
West Central Reporter

Monday, December 23, 2024

Illinois Central College Board of Trustees met January 16


Illinois Central College Board of Trustees met Jan. 16.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

At 5:00 p.m., Vice Chair Cannon called the regular meeting to order and asked Student Trustee Gaiter to lead the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance. Vice Chair Cannon asked the Secretary to call the roll and Carl Cannon, Kelly Daniels, Paula Davis, Student Trustee Kamarni Gaiter, Diane Lamb, and Gale Thetford were present. Absent: Mike Everett and Dave Mingus.

Recognition: None Hearing of Citizens: None Conflict of Interest: None

Consent Agenda

Vice Chair Cannon asked if any Trustee wished to pull any item from the Consent Agenda and there was no response. Trustee Thetford moved to approve the Consent Agenda, as presented, including Minutes of the Open Session of the Regular Monthly Meeting on December 19, 2019, Minutes of the Closed Session of the Regular Monthly Meeting on December 19, 2019, Personnel Recommendations; and Monthly Bills for December 1 - 31, 2019. Trustee Daniels seconded the motion.

Dr. Quirk-Bailey, President, shared that ICC lost a community member since the last Board meeting. Tim Popp, Title III Internal Business Analyst, passed away.


Minutes of the Open Session of the Regular Monthly Meeting on December 19, 2019

Personnel Report

New Hires

 Mary Ann Carroll: Full-Time Financial Aid Advisor – Financial Assistance

 Taylor Howard: Temporary Full-Time Success Coach – TRIO Talent Search

 Jacqueline Lawson: Full-Time Administrative Assistant – Vice President of Student Success and Vice President of Marketing and Institutional Advancement

 Jessica McMullin: Full-Time Marketing Director – Marketing

 Lori Sutton: Full-Time Administrative Assistant to the President – Office of the President

Change of Status

 Sarah Zimmerman: Adjunct Faculty – Health Careers to Full-Time Temporary Faculty – Health Careers


 Jacob Beeney: Full-Time Administrative Assistant to the President – Office of the


 Rocco Cappello: Vice President of Student Success – Student Services

 Todd Irions: Web Services Manager – Marketing

 Andrew Nichols: Full-Time TRIO Talent Search Success Coach – TRIO Talent Search

 Timothy Popp: Title III Business Internal Analyst – Institutional Research

 Nathaniel Riehl: Application Engineer – Network Operations


 Paul Beiersdorf: Counselor – Advisement and Counseling Services

 Mary Lane: Director of Marketing – Marketing

 Barbara Sumner: Academic Advisor – Arts and Behavioral Sciences

Vice Chair Cannon requested a roll call vote. The following Trustees responded “Aye”: Paula Davis, Student Trustee Kamarni Gaiter, Diane Lamb, Gale Thetford, Carl Cannon, and Kelly Daniels. “Nay”: None. Absent: Dave Mingus and Mike Everett. The motion passed.

Purchase Report

Bid Items:

 Unleaded Gasoline and Diesel Fuel - Ag-Land FS Inc. $80,653.59

Professional Services:

 Workforce Equity Initiative Project Evaluator $65,000.00

Data Processing Equipment, Software, and Telecommunications:

 Hardware & Router Maintenance for Data Centers – Matrix Integration $43,500.00

Direct Purchases:

 Alignment Machine – Hunter Engineering $33,571.00

Bills Including Conference and Meeting Expenses

 Education Fund—$ 3,377,871.37

 Operations and Maintenance Fund—$ 522,347.85

 Operations and Maintenance Fund Restricted—$ 34,168.14

 Bond and Interest Fund—$350.00

 Auxiliary Fund—$ 382,723.87

 Restricted Fund—$ 474,954.51

 Audit Fund—$ 14,755.77

 Liability, Protection, and Settlement Fund—$ 382,504.56

Following the discussion, Trustee Thetford made a motion to approve the Purchase Report. Trustee Daniels seconded the motion.

Vice Chair Cannon requested a roll call vote. The following Trustees responded “Aye”: Kelly Daniels, Paula Davis, Student Trustee Kamarni Gaiter, Diane Lamb, Gale Thetford, and Carl Cannon. “Nay”: None. Absent: Mike Everett, and Dave Mingus. The motion passed.

