
West Central Reporter

Sunday, February 23, 2025

City of Dallas City City Council met May 25

City of Dallas City City Council met May 25.

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

The Dallas City City Council held its regular meeting on May 24, 2023, at 5:30 p.m. Mayor Kevin Six  called the meeting to order with the following commissioners present: Peggy Newberry, Harold  Northup Jr., and Greg Olson. Carole McDowell was absent. 

Others attending the meeting were Doris Harman, Shelly Glendening, Doug Erickson, Kenny Foster,  and Josie Finch. 

A motion was made by Olson, and 2nd by Newberry to accept the minutes of the May 10, 2023,  meeting. Newberry, Northup, Olson, and Six AYE. McDowell ABSENT. 

Discussed the fence and gates at the city cemetery. 

Commissioner Olson has spoken to the postmaster about possibly installing an outside drop box for  mail along the alley behind the post office so that people can drop off their mail without getting out of  their car. The postmaster said that he would check to see if this could be done. 

Doug Erickson reported that the Lead Service Line Grant application has been sent in, but he has not  heard anything back yet. He informed the council that the 2023 Motor Fuel Tax Letting will be taking  place on May 31 at the city clerk's office at 10 a.m. He is working on the Facility Plan for the water  project. He also reported that we were not going to be able to apply for the boat dock grant this year,  but is hoping to be able to do so next year. The council asked Mr. Erickson to contact Lavadiere  Construction regarding the valve at the water tank. 

The city attorney reported that she is working on contacting the owner of the old high school building  in regards to getting it prepared for the city celebration parade in July. She also informed the council  that the court case regarding a dog running at large in town had to be continued due to a family  emergency. 

Shelly Glendening discussed an issue she recently had with her sewer line. It was plugged at the tie-in  to the city's sewer main. She feels that this is the city's responsibility. It was explained to her that the  city is only responsible for the sewer main, and that the tie-in and sewer line from the sewer main to  her house is the property owner's responsibility. 

Mayor Six reported that the Hancock County Economic Development Association would like to set up  a time to meet with someone from the city to discuss things that could possibly be done for the city. He also reported that the city's dues with the Hancock County Economic Development Association are  due. The amount of the dues are $1,332.45. A motion was made by Olson, and 2nd by Northup to pay  the Hancock County Economic Development Association dues of $1,332.45. Newberry, Northup,  Olson, and Six AYE. McDowell ABSENT. 

Discussed the city's current water/sewer rates and the fact that the city's water supplier, Dallas Rural  Water District, has raised the rate that the city is paying for the water that we purchase from them  beginning May 1, 2023. After discussing the city's options, a motion was made by Northup, and 2nd by  Olson to increase the city's water rate to $20 and sewer rate to $30 for 0-1,000 gallons usage, and the  water rate to $4.50 and sewer rate to $3.50 per 1,000 gallons usage in excess of 1,000 gallons, effective with the July 1, 2023, bills. The current $16.50 monthly trash service fee will still be added to these  new rates for those that it applies to. Newberry, Northup, Olson, and Six AYE. McDowell ABSENT.

Mayor Six read a letter from city streets employee Greg Ferrill informing the council that he is  planning on retiring in July after working for the city for 27 years. The Dallas City City Council would like to “THANK” Greg for his 27 years of service. 

Commissioner Olson reported that he is trying to find someplace where the city can purchase cold  patch so that the city's streets can be fixed. 

Mayor Six recently attended a Brownsfield Network meeting. They have informed him that Dallas  City is still on their list of possible places that they are willing to help with the removal of buildings.  Western Illinois Regional Council has also informed the mayor that there is another grant available for  the use of tearing down residential properties. Mayor Six is going to check more into this. 

Discussed the John Shoemate Memorial Kids Fishing Tournament that is going to be held in Dallas  City on June 17, 2023. A motion was made by Olson, and 2nd by Northup to donate $400 to the Illinois  Jr Fishing Association to help with the expenses of this fishing tournament for the children. Newberry,  Northup, Olson, and Six AYE. McDowell ABSENT. 

A motion was made by Northup, and 2nd by Newberry to adjourn the meeting. Newberry, Northup,  Olson, and Six AYE. McDowell ABSENT. 

The meeting was adjourned at 6:32 p.m. 
