
West Central Reporter

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Macomb Community Unit School District 185 Board of Education met October 21

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Macomb Community Unit School District 185 Board of Education met Oct. 21.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

Following the public hearing on the proposed School Improvement Plan day waiver, Board President Jill Myers called the regular meeting of the Board of Education to order at 7:02 p.m. Roll was taken with the following members present: Gray, Adams, Torrance, Myers, Thompson, and La Prad (arrived at 7:02 p.m.).

Dr. Kishor Kapale, appointed at the September 21, 2019 regular meeting to fill the vacant seat created by Emily Sutton’s resignation, came forward to be officially seated. He recited the Oath of Office and took his seat at the Board table.

Ms. Valencia Pettigrew addressed the Board regarding immunization requirements. She related her daughter’s experience of an allergic reaction to the pneumococcal shot. She requested that parents be provided complete information regarding medical as well as religious waivers for immunizations.

Mr. John Rexroat spoke to the Board about the behavior of the Macomb student section at the Monmouth/Macomb volleyball match in Monmouth. He felt the students’ behavior was unsportsmanlike and a form of bullying. Mr. Rexroat urged the Board and the administration to address the group’s behavior.

The Board recognized the following:

 Emma Thorman for being selected Senior of the Month for the month of September 2019.

 The MHS Boys’ Golf Team and coaches for competing at State.

 The MHS Girls’ Golf Team and coaches for competing at State.

Ms. Myers announced members of the Board and Dr. Twomey would attend the Joint Annual School Board Convention in Chicago November 22-24.

Dr. Twomey shared information on the following:

 Construction update:

o The Edison project is progressing. The center of the building is now enclosed and roofing materials are on the way. After the roof is installed, work will begin on the interior. The three additional classrooms at the back of the building are walled in and walls for the second story are beginning to rise.

o The freshman baseball field has been leveled and seeded.

o The pine trees west of the football field were removed due to needle shed, dripping sap, and general decline.

o The Middle School project is still on track for bucket in the ground late fall of 2020. As soon as architects have finished revising plans, the Board Facilities and Finance committees will meet to review and discuss. 

 Classroom Spotlight:

o Dr. Twomey recognized Amy Bear, Carol Jackson, Anna Hanold, and Kristi Reusch – Lincoln Reading Specialist Team, for planning and putting on Super Family Night for Lincoln students and their families. Just under 800 attended the event. The team hanked all who helped to make the event a success and Dr. Twomey thanked the team for their hard work on the event and for their dedication to the Read100 goal.

o Dr. Twomey recognized Zach Keene, MHS Physical Education teacher, for his Winning Wednesday program. Interested students can go to Mr. Keene’s room during lunch on Wednesdays and learn about leadership. 15-20 students have been in attendance each of the six weeks the program has been available.

 District Spotlight: Dr. Twomey recognized Al Brewer, Jan Brewer and Dick Brewer for their support of the MHS golf program. The Brewers host a golf tournament each year in honor of Al’s father and use the proceeds from the tournament to buy uniforms for the boys’ and girls’ golf teams.

 FOIA Request: SmartProcure requesting quarterly purchase order and vendor information.

Ms. Kellee Sullivan, Edison Elementary Principal, gave a presentation on Strategy1-2 of the District Strategic Plan, focusing on Reading – Use of Data. She gave an overview of the school improvement process and reviewed how MAP data is used to track student growth in reading and set goals based on that data. Ms. Sullivan also discussed how data informs changing instructional practices to meet individual needs.

Member Thompson requested Consent Calendar items 9.1- Minutes from the September 16, 2019 public hearing on the 2019-2020 Budget, and 9.2 – Minutes from the September 16, 2019 regular Board of Education meeting, be removed for separate consideration. Member Gray moved, and member Adams seconded, to approve items 9.3-9.12 of the Consent Calendar, which included: Treasurer’s Report, Financial Authorizations, Investment Report, Monthly Board Report, Bills and Payroll, Financial Update on Life Safety Projects (.05 levy), Financial Update on Life Safety Projects (combined), Monthly Activity Account Reports, State Funding Update, and WCISEC Financial and Personnel Reports. Members voting “yes”: Kapale, Gray, Adams, Torrance, Myers, Thompson, and La Prad. Members voting “no”: none. Motion carried.

Member Adams moved, and member Myers seconded, to approve items 9.1 and 9.2 of the Consent Calendar. Members voting “yes”: Gray, Adams, Torrance, Myers, and La Prad. Members voting “no”: none. Members Kapale and Thompson abstained.

Member Torrance moved, and member Adams seconded, to approve and hold indefinitely the minutes from the closed meeting held during the September 16, 2019 Board of Education regular meeting. Members voting “yes”: Gray, Adams, Torrance, Myers, and La Prad. Members voting “no”: none. Members Kapale and Thompson abstained.

Member Kapale moved, and member Adams seconded, to approve recommendations regarding personnel, as follows:



Meredith Hancks, Part time Reading Teacher, St. Paul School, grant funded salary, effective August 12, 2019.

Melissa Henning, Part time Speech Language Pathologist, Macomb School District, up to 25 hours per week, effective August 12, 2019.


Robin Russell, Grade 4 Teacher, Edison Elementary School, requesting retirement under the 2016-2020 contract, Section A., Payment Upon Retirement Notification, effective end of the 2023-2024 school year.

Request for Leave:

Emma Laird, Special Education Teacher, Macomb Junior High School, request for leave to begin September 26, 2019 and extend through November 8, 2019.

Elizabeth Robinson, Special Education Teacher, Edison Elementary School, request for leave to begin January 6, 2020, and extend through February 13, 2020.

Mary Ann Severs, Art Teacher, Edison Elementary School, request for leave to begin approximately February 22, 2020, and extend through April 17, 2020.

