
West Central Reporter

Sunday, February 23, 2025

City of Jacksonville City Council met Oct. 28

Webp meeting 04

City of Jacksonville City Council met Oct. 28.

Here is the minutes provided by the Council:

Mayor Andy Ezard in the Council Chamber called the Jacksonville City Council Meeting to order at 6:50 p.m. The meeting was publicly announced by posting and by written notice to the local newspaper and radio stations.

Roll Call: The following answered present: Aldermen Brandon Adams, Mike Bartlett, Don Cook, Jeff Hopkins, Jeff Lonergan, Lori Large Oldenettel, Aaron Scott, Mike Wankel, Eren Williams; Mayor Andy Ezard; City Attorney Dan Beard; City Clerk Skip Bradshaw. Absent from the meeting was Alderman Steve Warmowski. A quorum was declared.

Minutes: Motion was made by Hopkins, seconded by Oldenettel, to approve the October 15, 2019

Minutes as presented in advance. By voice vote, motion carried.

Petitions: No discussion.

Communications: Mayor Ezard advised he has one communication to discuss. **This request was approved.

In observance of Halloween, residents living on State Street are seeking permission to close a portion of State Street from Webster to Park Street on Wednesday, October 30, 2019 and Thursday, October 31, 2019 from 5:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. leaving the entrances to Duncan Park open to through traffic. Doing so will provide a safe environment for children Trick or Treating in the neighborhood. Chief Mefford will also have several officers on foot patrol in the neighborhood as well. He gave a brief overview of the plan for the two evenings. State Street resident Ms. Olejnik was present and suggested that the street be closed on only one night in the future. Ald. Adams suggested holding a Trick or Treating event at Community Park or someplace similar in the future that does not inconvenience homeowners. General discussion ensued. Many Aldermen were in favor of revisiting this issue for next year.

Claims: No discussion.

Mayor’s Report:

1. Reappointment of Mary Watts to the Commission on Disabilities and Human Relations, term expires October 30, 2022. Motion was made by Cook, seconded by Wankel, to accept the Mayor’s Reappointments. By voice vote, motion carried.

2. Appointment of Colton Pettyjohn to the Commission on Disabilities and Human Relations, term expires October 30, 2022. Motion was made by Hopkins, seconded by Scott, to accept the Mayor’s Appointment. By voice vote, motion carried.

City Attorney’s Report: No Discussion.

City Clerk’s Report: No Discussion.

Public Comment: No discussion.

Consent Agenda

Consent Agenda: (Items addressed under the Consent Agenda are routine or are brought forward at the direction of the Council and are enacted with one motion. If discussions were desired, that item would be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered separately under the Committee Reports.)


1. City Treasurer’s Report – September 30, 2019. City Treasurer Ron Smiljanich’s report for September 30, 2019, in which totals for cash receipts, cash disbursements, investments, and balances for all City bank and investment accounts were given.

2019-R-120 Resolution Authorizing Waiver of Advertisement for Bids and Accepting a Proposed Lease Agreement From Pitney Bowes Inc. for a New Postage Meter - $260 per month

Parks and Lakes: No Discussion.

Planning and Public Works:

2019-R-121 Resolution Authorizing Waiver Of Advertisement For Bids; and Acceptance of Proposal from Siemens Industry Inc. for HVAC Control System Software Updates - $13,250

Public Protection: No Discussion.

Special Studies: No Discussion.


2019-r-122 Resolution Approving Water Purchase Agreement with North Morgan Water Cooperative

2019-r-123 Resolution Authorizing Various Payments from The Waterworks and Sewerage Projects Fund for Certain Improvement Projects – $240,717.28

(Prairie State Plumbing & Heating - $240,717.28)

Motion was made by Wankel, seconded by Bartlett, to accept the Consent Agenda. Mayor Ezard asked if there were any items to be pulled from the Consent Agenda for further discussion and there were none.

Roll Call: 9 Yeas; 0 Nays; 1 Absent (Warmowski)

Motion carried 9-0-1.

Committee Reports

Finance/It/Personnel: No Discussion.

Parks and Lakes: No Discussion.

Planning and Public Works:

1. First Reading of an Ordinance amending the Jacksonville Zoning Ordinance re: adult use cannabis. This item was deleted from the agenda.

2. First reading of an Ordinance amending the Jacksonville Zoning Map for property located at 154 West Morton Avenue From B-3 to B-3 with Special Use. Motion was made by Scott, seconded by Lonergan, to accept the first reading of the ordinance. CA Beard read the ordinance as proposed.

2019-O-011 Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Jacksonville, Morgan County, Illinois, that an Ordinance Amending the Jacksonville Zoning Map for property located at 154 West Morton Avenue from B-3 (Limited Business District) to B-3 (Limited Business District) with special use, is hereby approved.

Mayor Ezard asked for discussion. Ald. Hopkins asked where this is located and why they were asking for a Special Use permit. He was advised that there is a pharmacy going into the space adjacent to Family Video and a Special Use permit is necessary any time there is a drive-through window.

Roll Call: 9 Yeas; 0 Nays; 1 Absent (Warmowski)

Motion carried 9-0-1.

3. Second Reading of an Ordinance amending the Jacksonville Zoning Map for property located at 1723 West Morton Avenue from PD Mix to PD Mix with Special Use. Motion was made by Scott, seconded by Oldenettel, to accept the second reading of the ordinance. CA Beard read the ordinance as proposed.

2019-O-008 Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Jacksonville, Morgan County, Illinois, that an Ordinance amending The Jacksonville Zoning Map for property located at 1723 West Morton Avenue From Pd Mix (Planned Development District) to Pd Mix (Planned Development District) with special use – (Car Wash in front of the Hampton Inn), is hereby approved.

Mayor Ezard asked for discussion. Ald. Hopkins asked why this request requires a Special Use permit. CA Beard explained that a Special Use permit is required for any drive-through facility because the Plan Commission needs to review the traffic patterns before approving the request. Otherwise a Special Use is a separate section of the Zoning Ordinance that allows the Plan Commission to review things such as parking, traffic flow, security, and lighting and allows them to put various requirements and restrictions in place in order to get the rezoning approved.

Roll Call: 9 Yeas; 0 Nays; 1 Absent (Warmowski)

Motion carried 9-0-1.

4. Second Reading of an Ordinance amending the Jacksonville Zoning Map for property located at 1201 Allen from R-5 to R-3. Motion was made by Scott, seconded by Hopkins, to accept the second reading of the ordinance. CA Beard read the ordinance as proposed.

2019-O-009 Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Jacksonville, Morgan County, Illinois, that an Ordinance Amending the Jacksonville Zoning Map for property located at 1201 Allen Avenue From R-5 (Multiple Family Dwelling District) to R-3 (One Family Dwelling District), is hereby approved.

Mayor Ezard asked for discussion and there was none.

Roll Call: 9 Yeas; 0 Nays; 1 Absent (Warmowski)

Motion carried 9-0-1.

Public Protection: No Discussion.

Special Studies: No Discussion.

Utility: No Discussion.

Old Business: No Discussion.

New Business: Ald. Adams would like to see a liquor tax incorporated into the cannabis ordinance.

Chief Adam Mefford advised they will offer Trick or Treating at the Police sub-station on Walnut Avenue.

Public Comment: No Discussion.

Adjournment: With no further discussion motion was made by Hopkins, seconded by Lonergan, to adjourn the meeting at 7:14 p.m.

Recorded by City Clerk Skip Bradshaw.
