
West Central Reporter

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Winchester Community Unit School District 1 Board of Education met January 21

Webp meeting 02

Winchester Community Unit School District 1 Board of Education met Jan. 21.

Here is the agenda provided by the board:

The Board of Education, Community Unit School District No. 1, 149 South Elm Street, Winchester, Illinois counties of Scott, Morgan and Greene, met in regular session on Tuesday January 21, 2020 at 6:30 PM in the Board of Education office located at 149 South Elm Street in Winchester, Illinois.

President Steve Moore called the meeting to order with the following members answering roll call: Bill Jacquot, Shanna Eddinger, Jody Clanton, Trista Freeman and Steve Moore. Ron Coultas entered at 6:37 and Phyllis McGuire entered at 6:58. Also present were Superintendent Kevin Blankenship, WHS Principal Denny Vortman, WGS Principal Andy Stumpf, District Bookkeeper Angie Slagle and Administrative Assistant Becky Lashmett.


Freeman motioned, with a second from Eddinger, to approve the minutes of the December 10th regular meeting. Roll call vote resulted: Jacquot, abstain; Eddinger, yea; Clanton, yea; Freeman, yea and Moore, yea; there being four yeas, no nays and one abstention, the motion passed.

Freeman motioned, with a second from Eddinger, to approve the financial reports and bills to be paid. Roll call vote resulted: Jacquot, yea; Eddinger, yea; Clanton, yea; Freeman, yea and Moore, yea; there being five yeas and no nays, the motion passed.


The principals reported on building level activities and student accomplishments. Announced was a Tracey Family Foundation grant for $30,000 to be used for ‘curriculum assistance’ and a recap of the recent WIT. Jacquot noted a special thanks to Terry Lashmett for coordinating parking for 30 years. Superintendent Blankenship reported on the recent teacher consultation committee meeting, noting several items have or will be addressed.


Recent public meetings were conducted in both communities regarding the proposed drug testing policy for any high school students who choose to participate in extracurricular activities. Another meeting will be held on January 29th for additional public comment and questions, with Board action slated for March.


Superintendent Blankenship stated that a long term plan should be in place before monies are spent; including the matching amount for the upcoming School Maintenance Grant. The Buildings Committee will be tasked with determining future focus. He noted that during the 2017 renovations of WGS - no work was performed on the Media Center.


Freeman motioned to approve requests to use the facilities from Youth Volleyball and the Post Prom Committee. Coutlas seconded the motion and roll call vote resulted: Coultas, yea; McGuire, yea; Jacquot, yea; Eddinger, yea; Clanton, yea; Freeman, yea and Moore, yea; there being seven yeas and no nays, the motion passed


Jacquot motioned, with a second from Coultas, to submit the matching School Maintenance Grant for $100,000 to upgrade the WGS Media Center. The district’s 50% could be paid with County Sales Tax monies or Health, Life Safety funds. Roll call vote resulted: Coultas, yea; McGuire, yea; Jacquot, yea: Eddinger, yea; Clanton, yea; Freeman, yea and Moore, yea; there being seven yeas and no nays, the motion passed.


Coultas motioned, with a second from Eddinger, to approve a 3-year lease with Midwest Transit for conventional buses at an annual cost of $153,149.35. Roll call vote resulted: Coultas, yea; McGuire, yea; Jacquot, yea; Eddinger, yea; Clanton, nay; Freeman, yea and Moore, nay; there being five yeas and two nays, the motion passed.


President Moore asked the status of Freedom of Information requests, and Superintendent Blankenship reported there were none. President Moore asked for questions or comments from the audience, and Molly Traw spoke briefly in opposition to a student drug testing policy.


Coultas motioned at 7:37 PM to enter into closed session. McGuire seconded and roll call vote resulted: Coultas, yea; McGuire, yea; Jacquot, yea; Eddinger, yea; Clanton, yea; Freeman, yea and Moore, yea; there being seven yeas and no nays, the motion passed.

McGuire motioned, with a second from Freeman, to return to open session at 8:43 PM. Roll call vote resulted: Coultas, yea; McGuire, yea; Jacquot, yea; Eddinger, yea; Clanton, yea; Freeman, yea and Moore, yea; there being seven yeas and no nays, the motion passed. President Moore announced the purpose of the executive session was to discuss personnel items.


Jacquot motioned, with a second from Coultas to accept the resignations of TJ Plogger / WCC volleyball coach and Tammy Lind / WGS teacher at the end of term. Roll call vote resulted: Coultas, yea; McGuire, yea; Jacquot, yea; Eddinger, yea; Clanton, yea; Freeman, yea and Moore, yea; there being seven yeas and no nays, the motion passed.

Coultas motioned to approve Alyssa Bartels as a junior high volleyball volunteer assistant coach. Clanton seconded the motion and roll call vote resulted: Coultas, yea; McGuire, yea; Jacquot, yea; Eddinger, yea; Clanton, yea; Freeman, yea and Moore, yea; there being seven yeas and no nays, the motion passed.


President Moore again announced the February 11th meeting will begin at 4:00 PM due to boys basketball Senior Night. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:45 PM.
