City of Dallas City Council met July 22.
Here is the minutes provided by the council:
The Dallas City City Council held its regular meeting at 5 p.m. Mayor Kevin Six called the meeting to order with the following commissioners present: Lila Gittings, Harold Northup Jr, and Greg Olson. Carole McDowell was absent.
Others attending the meeting were Anne Thompson, Ryan Thompson, Chris Classen, and Gary Smith.
A motion was made by Olson, and 2nd by Northup to accept the minutes of the July 8, 2020, meeting. Gittings, Northup, and Olson AYE. McDowell ABSENT.
Chris Classen reported that there had been a water break on East First Street, and that it had been repaired. The mowing has been done. He is currently working on rebuilding two pumps.
Discussed the bridge on East Fourth Street by the city cemetery. Some minor repairs have been done to it. It was decided to check to see if some kind of culvert could be put in to replace this bridge. The city will contact the county to see if there is any way that they could possibly help out with this.
Police Chief Gary Smith gave his report for the month of June 2020. 200 rounds of 9mm service ammunition was purchased so that the members of the department could complete their annual Firearms Re-Qualification. He had to have IT service come in after the internet and computer settings were disrupted due to firmware updating being completed by Mediacom. The arrival date of the new police vehicle is still scheduled for sometime in August or September. The batteries for the handheld radios are no longer holding a charge and need to be replaced. The approximate cost to replace the batteries is $115 each. A motion was made by Northup, and 2nd by Olson to purchase 2 new radio batteries for approximately $115 each. Gittings, Northup, and Olson AYE. McDowell ABSENT.
The city has been notified that the Regulated Building Materials assessment for the buildings at 380 Oak Street and 386 Oak Street has been scheduled for July 29, 2020.
Ryan Thompson asked about the status of the old Legion Hall building. The council has not heard anything new from the city attorney regarding it. He also reported that the fire hydrant at East Fifth Street and Elm Street is not working. Chris Classen informed the council that he fixed that hydrant earlier this week.
Discussed a bill for concrete for a resident's sidewalk. The city's street employee has gone up and measured the area. It appears that the concrete bill is not for a lot more concrete than he estimated that it should have taken. A motion was made by Olson, and 2nd by Northup to pay Ideal Ready Mix for the amount of their bill, $1,267. Gittings, Northup, and Olson AYE. McDowell ABSENT.
Discussed making a city policy that any sidewalk project will need to be approved by the city in order for the concrete to be paid by the city. This will be discussed more at the next meeting.
Discussed the electrical wiring that needs to be done at the garage at the city hall/police station. Mayor Six will contact Max Faul to see if he plans on doing the job in the near future or if the city should find someone else to do it.
Carole McDowell arrived at 5:26 p.m.
Discussed ditches in town and getting a sickel bar, or some other kind of attachment, for the city's John Deere tractor to use to mow the weeds in the ditches around town. This will be discussed more at the next meeting.
Discussed a letter from the Hancock County Economic Development regarding dues that are due. This years dues are $1,332.45. A motion was made by Gittings, and 2nd by McDowell to pay the Hancock County Economic Development $1,332.45 for yearly dues. Gittings, McDowell, Northup, and Olson AYE.
Mayor Six has spoken to Dalton Maynard regarding cutting down two ash trees in the city cemetery. Mr. Maynard has given the city an estimate of $6,750 to cut down and clean up the two ash trees. Due to the amount of money involved, it was decided to try to get a couple of other estimates before making a decision.
A motion was made by Northup, and 2nd by Olson to adjourn the meeting. Gittings, McDowell, Northup, and Olson AYE.
The meeting was adjourned at 5:43 p.m.