
West Central Reporter

Sunday, February 23, 2025

City of Waverly City Council met March 7

City of Waverly City Council met March 7.

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

1. Call to Order and Roll Call.

Mayor Duewer called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm. Present were: Alderman Baines, Alderman Campbell, Alderman Cleveland, Alderman Nagel and Alderwoman Robinette. Alderman Gray was absent.

2. Pledge of Allegiance

3. Comments from the Floor

Darla Stewart – Updates on Library. Librarian Stewart reported that the painting of the Children’s Reading Room has been completed. Non-resident fees for the Library are now: $13.50 (3 months), $27.00 (6 months) and $54.00 (1 year). Initial bids for redoing the windows have come with a range of $5,000 to $45,000 and when accepted, the Library is requestion some assistance from the City. The Librarian was asked to reach out to the higher bidders to see if the cost can be lower and report back to the Council. The City did commit to assisting where possible. Alderman Campbell moved, second by Alderwoman Robinette to approve LuAnn Lowder as a new member of the Library Board. All present voted aye.

Barry Austin – Lake and Rip Rap discussion. Mayor Duewer reported that all required paperwork has been submitted and we are waiting approval from the State of Illinois, which we expect to be within the current year.

Russell Walls – To complete rebuttal on recent and ongoing zoning board issue. After much discussion, Mr. Walls asked that his rezoning request be placed on “hold” for one (1) year. In March of 2024, Mr. Walls may resubmit his request for rezoning.

4. Approve Open Meeting Minutes from the February 7, 2023 Meeting and the Special Meeting Minutes from the February 20, 2023 Meeting

Alderman Campbell moved, second by Alderman Cleveland to approved the minutes of the February 7, 2023 City Council Meeting and the February 20, 2023 Special Meeting. All present voted aye.

5. Approve the Reports of Clerk, Collector, Bookkeeper and Treasurer

Alderman Nagle moved, second by Alderwoman Robinette to the reports as presented. All present voted aye.

6. Pay February Bills Due in March 2023

Alderman Cleveland moved, second by Campbell to pay the February bills as presented. All present voted aye.

7. Municipal

On-going discussion. Discussion and possible action regarding the Illinois Department of Transportation, State Route 104 Project. On-going discussion. As of August 2022, IDOT is responsible securing easement signatures. UPDATE: see memorandum from Benton & Associates for Drinking Water Construction Permit sent on 01/09/23 and Utility Easement Agreement between Franklin and Waverly. The latest report is that the project could take another two (2) years before work will begin.

On-going discussion. Discussion and possible action regarding the Illinois Transportation Enhancement Program (ITEP) and Open Space Lands Acquisition and Development (OSLAD) grant process. Nothing new at this time.

On-going discussion. Discussion and possible action regarding the IDOT 2024 Truck Access Route Program (TARP) for possible road improvement on Harker Street. The application has been presented to IDOT and is pending approval.

8. Finance

No report.

9. Parks, Lakes, and Recreation

On-going discussion. Discussion and possible action regarding Salter Park: bathrooms and pavilion. Awaiting further information from the Waverly Jr. Women’s Club.

On-going discussion. Discussion and possible approval of the 319 Grant for the Waverly Lake TMDL & Watershed Plan Implementation. Paperwork has been submitted David Souther, Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (IEPA). Mr. Souther is monitoring. All requested paperwork has been submitted and we are awaiting approval.

Alderman Nagel reported fishing limits have been reset and from tis point forward, new changes must be approved by the State Legislature.

10. Police

Chief Johnson reported nothing usual for the month of February and the Lake cameras continue to be a work in progress. Westown Ford is keeping watch for vehicle that could serve as a new squad car and the truck needs to be replaced. The market is not particularly good, but Chief Johnson will keep the council posted.

11. Streets and Alleys

John Lyons reported that Brock Casson has submitted his resignation.

12. Utilities

Alderman Nagel moved, second by Alderman Campbell to have Midwest Mobile Washers clean and seal both water towers in Salter Park for $13,700. All present voted aye.

13. Committee Reports

No report.

14. Old Business:

On-going discussion. Discussion and possible action regarding utilization of the State of Illinois Non-Entitlement Units (NEU) funds from ARPA’s Coronavirus Local Fiscal Recovery (“CLFR”) funds. Report of balance and expenditures to date.

Nothing new at this time.

15. New Business

Discussion and possible approval to put up for bid the properties at 338 East State and 398 West Tremont. This item was tabled until the April meeting for possible action.

The Council directed the City Clerk to place a notice for Summer Help in the Waverly Journal and at Waverly High School.

The Council directed the City Clerk to secure Saturday, May 20, 2023 for the Spring Heavy Trash Clean-Up.

Morgan County State of Economic Interest Forms are to be completed and returned to the City Clerk at or before the April City Council Meeting. Due to Morgan County by May 1, 2023.

Alderman Cleveland moved, second by Alderman Nagel to hire Estes, Bridgewater & Ogden to perform the 2022/23 Audit for the City. All present voted aye.

16. Executive Session:

The appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance or dismissal of specific employees of the public body or legal counsel of the public body, including hearing testimony on a complaint lodged against an employee of the public body or against legal counsel of the public body to determine its validity.

Alderman Cleveland moved, second by Alderman Nagel to enter Executive Session at 7:55 pm. All present voted aye.

Alderman Baines moved, second by Alderman Campbell to re-enter Open Session at 8:14 pm. All present voted aye.

17. Zoning

Discussion and possible approval of the recommendation presented by the Zoning Committee / Planning Commissions for the property on East State Street. Public Meeting was held on February 20, 2023. No action was taken as Mr. Walls asked that the rezoning request be placed on hold for one (1) year.

18. Adjourn:

Alderman Nagel moved, second by Alderman Cleveland to adjourn at 8:16 pm. All present voted aye.
