
West Central Reporter

Saturday, February 22, 2025

City of Virginia City Council met Sept. 12

Webp meeting 10

City of Virginia City Council met Sept. 12.

Here is the minutes provided by the Council:

Mayor Brunk opened the regular meeting at 7:00 p.m. Roll was called Pratt, Bowman, Wulf, Behrends, and Cox were all present. Alderman French was not present. The council reviewed the agenda. Alderman Cox made a motion to move items B) Ordinance for an Amendment to Restructure Public Water Supply Loans (1st reading) and C) Ordinance Approving Water Purchase Contracts and Debt Service Agreement and Approving Memorandum of Understanding and Agreement to Restructure and Extend Public Water Supply Loans (1st reading) before IV. Treasurer’s Report on the agenda, Alderman Wulf seconded motion carried unanimously. The minutes of the August meeting were presented, Alderman Pratt made a motion to approve the minutes and Alderman Cox seconded. Motion carried unanimously.

New Business

A. Ordinance for an Amendment to Restructure Public Water Supply Loans (1st reading)

Judge Bob Hardwick:

Judge Hardwick stated that everyone agreed in the change of water rates so we were able to get that done. That is Stage 1. One purpose for this was to get the EPA to do a restructuring of the loans and there was a need for an increase anyways. Judge Hardwick also stated that Treasurer Barrett, along with himself, have done a lot of hard work on this. The other attorneys that are before the council today represent the purchasers of our water. Judge Hardwick stated that all documents have been submitted to the EPA and the EPA has approved them. There are four contracts total. He also stated that Ashland is a little different, they did not want to make a reduced payment, they will be paying a little more than they have to because they will get paid out earlier. Judge Hardwick informed the council that all the information is included in the packet that was given to them. After the council reviewed, Alderman Wulf made a motion to approve the Ordinance for an Amendment to Restructure Public Water Supply Loans and Alderman Behrends seconded. Motion carried unanimously.

B. Ordinance Approving Water Purchase Contracts and Debt Service Agreement and Approving Memorandum of Understanding and Agreement to Restructure and Extend Public Water Supply Loans (1st reading)

Judge Hardwick addressed the Memorandum of Understanding, he stated that is a reference base as to what has happened and what will happen. He also stated that all others should be paid out by the extension date that is in there, hopefully before the date. Judge Hardwick stated that this will get us the right amount of money for water projects and an advantageous cash flow to pay the water bills, pay the debt, and get out of the contract. After council reviewed, Alderman Behrends made a motion to approve the Ordinance Approving Water Purchase Contracts and Debt Service Agreement and Approving Memorandum of Understanding and Agreement to Restructure and Extend Public Water Supply loans, Alderman Cox seconded. Motion carried unanimously.

Treasurer’s Report

Treasurer Barrett stated that the audit starts Monday. Treasurer Barrett also stated that there has been work on water contracts, which was 22 month project that is now wrapping up. He would like to thank Tom, Bob, Brad and Jenna and all the entities that buy water from us, and also would like to thank everyone for their understanding and patience during this process. This will save $119299.20 per year for Virginia. Currently the city is behind $204052.05, there will probably be a 22 month break even before we feel it but we will get there. The Police Car is $32000 and there is $23359.04 in the vehicle fund account. Treasurer Barrett stated that the comparison from this year to last year is that there is more in the general fund and expenses are down from last year. The EPA payments are due in October but there will have no problems making the payments. Personnel is also under the budgeted amount. The TIF account has $197303.69 currently, Treasurer Barrett stated there are projects that I am aware of that people are wanting to do. The cash flow is up $364000 from last year and there have been a lot of improvements but we do still owe quite a bit even though things are looking better. Sales tax for the month of August were $12564.89, the Sales Tax year totals are up about $4000 from last year. The video gaming for the month of August was $3213.87 video gaming, the video gaming year totals are up about $682 from last year.

The council reviewed the monthly bills. Alderman Cox made a motion to approve the monthly bills, and Alderman Bowman seconded. Motion carried unanimously.


