
West Central Reporter

Sunday, February 23, 2025

City of Virginia City Council Met October 12

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City of Virginia City Council met Oct. 12.

Here is the minutes provided by the council:

Mayor Brunk started the meeting at 7pm. Roll was called. Alderman French, Pratt, Bowman, Behrends, and Cox were present. Alderman Wulf was not present. The agenda was presented to the council. Alderman Cox made a motion to approve the agenda and Alderman Behrends seconded. Motion carried unanimously. The September minutes were reviewed. Alderman Pratt made a motion to approve the September minutes and Alderman French seconded. Motion carried unanimously. Monthly bills were reviewed and Alderman Bowman made a motion to approve monthly bills, Alderman Behrends seconded. Motion carried unanimously.

Treasurer’s Report

Treasurer Barrett stated that the audit is almost complete. Myers and Myers have done a great job and this is our first year ever that the annual report will be done on time. Treasurer Barrett also stated that the annual TIF report is due by the end of the month. Treasurer Barrett stated that he will be reviewing the CURES Act to see if the city is eligible for anything in that Act. Next month is the tax levy and currently the city is right on track so everything looks good. There is a little bit less income due to COVID, both the state and video gaming tax is down from this time last year. Video gaming total for the month was $3320.84 and the Sales Tax total for the month is $10287.98

Guests Becky Behrends, Autumn Bowman, Steve Clark, Casey French, Cindy Booter, Joe Huck

Public Comment Mayor Brunk welcomed all the people that have joined us tonight, it looks like no one wants to say anything.

Monthly Reports

Public Works (McClure) McClure stated that fall clean up will begin on Saturday with the first day of pick up on Monday. The equipment at the water plant goes out October 306 for sealed bids. Alderman French asked if there was a list and McClure stated there was. Alderman Behrends asked if the sealed bids go straight to you (McClure)? McClure responded that the bids go to city hall

Police Chief (Fanning) 106 calls: 62 service, 10 traffic, 7 assists, 6 arrests, 1 minor accident

Fire Chief (Reynolds) Reynolds would like to thank Jag at Conoco gas station for the fundraiser they did for the fire department, the department is very grateful. The Mayor added that FS is going to also do a fried chicken fundraiser for the Fire Department.

Zoning Officer (Merriman) nothing to report

Board Reports

Park Board The pool did not open this year. There were not any games up at the ball diamonds until late August. The concession stand has been painted. There will also be guys working on painting the bath house, working on the plubming, and the concrete will be getting done on the deck around the pool.

Library Board A new assistant has been hired, there will be more details at the next meeting. The new Library hours start Tuesday October 6th and they are: Wednesday 11-4, Friday 9-4, and Saturday 9-12,

Economic Development nothing to report

Cemetery Board nothing to report

Zoning Board nothing to report

Attorneys Report

Attorney Veith stated that we will be going into court for property maintenance issues. There is also a possibility of an ordinance regarding dedications for roads and alleys.

Aldermanic Reports

Cox Alderman Cox said it was good to see everyone instead of talking on the phone. He also stated that Treasurer Barrett is the MVP of City Hall

Behrends Alderman Behrends stated that he noticed they were doing a lot of work on the old building near the Bank. Mayor Brunk stated that Hope Trust Insurance Company will have a satellite office going in there.

Wulf not present

Bowman Alderman Bowman asked what the status is on the building on the corner that was supposed to be torn down? The Mayor stated that they are farming now. Bowman stated that he thought it was supposed to be finished by now and the Mayor stated that he did too.

Pratt nothing to report

French Alderman French would like to thank Treasurer Barrett and all the hours that he spends on getting things done for the city. Alderman French also just wanted to say that a lot of people are walking and riding bikes in the evening, it maybe beneficial to be wearing bright clothes so you are easier to see.

City Clerks Report

Nothing to report

Mayors Report

Mayor Brunk stated that the city had to take down two hornets nests, one was near the school. He also stated that he got a resignation letter from Mr. Kennedy on October 7th, 2020. In this letter Mr. Kennedy thanked the council for the opportunity for his employment. Alderman Cox asked when he resigned? Mayor Brunk stated last Wednesday. Alderman Cox stated he didn’t know about him resigning until he heard it on the news. Mayor Brunk stated that he wanted it to be heard here. Alderman Cox said it would have been nice for everyone to know prior to seeing it on the news. Mayor Brunk also thanked Attorney Veith for his help in getting the paperwork together these last few weeks.

Becky Behrends asked since he resigned, he can go and work something else? Mayor Brunk stated that we don’t have any information on that but his employment at the City of Virginia is over.

Unfinished Business


Alderman Wulf joined the meeting.

New Business

A. Appointment of Public Works, Lawyer, Police Chief Public Works: Randy McClure

Attorney: Tom Veith

Temporary Police Chief: Martin Fanning

Alderman French asked if we have to have an executive session before making these appointments? Attorney Veith stated that is not what has happened in the past. Alderman French just stated that he wanted to clarify. Alderman French made a motion to approve Randy McClure as Public Works Director, Tom Veith as Attorney, and Martin Fanning as Temporary Police Chief, Alderman Pratt seconded. Motion carried unanimously.

With nothing further to discuss at 720pm, Alderman Cox made a motion to adjourn the meeting and Alderman Bowman seconded. Motion carried unanimously.
