective August 12, 2019 (replaces Simpson).

Summer Custodial Employment:

Jenifer Bower            Durene Corey          Judy Crabtree             Janel Dranes

Mindy Featherlin       Teresa Heikes          Teresa Kindhart           Karen Moore

Jamal Olds                Tim Sitzes

Summer Grounds Employment: John Jarvis


Jesse Risley, SADD Sponsor, Macomb Senior High School, Level 8, effective 2019-2020 school year.

Molly Selders, Summer School/Credit Recovery Teacher, Macomb Senior High School, effective 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m., June 3, 2019, through June 28, 2019.

Tara Stockham, Summer Read 100! Program Coordinator, Lincoln Elementary School, effective May 28, 2019.

Members voting “yes”: Sutton, Adams, Torrance, Thompson, Myers, and La Prad. Members voting “no”: none. Member Gray abstained. Motion carried.

The Board held second reading on proposed changes to the following Board procedures, and exhibits:

Member Thompson moved, and member Gray seconded, to approve the proposed changes as presented.

Members voting “yes”: Sutton, Gray, Adams, Torrance, Myers, and Thompson. Members voting “no”: none. Member La Prad abstained. Motion carried.

Dr. Twomey presented the anticipated changes for the amended 2018-2019 budget. Adjustments to revenues and expenditures in the Ed Fund were sue to interest and local revenue increases, as well as changes in amounts received for title and rural grants. Transfer of funds into capital projects, and higher than expected tort expenditures also account for changes large enough to necessitate amending the budget.

Steve Gray and Scott Torrance, representatives to the District Insurance Committee, reported on the committee’s April 23 and May 14 meetings. The meetings were dedicated to reviewing preliminary insurance information, components of plan design, monthly employee contributions as compared to benchmark districts, proposed changes in the pharmacy benefit plan. The committee reviewed and made recommendations regarding renewal of stop loss coverage, and changes to deductible, out-of- pocket, and co-pays. The committee made no recommendations regarding premium development or single employee cost sharing. Mr. Torrance noted what a difficult time it has been for the committee and participants alike, emphasizing the health of the plan has ebbed and flowed over the years, but has provided good benefits throughout. Dr. Twomey explained the advantages of being in a self-insured plan, noting the type of discussions and problem solving currently being undertaken would not happen with a fully insured plan.

Finance Committee members Torrance and Gray reported on that committee’s May 3 meeting, advising they had reviewed the Edison plans, cost-cutting recommendations, and bids. The recommendation from the committee is to accept the lowest responsible bid.

Members La Prad, Sutton and Myers reported on the Board Curriculum Committee’s May 3 meeting. Teachers from across the district presented their recommendations for math curriculum adoption. Each committee member expressed appreciation for the work done by the adoption committee and noted the committee had advised the teachers that if there is work to be done during the summer to insure a smooth transition, the Board will find the resources to pay for that.

Member Gray moved, and member Torrance seconded, to approve the proposal from ETHOS for provision of reinsurance/stop loss coverage for the District health insurance plan, effective July 1, 2019, per recommendation of the District Insurance Committee. Members voting “yes”: Gray, Adams, Torrance, Myers, and Thompson. Members voting “no”: none. Members Sutton and La Prad abstained. Motion carried.

Member Torrance moved, and member Gray seconded, to approve recommendations from the District Insurance Committee regarding plan design changes (per chart attached to these minutes). Members voting “yes”: Sutton, Gray, Adams, Torrance, Myers, and Thompson. Members voting “no”: none. Member La Prad abstained. Motion carried.

Member Adams moved, and member Thompson seconded, to approve the lowest responsible bid from Vanguard Construction in the amount of $4,432,200.00 for the construction/renovation project at Edison Elementary School. Members voting “yes”: Sutton, Gray, Adams, Torrance, Myers, Thompson, and La Prad. Members voting “no”: none. Motion carried.

Member La Prad moved, and member Myers seconded, to approve the recommendation of the Curriculum Committee regarding the Math Curriculum Adoption in the amount of $281,758.53. Members voting “yes”: Sutton, Gray, Adams, Torrance, Myers, Thompson, and La Prad. Members voting “no”: none. Motion carried.

Member Torrance moved, and member Thompson seconded, to approve the 2019-2020 District calendar. Members voting “yes”: Sutton, Gray, Adams, Torrance, Myers, Thompson, and La Prad. Members voting “no”: none. Motion carried.

Member Thompson moved, and member Sutton seconded, to approve the proposed overnight trips for the 2019-2020 school year. Members voting “yes”: Sutton, Gray, Adams, Torrance, Myers, Thompson, and La Prad. Members voting “no”: none. Motion carried.

At 8:34 p.m., member Thompson moved, and member Gray seconded, to hold a closed meeting for the purpose of discussing the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees, pursuant to 5ILCS 120/2(c)(1), collective negotiating matter, pursuant to 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(2), the purchase or lease of real property, pursuant to 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(5), student discipline, pursuant to 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(9), and pending or imminent litigation, pursuant to 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(11). Members voting “yes”: Sutton, Gray, Adams, Torrance, Myers, Thompson, and La Prad. Members voting “no”: none. Motion carried.

President Myers noted the Board would take action on the remaining items of business when they returned to open session. She also noted the next regular meeting of the Board would be held Monday, June 17, 2019 at 7:00 p.m. in the MJSHS Library.

The Board returned to open session at 10:50 p.m.

Member Myers moved, and member Gray seconded, to approve a 2% pay increase for educational support personnel, effective July 1, 2019. Members voting “yes”: Sutton, Gray, Adams, Torrance, Myers, Thompson, and La Prad. Members voting “no”: none. Motion carried.

Member Sutton moved, and member Gray seconded, to approve a 2% pay increase for administrators, effective July 1, 2019. Members voting “yes”: Sutton, Gray, Adams, Torrance, Myers, Thompson, and La Prad. Members voting “no”: none. Motion carried.

Member Adams moved, and member Torrance seconded, to adjourn at 10:52 p.m. Motion carried by voice vote.
