
West Central Reporter

Sunday, February 23, 2025

V.I.T. Community Unit School District #2 Board of Education met June 17

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V.I.T. Community Unit School District #2 Board of Education met June 17.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

The regular meeting of the V.I.T. Community Unit School District #2 Board of Education was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by President Bob Lascelles in the High School Library.

Roll call was answered by: Bob Coulter, Nathan Essex, Jared Heller (Zoom), Bob Lascelles, Blake Miller, and Larry Payne. Sara Porter was absent.

Others present were: Matt Klaska, Superintendent; Mark Darr, Principal (by Zoom), Travis Snowden, Charles Lascelles, Michelle Wenndt (by Zoom) and Amy Hampton.

All present recited the Pledge of Allegiance

A motion was made by Blake Miller and seconded by Bob Coulter to approve the items on the consent agenda including previous meeting minutes, financial reports, bills and payroll, and activity fund reports. Roll call: Coulter, Essex, Heller, aye; Miller, aye; Payne, aye; and Lascelles, aye. Motion carried with a 6-0 roll call vote.

Larry Payne thanked the Board, Administration, and everyone who helped with Graduation. In return, Mr. Klaska thanked the Payne’s for the VIT and the 2020 cutouts. Graduation was one we will never forget.

On behalf of the teachers, Ms. Wenndt wants to thank everyone for all the hard work that is going into preparing for Fall.

Discussion was held by Mr. Klaska about the CoronaVirus Updates. When school opens in the fall they will go by the Fulton County Health Dept. Guidelines. Handouts were given out on different scenarios to think about, depending on what “Phase” we are in in Aug. As information comes in, we will then know of the plans.

Discussion was on summer projects. Summer projects have been started and are going as planned. The concrete will be repaired tomorrow, along with the pouring of the other side. The cafeteria project is moving right along. The workers have installed the trusses and bricks have been delivered. The dirt has been moved around the buildings to help with runoff water. The Board would like the Ag class to seed it this fall. The Maintenance Grant was approved.

Discussion was held on the 2020-21 Student Handbooks. No changes were made in the Elementary Handbook. In the Jr/Sr High Handbook, Bio 1 was added for all incoming Freshman.

Discussion was held on school registration fees. Lunch and Breakfast Fees will go up by $0.10. Book, Tech, and Supply Fees will stay the same as previous year.

Discussion was held on sub pay rates. Non-Certified staff rate will follow minimum wage rate. Sub pay rate for Teachers will go to $100.

Mr. Darr would like to thank everyone who helped with Graduation and Promotions.

Mr. Klaska stated that building cleaning is well on schedule. Once again, Mr. Darr did a great job on the videos. Thank you for all the hard work and many hours put into the Graduations.


A motion was made by Larry Payne and seconded by Nathan Essex to enter executive session at 7:33 p.m. Roll Call: Coulter, aye; Essex, aye; Jared Heller, aye; Blake Miller, aye; Larry Payne, aye; and Bob Lascelles, aye. Motion carried with a 6-0 roll-call vote.

A motion was made by Larry Payne and seconded by Blake Miller to approve Executive Session Minutes. Roll Call: Coulter, aye; Essex, aye; Jared Heller, aye; Blake Miller, aye; Larry Payne, aye; and Bob Lascelles, aye. Motion carried with a 6-0 roll-call vote.

A motion was made by Jared Heller and seconded by Blake Bob Coulter to return to open session. Roll Call: Coulter, aye; Essex, aye; Jared Heller, aye; Blake Miller, aye; Larry Payne, aye; and Bob Lascelles, aye. Motion carried with a 6-0 roll-call vote.

A motion was made by Bob Coulter and seconded by Blake Miller to approve Amy Hampton’s contract. Roll Call: Coulter, aye; Essex, aye; Jared Heller, aye; Blake Miller, aye; Larry Payne, aye; and Bob Lascelles, aye. Motion carried with a 6-0 roll-call vote.

A motion was made by Blake Miller and seconded by Larry Payne to approve, pending wording, on Charlie Lascelles’ contract. Roll Call: Coulter, aye; Essex, aye; Jared Heller, aye; Blake Miller, aye; Larry Payne, aye; and Bob Lascelles, abstain. Motion carried with a 5-0 roll-call vote.

A motion was made by Jared Heller and seconded by Nathan Essex to approve, pending wording, on Aaron Bucher’s contract. Roll Call: Coulter, aye; Essex, aye; Jared Heller, aye; Blake Miller, aye; Larry Payne, aye; and Bob Lascelles, aye. Motion carried with a 6-0 roll-call vote.

A motion was made by Bob Coulter and seconded by Blake Miller to approve, pending Astoria’s Board hiring Lexi Danner for JH & HS Volleyball Assistant Coach. Roll Call: Coulter, aye; Essex, aye; Jared Heller, aye; Blake Miller, aye; Larry Payne, aye; and Bob Lascelles, aye. Motion carried with a 6-0 roll-call vote.

A motion was made by Bob Coulter and seconded by Nathan Essex to approve the Elementary and Jr/Sr High Handbooks. Roll Call: Coulter, aye; Essex, aye; Jared Heller, aye; Blake Miller, aye; Larry Payne, aye; and Bob Lascelles, aye. Motion carried with a 6-0 roll-call vote.

A motion was made by Blake Miller and seconded by Nathan Essex to approve the teacher sub rate, $100 per day. Roll Call: Coulter, aye; Essex, aye; Jared Heller, aye; Blake Miller, aye; Larry Payne, aye; and Bob Lascelles, aye. Motion carried with a 6-0 roll-call vote.

A motion was made by Larry Payne and seconded by Blake Miller to approve the sub non-cert staff rate, minimum wage. Roll Call: Coulter, aye; Essex, aye; Jared Heller, aye; Blake Miller, aye; Larry Payne, aye; and Bob Lascelles, aye. Motion carried with a 6-0 roll-call vote.

A motion was made by Larry Payne and seconded by Bob Coulter to approve including Special Ed Coordinator, District Secretary, PE, Driver’s Ed, Ag, Home Ec Teachers, psychological testing kits and protocols, compliance with ROE safety checks, and waterline inspections/repairs in the Risk Management Plan. Roll Call: Coulter, aye; Essex, aye; Jared Heller, aye; Blake Miller, aye; Larry Payne, aye; and Bob Lascelles, aye. Motion carried with a 6-0 roll-call vote.

A motion was made by Larry Payne and seconded by Blake Miller to adjourn the meeting at 8:29 p.m. Motion carried with an all AYE vote.
