City of Bushnell City Council met Jan. 16.
Here are the minutes provided by the council:
Mayor Wilt called the meeting to order
The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was given.
Roll Call
Ald. Donna Coates -P Ald. Greg Yocum –P
Ald. Lisa Webb -A Ald. Stacey Allen –P
Ald. Kim Havens –P Ald. Bruce Lorton –P
Ald. David Norton -A Ald. Mike Baker -P
Mayor Robin Wilt – P
Utility Manager Joe Fosdyck - P
City Clerk Teresa Ebbert - P
Police Chief Chaney Ferguson-P
Treasurer Betsy Rench –P
Street Superintendent David Raymond-A
City Attorney Nick Tinsman-P
Mayor Wilt read a few of Martin Luther King Jr.’s quotes in honor of Martin Luther King Jr. Day
Mayor Wilt welcomed Big Sister Valarie and her little “J”, by reading a proclamation for Big Brother & Sister month.
*City Treasurer Betsy Rench stated that we received the bill of $147,847 for dredging, it was paid with ARPA monies.
Consent Agenda
Ald. Lorton made a motion to approve the consent agenda which includes.
1. Approval of Minutes from January 3, 2023
2. Accept December Financial/Treasurers Report.
Ald. Yocum seconded the motion. A roll call vote was taken with the results as follows:
Ald. Coates “aye” Ald. Yocum “aye”
Ald. Webb absent Ald. Allen “aye”
Ald. Havens “aye” Ald. Lorton “aye”
Ald. Norton absent Ald. Baker “aye”
Where upon Mayor Wilt declared the motion carried
Ad hoc (Mayor’s Report)
*Mayor Wilt informed council that the city received a $5000.00 award from BNSF to be used towards the depot renovation.
*The Methodist Church and Bama are hosting at “Friends feeding Friends” meal on January 24, 2023 at the Community Christian Center from 4:30 – 6:30. Everyone is
Welcome and they will be taking donations. Mayor Wilt stated the city would be donating $500.00.
*Mayor Wilt participated in the “Portrait of a Graduate” at the High School.
*Mayor Wilt will be attending the “Shark Tank demo” at the Jr. High this week.
*Test Dinner is January 28th.
*The Pool Board will be having Bingo at the VFW on 3/11/2023
*Nothing to report
Public Works
Ald. Lorton made a motion to give credit to the people who were charged double garbage fees for
Up to one year. Ald. Coates seconded the motion. A roll call vote was taken with the results as follows:
Ald. Webb absent Ald. Allen “aye”
Ald. Havens abstain Ald. Lorton “aye”
Ald. Norton absent Ald. Baker “aye”
Ald. Yocum “aye” Ald. Coates “aye”
Where upon Mayor Wilt declared the motion carried.
*Utility Supervisor Joe Fosdyck stated Fairbanks will be here this week to look at the #3 Generator.
*Fosdyck stated he received a letter from the ICC accepting our penalty of $21600.00.
*Fosdyck reported that the city does not charge any tap fees for Electric and Gas, they just charge for the materials. Other cities charge for these services.
*Fosdyck stated that a new unit for the Digger Truck is going to be $173,158.00, we will have to have a rental truck while its being put on and that will run around $15,560.00.
*Greg Fulkerson from Test reported that he is working on a response to the EPA letter.
*Jeff Rench from ESDA stated he went to a navigator meeting in Mt. Sterling. This is for the CO2 pipeline. They will be working with communities and 1st responders to learn how to navigate any problems.
*Minutes from 1/9/2023 meeting
Real Estate/Parks/Recreation
*Ald. Baker stated that that the doors for the Rec. center have been ordered and they will paint them all Gray.
*Ald. Coates reported they had discussed hiring someone to clean the Fitness room.
*WIRC is checking into some grants to see if we can get some staffing at the Rec. Center.
*IMEG is investigating the water main and what would need to be done to accommodate the splash pads.
Engineering Report
*City Engineer Greg Ryckaert reported that the Washington Street Sanitary Sewer cost est. permits are in to WIRC and the application will go in this week for a grant.
*Ryckaert stated the demo specs for the Brickhouse are reading and they can begin taking bids for demolition.
Economic Development
*Next meeting January 23, 2023 ,4:00 at the Depot
*Ald. Allen stated we could shut the timer for the lights off at the Depot.
*Kim Pierce from MAEDCO stated the city needed to get an Amendment for the Enterprise Zone Ordinance. She will work with Attorney Tinsman to get this started.
Attorney’s Report/Ordinances & Resolutions
*Nothing to report
Ald. Allen made a motion to Adjourn
Meeting was adjourned at 6:26