Travis Pentacost, Rebekah Pentacost, Marty Fanning, Mike McCartny, Judge Bob Hardwick, Brad Wilson, Jenna Tucker, and Rodney Becker

Monthly Reports

Public Works McClure stated the FS job is complete, the operating permit from EPA everything is ready to go and we are thinking it will be hooked it up next week. The City crew is still working on the lightning issues at the water plant. There was a main break on Grant St. McClure stated tomorrow the building will be open on the square for the contractors to come in and assess the situation in order to do their bids, they are to return their bids by Sept 30. McClure stated when get bids are all returned, there will be a building committee meeting to discuss. As of tonight, there are 13 contractors interested. The City crew will also be starting the Myrtle St storm sewer project soon

Police Chief 119 calls, 70 service, 29 traffic, assisted EMS 2 times, assisted County 14 times, 3 arrests, minor vehicle accident.

Fire Chief nothing to report

Zoning Officer nothing to report

Board Reports

Park Board Pool is almost drained, getting ready to winterize. The park got bids back for the repairs from the storm. There will be a sectional baseball game up here this month. Recently there were two junior high baseball tournaments up at the park and it was a very good profit for the park. We would also like to thank the Police Department for patrolling up at the park, the vandalism is down. The Mayor states there will be two new park board members. Sept 18th is the next meeting in the park board room.

Library Board nothing to report

Economic Development nothing to report

Cemetery Board nothing to report

Zoning nothing to report

Attorneys Report

Attorney Veith stated that a letter was sent to the owner of the building on the southside of the square. It appears that same owner has some issues with properties in other communities as well. Tonight, under Unfinished Business is the 2nd reading of A., 2nd reading of B, 2nd reading of C, 2nd reading of D. Under New Business: TIF committee meeting, the TIF committee reviewed the application from Cagle’s Depot for funding for HVAC, flooring, and siding improvements that total around $28000, TIF committee recommended funding for 50 percent or up to $14000. The Emergency Clause is included in this, so it takes 5 votes for it to pass which is the 2/3 requirement.

Aldermanic Reports

Cox Alderman Cox stated that we need to discuss employee insurance. Alderman Behrends responded that the deadline is in 2 weeks as he had spoken with Mr. Snedeker. There have also been complaints about the way the city looks. Alderman Cox stated that there was a young couple that wanted to build a new house on an empty lot but after they drove around the town, they decided to not pursue it as the town doesn’t look good. Treasurer Barrett states that we let a year build up when we budget and projects tend to take 2 years to do it. Treasurer Barrett also stated that this year is a saving year, next year we will be able to start doing more improvements. McClure said when church project is done, the City crew will get the alley behind the south side of the square. McClure stated that the property on Beardstown St (the old church that had a fire) should be cleaned up. He also stated that kids get in there and they could get hurt, it should at least be fenced off.

Behrends Alderman Behrends stated that he talked with Mr. Snedeker about the insurance and got some rates for different policies, the insurance is the same, but pricing is different. Alderman Behrends also stated that he wanted to make sure that we start getting committees together for the budget now to make next year much easier.

Wulf Alderman Wulf asked about the status of the creek crossing by Hardin St? McClure said pipe will cost $21000 to fix, at this time the crew could “bandaid” it but there will be issues with it again. The pipe was rotted out. McClure suggested the street committee meet and discuss options. Alderman Wulf suggests the “bandaid” so the street opens back up, Alderman Cox agrees. The police committee had a meeting yesterday afternoon, discussed about lights out in the town. Chief Kennedy will flag which are out and Jeanette will notify company. The police committee discussed some coverage which the Mayor will discuss more in depth and also discussed the police car.

Bowman Alderman Bowman stated the church by Gillcrest Subdivision was wondering about the water drainage, they said its not draining and its just sitting there. Alderman Bowman stated there is a white pipe sticking up and they were sure what that was for. McClure stated that the white pipe is a clean out for the sewer system at the church. McClure stated that water could be coming from the basement, he will check it out to see what is going on. Alderman Bowman said that they didn’t know if there was an easement or not, McClure stated he didn’t know but he would check that out too.