Board of Trustees Chair Reports

Announcements: Dr. Quirk-Bailey provided an update on two follow-up items from the December

Board Meeting:

1. Concerns of parents with adult autistic children - Dr. Rita Ali, Vice President of Diversity, Workforce, and Career Development, is taking the lead on facilitating a meeting with the agencies in the region who work with this adult population to begin a conversation on ways to coordinate resources and services to address concerns raised at the December 19, 2019, meeting. The meeting will be held on February 24 and invitations have been sent. A report back to the Board will happen after that time.

2. Standard Operating Procedures in Purchasing – A Lunch-and-Learn has been scheduled on Wednesday, January 29, at Noon, at the Peoria campus, in Hickory 124.

Before the Board returns next month, the HLC visit will be completed. The final agenda has not yet been received.

The February Board meeting will be one week later, on February 27, 2020. The Board Retreat will be on February 29, 2020.

Trustee Thetford asked to confirm details of the Lunch-and-Learn, which Dr. Quirk-Bailey provided.

Trustee Thetford asked for details of the program on the John Wood College for Life program that she had requested in the December 2019 Board meeting. Dr. Quirk-Bailey stated that the program is being investigated currently and will also be part of the conversation at the regional meeting.

ICCTA Report: Vice Chair Cannon stated there is nothing to report. Legislative Report: Vice Chair Cannon shared there is nothing to report.

Student Trustee Report: Trustee Gaiter stated that it has been an exciting month kicking off the New Year!

January 3: International Club held a game night where students were able to engage and interact with one another in the Campus Housing Clubhouse.

January 14: Student Life kicked off a New Student Orientation for incoming students attending ICC for the spring semester. Incoming students and their family members attended various informational sessions to assist with transitioning to ICC.

January 18: Student Life provided class schedule tours to incoming students to show where their classes will be taking place.

January 21-22: Student Life will have “Ask Me” stations set up around the halls of ICC campuses for students who may have questions about where to go or any questions in general. January 27: Sign Language Interpreters Growth and Marketing Club (SIGN Club) is hosting a Back to School Bake Sale to raise funds for their organization.

January 29: Student Life is hosting a Student Activities Fair in the student lounge where students will be able to speak with student organizations about getting involved.

Student Trustee Gaiter stated the Resident Assistants have been undergoing training this week and have had the opportunity to mentor incoming freshman in Richwoods High School.

Vice Chair Cannon asked Student Trustee Gaiter if he had the follow-up report on the student request to have the fees waived or reduced for the CougarPlex. Dr. Quirk-Bailey stated that, due to the fact that students are not yet back on campus, this report will be given at the February meeting.

President’s Report: Dr. Quirk-Bailey stated that many ICC students have inspirational stories where they’ve overcome obstacles of homelessness, physical disabilities and lack of financial resources for the basics - like food. Yet through our support, and due to their perseverance and will to change, they succeed at Illinois Central College.

This month’s student story is a perfect example. First-year ICC student Autumn Cain felt a college education was inaccessible after becoming homeless her junior year of high school. She was angry, sad and lacked motivation, ultimately causing her grades to drop.

While sitting on the bunk at the homeless shelter she read an Albert Ellis quote, “The best years of your life are the ones in which you decide your problems are your own. You do not blame them on your mother, the ecology or the president. You realize you control your own destiny.” While her little sister slept peacefully and her mom read a book, Autumn realized she had to make her own path and there was no better time to change her fate.

Autumn decided to leave her family, a decision most 16-year olds never have to make. Her best friend’s family took her into their home and enrolled her in school. With this family’s support, she was better set up for success. She graduated high school and was ready for higher education. Autumn chose ICC as her steppingstone to complete her bachelor’s degree. Her ultimate goal is to become a psychiatrist. At ICC, she was awarded a scholarship provided by the Educational Foundation, allowing her to lighten her hectic work schedule. She is thriving in her first year at the College and is impressed with the care and compassion the professors have shown her as they push her to achieve her goals.

