
West Central Reporter

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Beardstown Community Unified School District 15 Board met Oct. 20

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Beardstown Community Unified School District 15 Board met Oct. 20.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

Amy Sommers called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. The following Board of Education members were present: Jimmy Hymes, Joe Engelbrecht, Katie Vitale, Abby Pherigo, Jon Stock and Amy Sommers. OJ Simpson was absent. Also present were Michael Smith and Kelly Herter.

Approval of Agenda:

Motion by Hymes, second by Engelbrecht approval of Agenda. Roll call vote: Hymes-yes; Engelbrecht yes; Vitale-yes; Pherigo-yes; Stock-yes; and Sommers-yes.

For the Good of the District: A thank you from Jeff Stephens’s family was read. Mr. Smith thanked everyone that helped with the fall season. He thanked the board for going to Board Training last week.

Recognition of Visitors: None

On a motion by Hymes, second by Vitale to approve the resolution abating the Working Cash Fund of the district. Roll call vote: Hymes-yes; Engelbrecht-yes; Vitale-yes; Pherigo-yes; Stock-yes; and Sommers yes.

On a motion by Engelbrecht, second by Stock to approve the resolution providing for the issue of Taxable General Obligation School Bonds, Series 2021A, and General Obligation School Bonds, Series 2021B, of the district for the purpose of increasing the Working Cash Fund of the district, providing for the levy of a direct annual tax sufficient to pay the principal and interest on said bonds, and authorizing the sale of said bonds to the purchaser thereof. Roll call vote: Hymes-yes; Engelbrecht-yes; Vitale-yes; Pherigo-yes; Stock-yes; and Sommers-yes.

Mr. Bill Capps gave a presentation on the Teacher Mentoring Program. He gave the board a copy of the Mentor/Mentee Monthly Checklist for the 2021-2022. Title II funds will be used to fund this program for better local control.

Next month Mr. Myers will give an update on the ICU program.

Informational Items and Dates:

School Improvement Day Friday, October 29

Veterans Day - No School Thursday, November 11

Dismissal at 2:00p.m. Tuesday, November 23(Thanksgiving Break)

School Improvement Day Friday, December 17

Administrator and Athletic Director Reports: None

Committee Reports: Building and Grounds-Board Meeting on October 13, 2021 to discuss painting outside doors and the MS/HS, a boiler amendment for the ROE, and the HS bleacher project for spring 2022

Superintendent’s Report:

Items presented: a. District Finances, Gard Elementary Remodel/Maintenance Shed Update (Bid was on Wednesday), The Loxley’s work on clearing the site(almost completed), High School Conference Update (The Prairieland Conference is hoping to decide at their November meeting, Close

Contacts/Quarantines/Test-to-Stay (great work by the Nurses), New Items on School Website - Snow Routes, Field Trip Forms, Maintenance Request Form), we have received the E-rate Funding for Chromebooks - $128,095.50, Digital sign out front (Wendy is still trying to get the company to make it right - actually UPDATE: She just knocked on my ticket booth window and said it was working!), and I will be sending a copy of the Dual Sports Contract to coaches to see what they think.

Discussion Items:

Additional Shuttle Route (possibly Riverside Apartments). Two shuttle bus routes currently. Cindy Swartz states there are 63 students on first shuttle route and 37 on the second route. Buses hold 71 students. When there are that many students on a bus there is a higher risk of a student that is lost. Both shuttle buses get to school by 8:10. Shuttle bus route is $4,069.50. Could we maybe commit to just to the end of semester?

Homecoming Parade-Mr. Smith was surprised to see that the district doesn’t have a homecoming parade. Homecoming fell on a different weekend of Fall Fun Festival. Schools have done different versions of parades. Student Council typically does the Homecoming festivities.

Security Cameras/Keycard Entry System-Four bids. Safety committee/Building and Grounds will be held in November.

Senior Citizen admission will be waived for all senior citizens.

We do have a tuition waiver for Staff/Student.

A projection for playoff game is that we will be going to Fairfield. He asked about a Charter bus possibility.