Educational Support Staff: 


Kelsey Fischer, Program Assistant, Macomb Senior High School, up to 29 hours per week, student attendance days only, effective September 16, 2019 (student need).

Carrie Kessler, Program Assistant, Lincoln Elementary School, up to 29 hours per week, student attendance days only, effective September 16, 2019 (building need).


Chairman Barnett, Program Assistant, Edison Elementary School, effective October 11, 2019.

Kelsey Fischer, Program Assistant, Macomb Senior High School, effective October 15, 2019.

Kalyn Wilcoxen, Program Assistant, Lincoln Elementary School, effective October 23, 2019.



Melanie Butcher, Musical Director and Business Manager, Macomb Senior High School, Level 7, effective 2019-2020 school year.

Ronel Engnell, Read 100! Supervisor, Lincoln Elementary School, grant funded stipend, effective 2019-2020 school year.

Erin Fink, New Teacher Mentor, Lincoln Elementary School, effective 2019-2020 school year (C. Horrell/Social Worker).

Steve Horrell, New Teacher Mentor Program Coordinator, Macomb School District, effective July 1, 2019.

Doug Mattsey, Musical Pit Band Director, Macomb Senior High School, Level 9, effective 2019-2020 school year.

Molly Selders, Musical Set Director, Macomb Senior High School, Level 9, effective 2019- 2020 school year.

Tara Stockham, Read 100! Coordinator, Lincoln Elementary School, grant funded stipend, effective 2019-2020 school year.

Laura Waldrop, PreSchool for All Parent Coordinator, Grant funded duties, MacArthur Early Childhood Center, effective August 2019.

Members voting “yes”: Kapale, Gray, Adams, Torrance, Myers, Thompson, and La Prad. Members voting “no”: none. Motion carried.

Policy Committee members Myers and La Prad reported on the committee’s September 18, 2019 meeting. Both noted the recommended updates were routine. The proposed changes will be considered for approval at the regular meeting in November.

Members Gray and Torrance, Board representatives to the District Insurance Committee, reported on the committee’s October 8, 2019 meeting. Member Torrance advised the health insurance fund is slowly recovering, with a current loss ratio of 119%. He expressed appreciation for all that is being done to help improve the status of the health plan. The committee also received information on ways to partner with local providers that may result in savings for the District and participants. Member Gray announced on-site flu shots started October 21 and will be available again October 28. Open enrollment will begin early November and biometric screenings will be done the first week of December.

Curriculum Committee members Kapale and La Prad reported on the committee’s October 10, 2019 meeting. Member Kapale expressed appreciation for the well done proposals and passion exhibited by the presenters. He stated the proposed leadership course and expansion of the agriculture curriculum will benefit students going forward, and noted the careful process used in selecting Spanish textbooks. Member La Prad advised the ag program expansion is occurring in part due to Kelly Sears’ retirement and will include a restructuring of the curriculum and possible addition of small engine repair and building trade coursework. Dr. Twomey gave credit to Dana Isackson for her work with the adoption committees through the year.

Member Thompson moved, and member La Prad seconded, to approve the purchase of Spanish textbooks in the amount of $61,643.75. Members voting “yes”: Kapale, Gray, Adams, Torrance, Myers, Thompson, and La Prad. Members voting “no”: none. Motion carried.

Member Adams moved, and member Gray seconded, to approve the Agriculture Course Proposal, to be available beginning with the 2020-2021 school year. Members voting “yes”: Kapale, Gray, Adams, Torrance, Myers, Thompson, and La Prad. Members voting “no”: none. Motion carried.

Member Gray moved, and member Torrance seconded, to approve the Leadership Course Proposal, to be available beginning with the 2020-2021 school year. Members voting “yes”: Kapale, Gray, Adams, Torrance, Myers, Thompson, and La Prad. Members voting “no”: none. Motion carried.

Dr. Twomey presented the official audit for fiscal year ending June 30, 2019. He expressed appreciation for all of the administrative office staff who contributed to the audit and helped make the process go smoothly. Dr. Twomey advised there were no material weaknesses, deficiencies, or areas of non-compliance found. There was an issue with the food service program backup for the internal audit of those participating in the free and reduced meal program. The issue will be addressed by having a food service person pull the applications for the audit, a District staff person review and verify the forms, and send copies of the applications pulled to the District office.

Following review of the audit, member Thompson moved, and member Adams seconded, to accept the official audit for fiscal year ending June 30, 2019. Members voting “yes”: Kapale, Gray, Adams, Torrance, Myers, Thompson, and La Prad. Members voting “no”: none. Motion carried.

Member Myers moved, and member Adams seconded, to approve the proposed waiver regarding SIP days, effective for the 2020-2021 school year through the 2024-2025 school year. Members voting “yes”: Kapale, Gray, Adams, Torrance, Myers, Thompson, and La Prad. Members voting “no”: none. Motion carried.

At 8:36 p.m., member La Prad moved, and member Gray seconded, to hold a closed meeting for the purpose of discussing the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees, pursuant to 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(1), collective negotiating matters, pursuant to 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(2), the purchase or lease of real property, pursuant to 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(5), student discipline, pursuant to 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(9), and pending or imminent litigation, pursuant to 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(11). Members voting “yes”: Kapale, Gray, Adams, Torrance, Myers, Thompson, and La Prad. Members voting “no”: none. Motion carried.

Ms. Myers noted the next regular Board meeting would be held Monday, November 18, 2019 at 7:00 p.m. in the C. T. Vivian Library at Macomb Jr./Sr. High School. She advised the Board would take no action following the closed meeting.

The Board returned to open session at 9:57 p.m. Member Thompson moved, and member La Prad seconded, to adjourn at 9:58 p.m. Motion carried by voice vote.