Statistically, Autumn knew the odds were against her, but ICC has helped her beat those odds. Autumn said, “At ICC, I have a chance to become more than a statistic, and for that I can’t be more grateful. You have turned a girl with a dream, into a woman with a plan.”

Dr. Quirk-Bailey stated that at ICC, we have the honor of enabling our students to change their lives. Please never forget the influence you have and the difference you make every day in our students’ lives. She thanked everyone for their commitment to better the community and to make students’ dreams a reality.

Announcements: Dr. Quirk-Bailey shared several announcements:

Faculty Professional Development: Over 100 faculty attended an instructional innovation focus session this past Tuesday on backward design – starting with outcomes and moving backward to make sure courses are aligned correctly. This was offered by Jose Vargas, University of Illinois. He is nationally renowned for teaching and course design excellence. The program was a huge success and comments included “assessment is on the right track at ICC,” “.this program is just what I needed to jumpstart my semester”. A second session was also held the same day on an assessment academy. Dr. Quirk-Bailey applauded Dr. Awuah and his team for putting together such a wonderful program.

Celebration of Learning: This session was Wednesday, January 15, 2020, and it was a wonderful session. The Common Time framework was announced at this session. Faculty Forum was asked to provide a time when the majority of faculty could be available so meaningful dialog could be held on some of the strategic initiatives. The Common Times schedule is 2-4 p.m. on Fridays, so faculty and staff can arrange their schedules to attend these sessions.

Board Schedule: The 2021 Board schedule will be addressed at the February retreat. Dr. Quirk- Bailey is asking the Board to consider eliminating the December meeting. This is not an uncommon process in community colleges. A review of the January Board Meeting schedule will also be discussed at the retreat. During the months where there are five Thursdays, it would be helpful to move the Board meeting to the fourth week of the month to allow staff to have time to plan and prepare for the meeting upon their return from the College being closed.

Dr. Quirk-Bailey reviewed marketing brochures in the Trustees folders highlighting the ICCB brochure on Promising Practices for Illinois Career Pathways. ICC is highlighted on pages 18-21 as the model for “Earn and Learn” primarily focusing on the Industrial Maintenance Apprenticeship.

Property Update – The 20 acres of farmland are now under ICC ownership.

The Thomas building is still cited as the Innovation Hub.

The Perley building is now vacant. The RFP for the sales agent will go out this month. The Pekin property is in the final stages of purchasing the property outright.

Success Story in the Workforce Readiness Training – With the Workforce Equity Grant, there is now an eight-week mini boot camp for people who want to enter workforce equity programs but are not quite ready in math, English, or employability skills. A cohort of 12 just graduated. They were pre-and post-tested through the TABE test. Among the 12 completers, everyone gained in reading or math and some quite significantly. Three students went from an 8.2 in reading to a 10.5. Another student went from an 8.2 to 11. 2. A student in math went from a 5.9 to a 12.9 score. This work was based on some of the developmental work here at the College, but was also re- engineered by Workforce Manager Jason Juchems, along with math and reading instructor Marcia Bolden. It includes the integration of technology of Alex for Math and Comfit for Reading, which is an electronic testing and skill-building system.

Enrollment: With the semester starting on Tuesday, we are currently four percent up in enrollment.

Trustee Lamb asked to confirm that both Thomas and Perley buildings are vacated, Dr. Quirk- Bailey confirmed that Thomas has been vacant and the tenants in Perley have all recently moved out.

Treasurer’s Report

Bruce Budde, Executive Vice President and Treasurer, presented the Treasurer’s Report for December 2019. Mr. Budde stated that we are now halfway through the fiscal year.

Negative variances on the revenue side include state funding and tuition. State funding is largely due to a timing issue and should correct itself by year end. Tuition is projecting to be influenced in a positive direction based upon current trends. Other revenues include corporate property replacement tax tracking ahead of projection.

On the expenditure side, we are still experiencing favorable variances. Salary expenditures are due to a timing issue of filling open positions. The other positive variances are also due to factors such as timing. The budget, while done on a monthly basis, is based on five-year trends, so some of those variances may vary month to month but are trending on target. The benefit number is tracking as projected.