Consent Agenda Approval:

a) Prior Months’ Regular and Committee Meeting Minutes

b) Payment of Bills and Payroll

c) Treasurer’s Report

d) Investment, Loan, and Transfer

e) Recommendation to accept donations-None

f) Resignations-Maria Rodriguez-Grand

g) Retirements-None

h) Maternity Leave-None

i) Leave of Absence-Ryan Herridge

j) Student/Block Teachers:

∙ Gracie Richardson--Frank Shaw/History

∙ Esbeydy Rivera--Pilar Zuluaga/1st Grade

∙ Jacqueline Mendoza--Isamar Chavez/3rd Grade

∙ Zach James--David Vinlove/MS Special Education

∙ Alyssa Ulm--Stacey Savage/HS English

∙ Khamiya Ellis--Kirsta Anderson/HS English

k) Field Trips (Out of State)

∙ Frank Shaw/Ancient History class, St. Louis Art Museum, November 9, 2021

∙ Allison Skinner/Patrick Steadman, Fox Theater, St. Louis, April 7, 2022

On a motion by Hymes, second by Vitale to approve the consent agenda items a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,I,j, and k. Roll call vote: Hymes-yes; Engelbrecht-yes; Vitale-yes; Pherigo-yes; Stock-yes; and Sommers-yes. ACTION ITEMS:

On a motion by Hymes, second by Pherigo to table the motion on guidelines for snow days. Roll call vote: Hymes-yes; Engelbrecht-yes; Vitale-yes; Pherigo-yes; Stock-yes; and Sommers-yes.

On a motion by Hymes, second by Vitale to approve High School roof ladder installation for $13,500. Roll call vote: Hymes-yes; Engelbrecht-yes; Vitale-yes; Pherigo-yes; Stock-yes; and Sommers-yes.

On a motion by Stock, second by Stock to approve adding a shuttle bus route (possibly Riverside Apartments) contingent to not contractually held to continue. The board will reassess in December. Roll call vote: Hymes-yes; Engelbrecht-yes; Vitale-yes; Pherigo-yes; Stock-yes; and Sommers-yes.

On a motion by Hymes, second by Stock to approve painting outside doors at MS/HS with Richard Graham painting for $5,250.00. Roll call vote: Hymes-yes; Engelbrecht-yes; Vitale-yes; Pherigo-yes; Stock-yes; and Sommers-yes.

On a motion by Hymes, second by Stock to approve emergency resolution to repair/replace high school boiler. Roll call vote: Hymes-yes; Engelbrecht-yes; Vitale-yes; Pherigo-yes; Stock-yes; and Sommers-yes.

On a motion by Hymes, second by Vitale to enter closed session for the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of a specific employee. Roll call vote: Hymes-yes; Engelbrecht-yes; Vitale-yes; Pherigo-yes; Stock-yes; and Sommers-yes. Time 7:02 pm

On a motion by Jimmy Hymes, second by Abby Pherigo to enter regular session. Roll call vote: Hymes yes; Engelbrecht-yes; Vitale-yes; Pherigo-yes; Stock-yes; and Sommers-yes. Time 8:32pm

On a motion by Hymes, second by Stock to employ Nick Skinner-Full time Certified Substitute; AJ Gand HS Assistant Track Coach; Chad Grimm-HS Assistant Wrestling Coach; Clayton Thurman-MS Assistant Wrestling Coach; Brianna Behymer-MS/HS 4 hour dishwasher; Gabriela Montoya-Spanish Club; Elliott Craig-Tournament Director for Lady Tiger Classic; Marsha Grant-Junior Class Sponsor; Cindy Hobrock Test-To-Stay Program; Melissa Meyer-Test-To-Stay Program. The following English Learner After School Program Certified Staff- Jeronimo Gonzalez; Amy Hemphill; Claudia Zabala; Pilar Zuluaga. Non Certified Staff: Jennifer Martinez; Lucie Mordiva; Iria Navedo; Reycher Nunez; Kiara Perez; Rachel Sepulveda; and Alma Williams.

Roll call vote: Hymes-yes; Engelbrecht-yes; Vitale-yes; Pherigo-yes; Stock-yes; and Sommers-yes.


On a motion by Stock, second by Hymes to adjourn at 8:35 p.m.
