
West Central Reporter

Sunday, February 23, 2025

City of Jacksonville City Council met Oct. 15

City of Jacksonville City Council met Oct. 15.

Here is the minutes provided by the Council:

Mayor Andy Ezard in the Council Chamber called the Jacksonville City Council Meeting to order at 6:29 p.m. The meeting was publicly announced by posting and by written notice to the local newspaper and radio stations.

Roll: The following answered present: Aldermen Brandon Adams, Mike Bartlett, Don Cook, Jeff Lonergan, Aaron Scott, Mike Wankel, Steve Warmowski; Mayor Andy Ezard; Asst. City Attorney Tom Veith; City Clerk Skip Bradshaw. Absent from the meeting were Aldermen Jeff Hopkins, Lori Large Oldenettel, Eren Williams; City Attorney Dan Beard. A quorum was declared.

Minutes: Motion was made by Scott, seconded by Adams, to approve the September 23, 2019 and September 27, 2019 Special Meeting Minutes as presented in advance. By voice vote, motion carried.

Petitions: No discussion.

Communications: CC Bradshaw advised there were two communications to discuss. **Both requests were approved.

- Dennis Schumacher with Illinois College is requesting permission to close Edgehill Road between Lincoln Avenue and Park Street on Saturday, October 26, 2019 from 7:00 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. for their annual Homecoming Celebration.

- Rachael Borgman with Centenary United Methodist Church is requesting permission to close Ebey Street from College to Morgan and Morgan Street from Clay to Ebey for their annual Trunk or Treat Event on Sunday, Oct. 20, 2019 from 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.

Claims: Motion was made by Cook, seconded by Wankel, to pay claims when funds are available. By voice vote, motion carried.

Mayor’s Report:

1. Reappointment of Katie Weeks, Mary Fergurson and Noel Beard to the Jacksonville Library Board of Trustees, term expires October 1, 2022. Motion was made by Scott, seconded by

Adams, to accept the Mayor’s reappointments.

Roll Call: 7 Yeas; 0 Nays; 3 Absent (Hopkins, Oldenettel, Williams)

Motion carried 7-0-3.

2. Resolution of Support for Closed Captioning. Motion was made by Adams, seconded by Warmowski, to accept the resolution. Asst. CA Veith read the resolution as proposed.

2019-R-115 Be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Jacksonville, Morgan County, Illinois, that a Resolution IN SUPPORT OF CLOSED CAPTIONING ON TELEVISIONS IN PUBLIC AREAS, is hereby approved.

Mayor Ezard asked for discussion. Ald. Warmowski commended the Chamber of Commerce on their efforts to educate Jacksonville residents on this topic and the existing laws supporting the deaf community.

Roll Call: 7 Yeas; 0 Nays; 3 Absent (Hopkins, Oldenettel, Williams)

Motion carried 7-0-3.

City Attorney’s Report: No discussion.

City Clerk’s Report:

1. Community Development Department Report – Sept. 30, 2019

2. City Clerk’s Cash Receipts Report – Sept. 30, 2019

3. City Clerk’s General Fund – Budget Report – Sept. 30, 2019

4. City Clerk’s General Fund – Revenue Analysis Report - Sept. 30, 2019

Public Comment: A student from Illinois College spoke about a program he is involved in called Civic Engagement and asked the Mayor and the Council various questions about being a City Official and the mission of the City Council. General discussion ensued.

Consent Agenda

Consent Agenda: (Items addressed under the Consent Agenda are routine or are brought forward at the direction of the Council and are enacted with one motion. If discussions were desired, that item would be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered separately under the Committee Reports.)


2019-R-116 Resolution AUTHORIZING VARIOUS PAYMENTS FROM THE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND FOR CERTAIN IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS - $17,653.90 (Hutchison Engineering Inc. - $4,960.50; Fastenal - $344.78; Moeller Enterprises - $1,095.12; RP Lumber - $1,955.82; Hutchison Engineering - $9,297.68)

2019-R-117 Resolution AUTHORIZING PAYMENTS FROM THE GENERAL FUND FOR SERVICES RENDERED - $3,589 (Bellatti, Fay, Bellatti & Beard, LLP - $2,232 (City Attorney); Bellatti, Fay, Bellatti and Beard, LLP - $1,357 (Administrative Adjudication – Asst. City Attorney)

Parks and Lakes: No discussion.

