
West Central Reporter

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Beardstown Community Unified School District 15 Board met April 21

Webp meeting372

Beardstown Community Unified School District 15 Board met April 21.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:


The Board of Education Community Unit No. 15, Beardstown, IL was called to order by President Mike Seaman at 7:00 p.m. in Beardstown Middle/High library 500 East 15th Street, Beardstown, IL. Pledge of allegiance. Kim Watson called the roll with the following members present: Jimmy Hymes, Barbara Hobrock, Kim Watson, OJ Simpson, Wells Petersen, and Mike Seaman. Joe Engelbrecht was absent. Also in attendance were Ron Gilbert and Kelly Herter.

PUBLIC QUESTIONS AND COMMENTS: Jamie Frank spoke to the board on behalf of her sister Sara Mann and nephew Brice Mann. Brice is in kindergarten and was locked out of the building. She has been in contact with administration. She came to the board for a solution.


On a motion by Hobrock, second by Watson to adopt a resolution for acknowledgement of receipt of the certified school board election results held April 6, 2021. Jimmy Hymes and Katie Vitale were elected to a four year term for Beardstown Township. Abby Pherigo and Amy Sommers were elected to a two year term for Beardstown Township. Joe Engelbrecht was elected to a four year term for the remaining townships and Jon Stock was elected to a two year term for the remaining townships. Roll call vote: Roll call vote Hymes-yes; Hobrock-yes; Watson-yes; Simpson-yes; Petersen-yes; Seaman-yes.

The board recognized retiring board members: Mike Seaman, Kim Watson, Barbara Hobrock, and Wells Petersen. Mike Seaman thanked the board for all their hard work and welcomed the new members.

On a motion by Watson, second by Hobrock to recommend the board adjourns ‘sine die’ for a final time. Roll call vote Hymes-yes; Hobrock-yes; Watson-yes; Simpson-yes; Petersen-yes; Seaman-yes.

Organizational Meeting:


Superintendent Ron Gilbert called the meeting to order at 7:14 p.m. in the Beardstown Middle/High School library 500 East 15th Street, Beardstown, IL.

Superintendent recommends approval of items as presented.

Oath of Office for newly elected board members

Roll Call of the new board: Roll Call Hymes-yes; Sommers-yes; Pherigo-yes; Vitale-yes; Stock-yes; Simpson-yes. On a motion by Stock, second by Vitale to nominate OJ Simpson for President pro-tem.

On a motion by Hymes, second by Stock to nominate Katie Vitale for Secretary pro-tem.

On a motion by Hymes, second by Stock to nominate OJ Simpson for President. Roll Call Hymes-yes; Sommers-yes; Pherigo-yes; Vitale-yes; Stock-yes; Simpson-yes.

On a motion by Pherigo, second by Vitale to nominate Amy Sommers for Vice-President. Roll Call Hymes-yes; Sommers-yes; Pherigo-yes; Vitale-yes; Stock-yes; Simpson-yes.

On a motion by Stock, second by Simpson to nominate Katie Vitale for Board Secretary. Roll Call Hymes-yes; Sommers yes; Pherigo-yes; Vitale-yes; Stock-yes; Simpson-yes.

Assign Committee Chairs: Personnel-Jimmy Hymes; Building and Grounds-OJ Simpson; Curriculum/4-Rivers-Amy Sommers; Extra-Curricular-Jimmy Hymes; Transportation-Jon Stock; Technology-Abby Pherigo; Board Policy Review Abby Pherigo; Senate 100-Katie Vitale; Safety-Joe Engelbrecht.

On a motion by Hymes, second by Stock to approve the schedule of Board of Education regular meetings including dates, times and locations. Roll Call Hymes-yes; Sommers-yes; Pherigo-yes; Vitale-yes; Stock-yes; Simpson-yes.


Jessica DeWitt-Jimmy Hymes asked about case loads. He asked about what we can do. Mr. Myers and herself have been reaching out to area colleges. Only a certified special ed teacher can do the paper work. Mr. Myers stated the hiring process that the district uses needs to be looked at.

Simpson-We need to adjust the hiring process.

Tammee Petersen-Beardstown School District was spotlighted in State Superintendent Carmen Ayala’s newsletter. Wendy McClenning-Docking stations are on back order. Computers for the labs have been ordered. Ron Gilbert-He went over the district finances, gave an update on bonding for the district and the different options the district has. He also gave a political update for the district.