The fund balances and fund reserves are expected to come as forecasted.

Trustee Lamb asked about the Common Time budget presentation. Mr. Budde stated that the session will be used to engage a department through the budget planning game presented at the past retreat to help faculty and staff better understand resource allocation.

The budget process is a bottom-up approach. Everyone is engaged in budget planning. This game helps to provide a better overview of the process and helps with transparency.

Trustee Davis moved to approve the Treasurer’s Report as presented. Trustee Daniels seconded the motion. Vice Chair Cannon requested a roll call vote. The following Trustees responded “Aye”: Paula Davis, Student Trustee Kamarni Gaiter, Diane Lamb, Gale Thetford, Carl Cannon, and Kelly Daniels. “Nay”: None. Absent: Mike Everett and Dave Mingus. The motion passed.

Informational Items

6.1 FY 2020 Institutional Operational Plan - Second Quarter Update.

Mr. David Cook, Executive Director Institutional Research and Planning, provided an update on the 2020 Institutional Operational Plan. Mr. Cook stated that there has been a lot of progress in the academic plan, especially in the second quarter. He reviewed the 15 objectives distributed across 7 planning priorities and how progress is assessed to date. Of the 15 objectives, 13 remain in progress and on target.

Mr. Cook reviewed the two planning priorities that are not on target.

1. Diversity / Inclusion (Objective 2). There are three outcomes within this objective. Outcome number three – Enhanced understanding of and sensitivity to issues of diversity and equity through focused discussions with employees and students will be held in February.

Dr. Quirk-Bailey reminded that Dr. Ali took over responsibilities for all of the College’s workforce initiatives. The Diversity and Inclusion Circle Discussions are all scheduled for February so, by next quarter, this objective will be back on track.

Mr. Cook provided an update on the two other outcomes:

 Establishment of Global Learning and Diversity Committee – The groundwork has been completed.

 The approval of the four-year goals under the Affirmative Action Plan – The Trustees approved this plan last month.

By the end of the third quarter, these outcomes are projected to be completed.

2. Mr.CookreviewedthesecondobjectiveundertheStudentSuccessobjectiveandtheoutcome under the development of an Instructional Technology Plan. For task A, he stated there is an Instructional Technology Committee that was charged last semester with information gathering from various stakeholder groups. They have also begun gathering requirements on our learning management system. This is a substantial undertaking. For task B, much of that work is wrapped up in the requirements gathering in task A and will be ongoing throughout the Spring semester.

Mr. Cook stated that there are 60 tasks across these objectives. At mid-year, 20 of those were already completed and another 33 are in progress and on target. There are just 7 tasks that are attributable to missed target dates for various reasons, but none look to be at risk for not being completed. With six months to go, over 88 percent of the tasks have been addressed.

Trustee Lamb referenced goal 14 and asked if the technology will be updated on both campuses. Mr. Budde confirmed yes, stating any new standard established is rolled out to all classrooms.

6.2 Innovation Fund - Second Quarter Update (Ed Babcock)

Mr. Babcock, Controller, provided an update on the Innovation Fund, stating that the biggest change from last quarter is the increase in current commitments. There was one major new program started in this quarter (an increase of $225,000) and Dr. Jill Wright will provide an update on this program shortly.

Mr. Babcock reviewed the summary of the historical spending and current commitments on projects noting all the CNC and welding equipment and the trucks and trailers have been paid for and completed.

The new program was implemented for online professional development to assist the faculty in gaining or elevating online teaching skills and basic teaching knowledge.

Dr. Jill Wright, Associate Vice President of Assessment, Accreditation, and Academic Services, provided a review of the professional development program. The College has received HLC approval to do Distance Education Programs (DEP). With this, comes the responsibility that we offer quality education to our students by meeting certain criteria that includes ensuring that all the faculty teaching DEP courses have had training in distance education programs. The Innovation Fund will ensure that the College continues to move faculty training forward. The funds will enable faculty to help faculty. Two of our long-time faculty, Mary Phelps Clayton and Jen Hopp, developed an endowed teaching project that will be used in this endeavor.