Planning and Public Works: No discussion.

Public Protection:


Special Duties: No discussion.


2019-R-118 Resolution AUTHORIZING VARIOUS PAYMENTS FROM THE WATERWORKS and SEWERAGE PROJECTS FUND FOR CERTAIN IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS – $27,810.55 (Benton and Associates Inc. - $2,727.32; Benton and Associates Inc. - $11,283.65; Benton and Associates Inc. - $13,799.58)


Motion was made by Wankel, seconded by Cook, to accept the Consent Agenda. Mayor Ezard asked for discussion or if there were any items to be pulled from the Consent Agenda for further discussion and there were none.

Roll Call: 7 Yeas; 0 Nays; 3 Absent (Hopkins, Oldenettel, Williams)

Motion carried 7-0-3.

Committee Reports

Finance/IT/Personnel: No discussion.

Parks and Lakes: No discussion.

Planning and Public Works:

1. First Reading of an Ordinance amending the Jacksonville Zoning Map for property located at 1723 West Morton Avenue from PD Mis to PD Mix with Special Use. Motion was made by Scott, seconded by Wankel, to accept the first reading of the ordinance. Asst. CA Veith read the ordinance as proposed.

2019-O-008 Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Jacksonville, Morgan County, Illinois, that an Ordinance AMENDING THE JACKSONVILLE ZONING MAP FOR PROPERTY LOCATED AT 1723 WEST MORTON AVENUE FROM PD MIX (Planned Development District) to PD MIX (Planned Development District) WITH SPECIAL USE, is hereby approved.

Mayor Ezard asked for discussion and there was none.

Roll Call: 7 Yeas; 0 Nays; 3 Absent (Hopkins, Oldenettel, Williams)

Motion carried 7-0-3.

2. First Reading of an Ordinance amending the Jacksonville Zoning Map for property located at 1201 Allen from R-5 to R-3. Motion was made by Scott, seconded by Lonergan, to accept the first reading of the ordinance. Asst. CA Veith read the ordinance as proposed.

2019-O-009 Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Jacksonville, Morgan County, Illinois, that an Ordinance AMENDING THE JACKSONVILLE ZONING MAP FOR PROPERTY LOCATED AT 1201 ALLEN AVENUE FROM R-5 (Multiple Family Dwelling District) to R-3 (One Family Dwelling District), is hereby approved.

Mayor Ezard asked for discussion and there was none.

Roll Call: 7 Yeas; 0 Nays; 3 Absent (Hopkins, Oldenettel, Williams)

Motion carried 7-0-3.

Public Protection: No discussion.

Special Studies: No discussion.

Utility: No discussion.

Old Business: Ald. Adams would like to include alcohol and tobacco to the ordinance governing cannabis tax.

New Business: Ald. Adams stated that the new path around Lake Jacksonville looks great. He suggested utilizing the path for a haunted hay ride at Halloween or similar activities to get more people using the path. Ald. Warmowski asked why there were barriers/guard rails installed around the curve on the path at Lake Jacksonville as he is concerned about someone running or crashing into them. He will discuss the matter with RFD Kelly Hall and Lake Caretaker Brett Gilbreth.

Ald. Warmowski suggested everyone watch the movie “All the King’s Horses”, a documentary about aCity Official embezzling millions of dollars from city coffers.

The Jacksonville Fire Department will be hosting the grand unveiling of the new JFD Fire Trucks on Thursday, Oct. 17, 2019 at 5:30 p.m. All are invited to attend. Ald. Warmowski suggested setting funds aside annually to use when it becomes necessary to replace fire trucks in the future.

Ald. Warmowski stated that the City will need to contribute an extra $250,000 this year over and above the normal contributions to the pension funds to meet the state requirements to be 90 percent funded by 2040. The Police Pension Fund will need an extra $1.3M and the Fire Pension Fund will need just over $1M to be fully funded by 2040. This matter will be addressed during the budget process.

Adjournment: With no further discussion motion was made by Cook, seconded by Lonergan, to adjourn the meeting at 6:54 p.m.