Pratt nothing to report

French not present

City Clerks Report nothing to report

Mayors Report The Mayor stated that there are 2 resignations from the Park Board and he will postpone that discussion to next meeting. The grant for the police car is going to have to wait for the new budget for the next year. Last year the new budget was in April. It will take 3-5 weeks for the new vehicle to get outfitted, and the Mayor stated hew ould like to go ahead and purchase the vehicle so they can get it ready. The insurance check will pay for some but the rest will have to be financed through a short term loan. Alderman Cox stated that we need to approve the loan for the car. It will be a $20000 loan that will mature on April 30th, 2020. There would not be any payments and this would allow time for the USDA to get their funding to pay it off. The loan will have a 3% interest rate. Alderman Behrends asked what will happen if the money doesn’t come by the time the note is due? The City will be allowed an extension for another term if that were to happen. Alderman Cox made a motion to approve the $20000 short term loan for the police car and Alderman Wulf seconded. Motion carried unanimously.

Mayor Brunk also stated that he would like to hire a part time police officer. He stated that it will have to be approved at the next council meeting since it is not on the agenda. Travis Pentacost is recommended for the part time police officer position. Mayor Brunk stated that he already has firearms training and that this would be to fill in if someone is sick or someone on a vacation or emergencies. Alderman Cox is in favor of the hiring of a part time police officer. Alderman Wulf states he has a good background history. Chief Kennedy stated that he has worked as a deputy in Tennessee, he lives in town and knows people. Alderman Pratt states that he can go to the academy for the training soon. Chief Kennedy stated that the power test would be December 21, then January the academy starts. Chief Kennedy also stated that he would like him to shadow me and Officer Fanning and when academy starts he will be prepared for it.

Mayor Brunk also wanted to add that Dick Graham was supposed to come and look at the flag pole in front of City Hall in regards to painting it painting flag pole in front of City Hall and let the Mayor know a price on how much it would cost.

Unfinished Business

A. Ordinance Governing the Traffic at Illini and Cass Streets (2nd reading)

The council reviewed. With nothing further to discuss, Alderman Cox made a motion to approve the Ordinance Governing the Traffic at Illini and Cass Streets (2nd reading) and Alderman Behrends seconded. Motion carried unanimously.

B. Ordinance for a Petition to Annex Certain Property West of County Shed Road (2nd reading)

The council reviewed. With nothing further to discuss, Alderman Wulf made a motion to approve the Ordinance for a Petition to Annex Certain Property West of County Shed Road (2nd reading), Alderman Bowman seconded. Motion carried unanimously.

C. Ordinance for a Petition to Disconnect Certain Property East of County Shed Road (2nd reading)

The council reviewed. With nothing further to discuss, Alderman Behrends made a motion to approve the Ordinance for a Petition to Disconnect Certain Property East of County Shed Road (2nd reading), Alderman Pratt seconded. Motion carried unanimously.

D. Ordinance Amending the Virginia Zoning Map for Property owned by James Edwards Eck along IL Rte 125 East From R2(Single Family Dwelling District) to B2(Business)(2nd reading)

The council reviewed. With nothing further to discuss, Alderman Pratt made a motion to approve the Ordinance Amending the Virginia Zoning Map for Property owned by James Edwards Eck along IL Rte 125 East from R2(Single Family Dwelling District) to B2(Business), Alderman Cox seconded. Motion carried unanimously.

New Business

C. Ordinance Approving TIF Application for Cagle Depot Inc. Remodel

This is a recommendation from the TIF committee that TIF provides the funds for half the project cost up to $14000. Cagle’s Depot Inc. will pay for the project and then TIF will reimburse. Alderman Wulf asked if there was a timeline and Treasurer Barrett stated no. Attorney Veith stated he thinks that she wants it done before November. After the council reviewed, Alderman Wulf made a motion to approve the Ordinance Approving TIF Application for Cagle Depot Inc. Remodel, and Alderman Behrends seconded. Motion carried unanimously. With nothing further to discuss, at 742pm, Alderman Wulf made a motion to adjourn the meeting, and Alderman Cox seconded. Motion carried unanimously.