Trustee Lamb asked what an endowed teaching program is. Dr. Wright stated that the Foundation oversees this program and it is the Thomas K. Thomas endowment, established by a former ICC president, so that faculty could be innovative and help move projects forward in instruction and academics.

Dr. Quirk-Bailey thanked the Board for continuing to make the Innovation Fund available. If these funds were not readily available, ICC would not have been able to upgrade the equipment needed for the students to take the workforce equity programs. This fund enabled ICC to take on that program and will enable 200 people of poverty from this district to become certified in this program within a year.

6.3 FY 2020 Annual Grant Awards Summary – Second Quarter Update (Aloysia Mitchell)

Aloysia Mitchell, Grants Development Officer, presented the second quarter grant report, stating that this quarter represents a lot of collaboration and teamwork. We are looking at grants where more departments are asking for assistance and involved in the process.

The grant received this quarter was $990 in the Adult Education program, which will pay for GED training.

Ms. Mitchell stated there are several grants that are pending approval and provided a review of those. She also noted the Edward Settlement Fund Distribution has asked ICC to participate in a Q&A session.

Action Items

7.1 Workforce Equity Initiative – Hire External Evaluator (Kelly Daniels)

Trustee Daniels moved to approve Vega Partners as the WEI Evaluator at a cost of $65,000 to be funded by the ICCB Workforce Equity Project Management grant. Trustee Davis seconded the motion. Vice Chair Cannon requested a roll call vote. The following Trustees responded “Aye”: Student Trustee Kamarni Gaiter, Diane Lamb, Gale Thetford, Carl Cannon, Kelly Daniels, and Paula Davis. “Nay”: None. Absent: Mike Everett and Dave Mingus. The motion passed.

8.0 Unfinished Business

Trustee Thetford commented on the grant work being done, noting that the process is very laborious. She recognized the time and effort that has been put into the grant application process.

Vice Chair Trustee Cannon thanked the Board for graciously hosting the choir performance at the December Board meeting.

New Business: None

Closed Session

At 5:46 p.m., Vice Chair Cannon entertained a motion for closed session. Trustee Davis moved that the Board of Trustees conduct a closed session to discuss The appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance or dismissal of specific employees of the public body (Section 2(c)(1) of the Open Meetings Act); and Litigation when an action against, affecting, on behalf of the particular public body has been filed and is pending before a court or administrative tribunal or when the public body finds that an action is probable or imminent (Section 2(c)(11) of the Open Meetings Act). Trustee Daniels seconded the motion.

Vice Chair Cannon requested a roll call vote. The following Trustees responded “Aye”: Diane Lamb, Gale Thetford, Carl Cannon, Kelly Daniels, Paula Davis, and Student Trustee Kamarni Gaiter. “Nay”: None. Absent: Mike Everett and Dave Mingus. The motion passed unanimously. Vice Chair Cannon asked Dr. Quirk-Bailey to request that Bruce Budde, Dr. Emmanuel Awuah, and Michelle Bugos remain for the closed session. All other guests and staff members were excused. A break was taken from 5:47 p.m. to 5:57 p.m.

(Closed Session)

At 6:30 p.m., Vice Chair Cannon entertained a motion to adjourn the closed session and resume open session. Trustee Davis moved to adjourn the closed session and resume open session. Trustee Daniels seconded the motion. Vice Chair Cannon requested a roll call vote. The following Trustees responded “Aye”: Kelly Daniels, Paula Davis, Student Trustee Kamarni Gaiter, Diane Lamb, and Gale Thetford. “Nay”: None. Absent: Mike Everett and Dave Mingus. The motion passed.


At 6:30 p.m., Vice Chair Cannon entertained a motion to adjourn open session. Trustee Davis moved to adjourn open session. Trustee Daniels seconded the motion. Vice Chair Cannon requested a roll call vote. The following Trustees responded “Aye”: Paula Davis, Student Trustee Kamarni Gaiter, Diane Lamb, Gale Thetford, and Kelly Daniels. “Nay”: None. Absent: Mike Everett and Dave Mingus. The motion passed unanimously. The meeting was adjourned.




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