
West Central Reporter

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Winchester Community Unit School District 1 Board of Education met June 11

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Winchester Community Unit School District 1 Board of Education met June 11.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

The Board of Education, Community Unit School District No. 1, 149 South Elm Street, Winchester, Illinois counties of Scott, Morgan and Greene, met in regular session on Tuesday June 11, 2019 at 6:30 PM in the Board of Education office located at 149 South Elm Street in Winchester, Illinois.

President Steve Moore called the meeting to order with the following members answering roll call: Ron Coultas, Phyllis McGuire, Bill Jacquot, Shanna Eddinger, Trista Freeman and Steve Moore. Jody Clanton was absent. Also present were Superintendent David C. Roberts, WHS Principal Denny Vortman, WGS Principal Andy Stumpf, District Bookkeeper Angie Slagle and Administrative Assistant Becky Lashmett.


A public hearing was conducted regarding amendment of the FY19 budget. There were no questions or comments from the audience, or the Board. Freeman motioned to approve the changes, with a second from McGuire. Roll call vote resulted: Coultas, yea; McGuire, yea; Jacquot, yea; Eddinger, yea; Freeman, yea and Moore, yea; there being six yeas and no nays, the motion passed.


Coultas motioned, with a second from Jacquot, to approve the minutes of the May 14th regular meeting. Roll call vote resulted: Coultas, yea; McGuire, yea; Jacquot, yea; Eddinger, yea; Freeman, yea and Moore, yea; there being six yeas and no nays, the motion passed.

Freeman motioned, with a second from Coultas, to approve the financial reports and bills to be paid, including the ordinary and necessary July bills. Roll call vote resulted: Coultas, yea; McGuire, yea; Jacquot, yea; Eddinger, yea; Freeman, yea and Moore, yea; there being six yeas and no nays, the motion passed.


The principals provided an update on student activities and accomplishments as well as a report of upcoming events. Mr. Roberts reported on recent legislation that impacts public education and recent happenings in the district. This was his last board meeting prior to his June 30th retirement.


Coultas motioned, with a second from Freeman, to accept the proposal from the Prairie State Insurance Cooperative for a three year coverage period beginning July 1, 2019. Roll call vote resulted: Coultas, yea; McGuire, yea; Jacquot, yea; Eddinger, yea; Freeman, yea and Moore, yea; there being six yeas and no nays, the motion passed.

2019-2020 WGS HANDBOOK

Coultas motioned to approve the WGS handbook changes upon second reading, with a second from McGuire.

Roll call vote resulted: Coultas, yea; McGuire, yea; Jacquot, yea; Eddinger, yea; Freeman, yea and Moore, yea; there being six yeas and no nays, the motion passed.


McGuire motioned, with a second from Freeman, to approve the FY20 meeting schedule (6:30 PM on the Tuesday following the second Monday of each month except for July), all three local banks for local funds, Miller Hall & Trigg as legal counsel, Angie Slagle as treasurer, and to reaffirm the district policies, handbooks and prevailing wage resolution for fiscal year 2020. Roll call vote resulted: Coultas, yea; McGuire, yea; Jacquot, yea; Eddinger, yea; Freeman, yea and Moore, yea; there being six yeas and no nays, the motion passed.


Coultas motioned, with a second from Jacquot, to approve membership in the IASB for FY20. Roll call vote resulted: Coultas, yea; McGuire, no; Jacquot, yea; Eddinger, yea; Freeman, no; and Moore, no; there being three yeas and three nays, the motion failed. Further consideration will be given during the August meeting.


Based on a recommendation from the ISBE lunch program audit, Freeman motioned to increase K-3 lunch prices by 25 cents. Eddinger seconded the motion and roll call vote resulted: Coultas, yea; McGuire, yea; Jacquot, yea; Eddinger, yea; Freeman, yea and Moore, yea; there being six yeas and no nays, the motion passed.


Eddinger motioned, with a second from Freeman, to approve the 2019-2020 school calendar as presented by the administration in conjunction with the staff calendar committee. Roll call vote resulted: Coultas, yea; McGuire, yea; Jacquot, yea; Eddinger, yea; Freeman, yea and Moore, yea; there being six yeas and no nays, the motion passed.


President Moore asked the status of Freedom of Information requests, and Superintendent Roberts reported there were none outstanding and one was ‘in correspondence'. President Moore asked for questions or comments from the audience, and there were none.


Jacquot motioned at 7:38 PM to enter into executive session for personnel and student discipline matters. McGuire seconded the motion and roll call vote resulted: Coultas, yea; McGuire, yea; Jacquot, yea; Eddinger, yea; Freeman, yea and Moore, yea; there being six yeas and no nays, the motion passed.

Coultas motioned at 8:05 PM to return to open session, with a second from McGuire. Roll call vote resulted: Coultas, yea; McGuire, yea; Jacquot, yea; Eddinger, yea; Freeman, yea and Moore, yea; there being six yeas and no nays, the motion passed. President Moore announced the purpose of the session was personnel and student discipline matters


Coultas motioned, with a second from Freeman, to employ Sami Killebrew as WHS Spanish teacher, Lucy Evanson as WHS PE teacher, and Christina Stocker and Tammy Lind as WGS Special Education teachers. Roll call vote resulted: Coultas, yea; McGuire, yea; Jacquot, yea; Eddinger, yea; Freeman, yea and Moore, yea; there being six yeas and no nays, the motion passed.

Freeman motioned, with a second from Eddinger to approve WCC assistant and volunteer coaches pending ASEP certification: Grant DeWitt, Justin Hartley and Brian VanMeter as assistants, and John Borgens, Jeremy Sharrow, Mark Clayton, Cameron Kemper, Luk Weder, Kobie Hoover, Chaz Walker and Wes Lashmett as volunteers. Roll call vote resulted: Coultas, yea; McGuire, yea; Jacquot, yea; Eddinger, yea; Freeman, yea and Moore, yea; there being six yeas and no nays, the motion passed.

McGuire motionwed, with a second from Coultas, to pay $50 per hour for summer school speech services from Jamie Daws. Roll call vote resulted: Coultas, yea; McGuire, yea; Jacquot, yea; Eddinger, yea; Freeman, yea and Moore, yea; there being six yeas and no nays, the motion passed.


There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:13 PM.
