
West Central Reporter

Sunday, February 23, 2025

City of Waverly City Council met June 13

City of Waverly City Council met June 13.

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

1. Call to Order and Roll Call.

Mayor Duewer called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm. Present were: Alderman Baines, Alderman Campbell, Alderman Gray, Alderman Nagel and Alderwoman Robinette. Alderman Cleveland was absent.

2. Pledge of Allegiance

3. Comments from the Floor

Eric Colvin – 4th of July fireworks. City Council approved the request as was done in previous years.

Stu and Tammy Good to discuss the Picnic and Beer Tent. The Picnic Committee and Waverly Community Angels previously had requested a trash container, port-a-potties and a special liquor license. Alderman Baines moved, second by Alderman Gray to approve. All present voted aye. Mr. Good also requested closure of East State Street for three-on-three basketball and a fireman’s competition. The City will assist as needed.

Matt Martin of MMC Tech Solutions to discuss security cameras at Waverly Lake. Mr. Martin did not appear. Chief Johnson covered this item in his report.

Darla Stewart, Waverly Public Library, window replacement project. Ms. Stewart presented final bills for the window replacement project and requested the City provide assistance, if possible. Action will be considered at the July City Council Meeting.

John Bostic, Patriot’s Pub. Mr. Bostic did not appear.

4. Approve Open Meeting Minutes from the May 2, 2023 Meeting, May 17, 2023 Special Meeting and May 31, 2023 Special Meeting

Alderman Campbell moved, second by Alderman Nagel to approve all minutes as presented. All present voted aye.

5. Approve the Reports of Clerk, Collector, Bookkeeper and Treasurer

Alderman Nagel moved, second by Alderwoman Robinette to approve all reports as presented. All present voted aye.

6. Pay May Bills Due in June 2023

Alderman Nagel moved, second by Alderwoman Robinette to pay the May 2023 bills as presented. All present voted aye.

7. Municipal

Discussion and possible action regarding the application of Morgan Haycraft for a Club Liquor License. Alderman Baines moved, second by Alderman Nagle to deny the application for a Club Liquor License because it does not meet the requirements for a Club Liquor License. All present voted aye.

On-going discussion. Discussion and possible action regarding the Illinois Department of Transportation, State Route 104 Project. On-going discussion. As of August 2022, IDOT is responsible securing easement signatures. UPDATE: see memorandum from Benton & Associates for Drinking Water Construction Permit sent on 01/09/23 and Utility Easement Agreement between Franklin and Waverly.

On-going discussion. Discussion and possible action regarding the Illinois Transportation Enhancement Program (ITEP) and Open Space Lands Acquisition and Development (OSLAD) grant process. Nothing new at this time.

On-going discussion. Discussion and possible action regarding the IDOT 2024 Truck Access Route Program (TARP) for possible road improvement on Harker Street. The application has been presented to IDOT and notification of approval was received via Stefanie Ballinger of Benton & Associates.

Stefanie Ballinger, Benton & Associates will be at the July meeting to provide additional information for discussion and possible action.

8. Finance

2nd reading of the Appropriations Ordinance for Fiscal Year 2024. No changes were presented. The Clerk will prepare the ordinance for final approval at the July meeting.

9. Parks, Lakes, and Recreation

On-going discussion. Discussion and possible action regarding Salter Park: bathrooms and pavilion. Waverly Jr. Women’s Club is working a proposal.

It was suggested that the Parks, Lake and Recreation Committee meet to formulate a proposal to present to the City Council. The City Clerk will assist as requested.

On-going discussion. Discussion and possible approval of the 319 Grant for the Waverly Lake TMDL & Watershed Plan Implementation. Paperwork has been submitted David Souther, Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (IEPA).

The 319 Grant ($90,000) has been approved and accepted by the City. We are awaiting payment from the State prior to beginning work on the project.

10. Police

Chief Johnson monthly reports. There were no unusual incidents reported for the month of May. City Police assisted with the “Girls on the Run” event. Lunch with a Cop has concluded for the school year and was a highly successful. The security camera project at the lake is progressing and should be completed by next month’s meeting. The lagoon camera project has also begun and a status report will be presented next month.

11. Utilities, Streets and Alleys

Discussion and possible action regarding speed bumps on South Curtiss and East Vandalia. The City Council took no action at this time and will be exploring other alternatives.

Discussion and possible action regarding rate increase (Apple Creek) and new metering system for the City of Waverly customers. The discussion was tabled until next month.

12. Committee Reports

No reports were presented.

13. Zoning

No report was presented.

14. Old Business:

On-going discussion. Discussion and possible action regarding utilization of the State of Illinois Non-Entitlement Units (NEU) funds from ARPA’s Coronavirus Local Fiscal Recovery (“CLFR”) funds. Report was submitted on time and accepted with no errors reported.

On-going discussion. Rick Whalen and Shane Gray to discuss new bid received regarding fixing the existing walls after demolition. Further discussion will continue on this matter and resolution is being sought through legal channels.

Discussion and possible action regarding Amended Rules for Public Meetings - - (previously on the agenda as first reading of Ordinance Amending Chapter 19 – now not necessary. as we already have rules posted). The proposed amendment is to change the current time limit for speakers from two (2) minutes to five (5) minutes. Based upon discussion, the Council decided to keep the existing rules in place. The rules are posted at City Hall and the Clerk will post on the website.

15. New Business

Discussion and possible approval of Ordinance 23-02 Sale of Real Estate of properties at 338 East State and 398 West Tremont and the Contracts for Sale. Alderwoman Robinette moved, second by Alderman Baines to approve Ordinance 23-02. All present voted aye.

Discussion and possible approval of an Amendment to Ordinance 22-01 – Golf Carts. Alderwoman Robinette moved, second by Alderman Baines to approve the Amendment as presented. All present voted aye.

Discussion and possible approval to set Tuesday, July 4th as the night for fireworks. Alderman Nagel moved, Alderwoman Robinette to approve Jul6 4th for fireworks. All present voted aye.

16. Executive Session: (i) The appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance or dismissal of specific employees of the City; and (ii) Pending or threatened litigation affecting the City. Alderman Nagel moved, second by Alderwoman Robinette to enter closed session at 8:20 pm. All present voted aye. Alderman Baines moved, second by Alderwoman Robinette to re-enter open session at 8:45 pm. All present voted aye.

17. New Business cont’d

Discussion and possible approval of City of Waverly Pay Plan and Salary Schedule. The discussion was tabled until next month.

18. Adjourn

Alderman Campbell moved, second by Alderman Gray to adjourn at 8:46 pm. All present voted aye. 