Building and Grounds Committee meeting update: Cancel meeting because of lack of quorum. Bonding capacity is 10 million. We will need to go over cash amounts at the next building and grounds committee meeting.

Transportation Committee meeting update: Lease to own two regular buses and an activity bus. Hopefully will be here by June. Trading in older buses for the new leases.


On a motion by Hymes, second by Stock to approve consent agenda A, B, C, and D. Roll Call Hymes-yes; Sommers-yes; Pherigo-yes; Vitale-yes; Stock-yes; Simpson-yes.

On a motion by Hymes, second by Vitale to approve of 2021-2022 school calendars. Roll Call Hymes-yes; Sommers-yes; Pherigo-yes; Vitale-yes; Stock-yes; Simpson-yes.

On a motion by Hymes, second by Stock to approve letting bids for bread and Milk for the 2021-2022 school year. Roll Call Hymes-yes; Sommers-yes; Pherigo-yes; Vitale-yes; Stock-yes; Simpson-yes.

On a motion by Hymes, second by Stock to approve leasing two new full size buses and one multi-function activity bus; replacing full size bus #3, #5 and the diesel multi-function short bus. Roll Call Hymes-yes; Sommers-yes; Pherigo-yes; Vitale-yes; Stock-yes; Simpson-yes.

On a motion by Sommers, second by Hymes to approve the intergovernmental TIF agreement with the city of Beardstown. Roll Call Hymes-yes; Sommers-yes; Pherigo-yes; Vitale-yes; Stock-yes; Simpson-yes.

On a motion by Hymes, second by Stock to approve the early pay-off of the 2010 QZAB bonds in the amount of $234,360.00. Roll Call Hymes-yes; Sommers-yes; Pherigo-yes; Vitale-yes; Stock-yes; Simpson-yes. QZAB bond free up payments $80,000 more dollars to make a bond payment. Free up the payment for the next project.

On a motion by Hymes, second by Vitale to enter closed session to discuss litigation, land acquisition, negotiations, student disciplinary cases, and to consider information regarding the appointment, employment, or dismissal of an employee or officer. Roll Call Hymes-yes; Sommers-yes; Pherigo-yes; Vitale-yes; Stock-yes; Simpson-yes. Time 8:24p.m.

On a motion by Hymes, second Sommers to re enter open session. Roll Call Hymes-yes; Sommers-yes; Pherigo-yes; Vitale-yes; Stock-yes; Simpson-yes. Time 9:23p.m.


On a motion by Hymes, second by Stock to employ the following: Ericka Jensen-3rd Grade Elementary Teacher; Emma White-6th Grade MS Teacher; Jade Bellew-MS/HS Paraprofessional; Jen West and Abril Pate Freshman Class Sponsor 20/21SY; Brooke Tracy-20/21SY Sophomore Class Sponsor; Jill Ross and Victory Moore- 21/22SY Freshman Class Sponsors; Alexandria Wilson-1st grade Teacher-2021/2022SY. Roll Call Hymes-yes; Sommers-yes; Pherigo-yes; Vitale yes; Stock-yes; Simpson-yes.

On a motion by Vitale, second by Hymes to approve the following extracurricular volunteers who are ASEP or teacher certified (unless noted): Austin Brough-Assistant volunteer baseball coach (pending ASEP).

On a motion by Sommers, second by Pherigo to approve Andrea Wells-Volunteer sophomore class sponsor. Roll Call Hymes-yes; Sommers-yes; Pherigo-yes; Vitale-yes; Stock-yes; Simpson-yes.

The board recognizes the following resignations: Ryan Reiss-Dance Sponsor end of the 20/21 season; Kyle McCormick 7th Grade English language arts teacher, assistant football coach and assistant track coach.

On a motion by Hymes, second by Pherigo to approve a medical leave of absence for Cindia Smith-request from 3/24/21 through the end of the 2020/2021 school year. Roll Call Hymes-yes; Sommers-yes; Pherigo-yes; Vitale-yes; Stock-yes; Simpson-yes.

On a motion by Hymes, second Vitale, Sarah Seaman request from 3/22/21 through 4/26/21. Roll Call Hymes-yes; Sommers-yes; Pherigo-yes; Vitale-yes; Stock-yes; Simpson-yes.


Set a Personnel Committee meeting for May 6, 2021 at 6:30pm

Set a Building and Grounds meeting for May 6, 2021 at 7:30pm


On a motion by Vitale, second by Sommers to adjourn.
