
West Central Reporter

Saturday, June 8, 2024

City of Dallas City Council met Aug. 25.

Meeting 02

City of Dallas City Council met Aug. 25.

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

The Dallas City City Council held its regular meeting at 5 p.m. Mayor Kevin Six called the meeting to order with the following commissioners present: Carole McDowell, Peggy Newberry, Harold Northup Jr., and Greg Olson.

Others attending the meeting were Sally Six, Tracy Markey, Anne Thompson, Laurey Wibbell, Beth Greenig, Chari Purchatzke, John Stimpson, Barry Lillard, Rich Howe, Ruby Longley, Joyce Ellison, Doris Harman, John & Tiffany Wibbell, Ryan Thompson, John Ledo, Joni McLees, Kenny Foster, and Mariah Wallace.

A motion was made by McDowell, and 2nd by Newberry to accept the minutes of the August 11, 2021, meeting. McDowell, Newberry, Olson, and Six AYE. Northup ABSTAIN.

John Ledo appeared on behalf of Electric Pump to discuss the city's sewer lift stations. The council informed him that the city's engineer is currently working on the project to move the lift stations that are in flood plains. He left some information for the council.

Joni McLees appeared on behalf of J & S Electronic Business Systems to discuss the city's computer network security system, a proposal for a Managed IT solution, and a new printer/scanner/copier for the police department. The council feels that Police Chief Smith has some questions regarding these things. He was unable to attend this meeting due to being ill, and they asked if Mrs. McLees would be willing to come back to another meeting in September. Mrs. McLees left copies of the proposal for the council and Police Chief Smith to look over, and she will plan on attending one of the September meetings to answer any questions anyone might have.

The city attorney discussed the motion that was made and passed by the council at the July 28, 2021, meeting regarding signing a 5 year agreement with Jackson Disposal for trash pick up at all residential properties, but that was then vetoed by Mayor Six. She explained that since the City of Dallas City is a Commissioned Form of Government, the mayor does not have any veto power. Therefore, this motion was approved on July 28, 2021,with the following vote: McDowell, Newberry, Northup, and Olson AYE. Six NAY.

Several questions were asked regarding the trash pick up agreement with Jackson Disposal. The council attempted to answer these questions the best that they could. It was explained that all that has been done so far is the motion to enter into an agreement with Jackson Disposal to do trash pick up at all residential properties. The city attorney will contact Jackson Disposal and work on getting a contract drawn up and then an ordinance. The city clerk will send out letters to everyone that the trash pick up applies to after the contract and ordinance have been finalized.

John Stimpson feels that the council needs to concentrate on other nuisances, in addition to the trash. He also thinks that some residents feel that the trash situation needs to be voted on at a general election.

Ryan Thompson requested that the city attorney discuss the proposed Abatement of Nuisances Ordinance that has not been approved yet by the council. She explained the step-by-step procedure that would take place if this ordinance is approved.

Discussed the levy and assessment of taxes for the 2021-2022 fiscal year. Since there was no objections presented at the public hearing held prior to the July 14, 2021, city council meeting, a motion was made by McDowell, and 2nd by Olson to pass Ordinance #665 for the levy and assessment of taxes for the May 1, 2021, to April 30, 2022, fiscal year. McDowell, Newberry, Northup, Olson, and Six AYE.

Discussed a bid from Generations Electric & Service Company in Hamilton, Illinois, for a 22,000 watt natural gas generator. Their bid for the generator, concrete, and installation is $8,823.16. A motion was made by Olson, and 2nd by Newberry to accept the bid of $8,823.16 from Generations Electric & Service Company for the generator, concrete, and installation. McDowell, Newberry, Northup, Olson, and Six AYE.

Discussed repairing the bathrooms at the boat docks and having the parking lot at the boat docks oiled and chipped next year. This will be discussed with the city engineer.

Also discussed having the boat docks area sprayed for vegetation control annually. Discussed buildings on Oak Street. This will be discussed more at the next meeting.

Mayor Six has contacted some contractors about putting a new roof on the building at the sewer lagoon and installing gutters on the garage at city hall. However, he has not received any bids yet.

Discussed trees in town that might need to be removed.

Discussed alleys that can not be oiled and chipped due to the fact that the contractor's equipment is too large. There are a couple of alleys that are in need of repair.

Discussed addressing the willow trees at the Wetlands area.

Discussed a resident that has a sidewalk that appears to be collapsing. The city engineer will be contacted to see if there is something that needs to be done with the culvert.

A motion was made by Northup, and 2nd by McDowell to adjourn the meeting. McDowell, Newberry, Northup, Olson, and Six AYE.

The meeting was adjourned at 6:45 p.m.




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