
West Central Reporter

Sunday, February 23, 2025

City of Pittsfield City Council met July 18

City of Pittsfield City Council met July 18.

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

The regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Pittsfield, Pike County, Illinois, was held on Tuesday, July 18, 2023, at 6:00 p.m. The meeting was held in the Council Room at the Pittsfield City all at 215 N Monroe Street. The following officers were present: City Clerk Ann Moffit, and Alderman Bill Grimsley, Kevin Ketchum, Paul Lennon, Chris Little, Robert Ritchart, Robert Wilson, and Kevin Wombles. Mayor Gary Mendenhall presided.

Alderman Ketchum moved to approve July 05, 2023, city council minutes.

Alderman Lennon seconded the motion.

Roll Call: Yea: Grimsley, Ketchum, Lennon, Little, Ritchart, Wombles (6)

Nay: NONE (0)

Present: Wilson (1)

The motion carried.

Alderman Wombles moved to approve the June 2023 Treasurer’s Report.

Alderman Ketchum seconded the motion.

Roll Call: Yea: Grimsley, Ketchum, Lennon, Little, Ritchart, Wilson, Wombles (7)

Nay: NONE (0)

Present: NONE (0)

The motion carried.

Mayor’s Announcements:

Ordinance Meetings were held to discuss several ordinances that have been discussed yet never finalized.

A meeting with Mayor Mendenhall, Chief Starman, JWCC President, and Executive Director of our districts Law Enforcement Local Training Unit to discuss placement of a mobile training simulator to JWCC.

Mayor Mendenhall attended several meetings in reference to land purchases and sales. The Pike County Emergency Agency Director contacted us to request expenses associated with the recent wind storm. Pike County is near a financial dollar amount to be considered a State of Emergency and may be eligible for disaster relief. Our records were submitted.

Mayor Mendenhall attended the Ribbon Cutting and open house for Johnson and Johnson Mobile Vet Clinic.

We have been working with the Airport Engineer and IDOT Chief of Airport Design to finalize our pending equipment grant.

Alderman Grimsley moved to allow for a temporary street closure of Mississippi Street from Washington Street to Fayette Street on July 30, 2023 from 3pm to 9pm.

Alderman Ketchum seconded the motion.

Roll Call: Yea: Grimsley, Ketchum, Lennon, Little, Ritchart, Wilson, Wombles (7)

Nay: NONE (0)

Present: NONE (0)

The motion carried.

Alderman Ritchart moved to accept the recommendation of the Zoning Committee to approve the variance request of Reid Richards at 826 N Jackson Street.

Alderman Ketchum seconded the motion.

Roll Call: Yea: Grimsley, Ketchum, Lennon, Little, Ritchart, Wilson, Wombles (7)

Nay: NONE (0)

Present: NONE (0)

The motion carried.

Alderman Little moved to approve the placement of a Slow Children Playing sign on Sycamore Street. Alderman Ketchum seconded the motion.

Roll Call: Yea: Grimsley, Ketchum, Lennon, Little, Ritchart, Wilson, Wombles (7)

Nay: NONE (0)

Present: NONE (0)

The motion carried.

Alderman Little moved to approve the placement of a Slow Children Playing sign on Landess Terrace. Alderman Lennon seconded the motion.

Roll Call: Yea: Grimsley, Ketchum, Lennon, Little, Ritchart, Wilson, Wombles (7)

Nay: NONE (0)

Present: NONE (0)

The motion carried.

Alderman Little moved to approve the placement of a Yield sign at 415th Street at the entrance to Lake Pittsfield.

Alderman Wilson seconded the motion.

Roll Call: Yea: Grimsley, Ketchum, Lennon, Little, Ritchart, Wilson, Wombles (7)

Nay: NONE (0)

Present: NONE (0)

The motion carried.

Model Ordinance Short Term Rental Property – tabled

Model Ordinance Park Model Home – tabled

Alderman Lennon updated that the Public Safety Committee met and learned from Corporal Barton that the $9000 grant for video storage has been received. The Body and In Car Camera grant is still pending. As well as heard from Mayor Mendenhall about a meeting with JWCC and the District Mobile Training Board in reference to a mobile training simulator being placed at the Pittsfield JWCC campus.

Alderman Wombles updated that the Street and Alley Committee met and learned of a drainage issue on Memorial Street that was identified during the Construction. The issue has been resolved. The concrete is curing nicely and the Memorial/Fair construction should be completed next week.

Alderman Ketchum moved to approve the contract with Callendar Construction for the repair of 365th Street (South), in the amount of $35,905.00.

Alderman Wombles seconded the motion.

Roll Call: Yea: Grimsley, Ketchum, Lennon, Little, Ritchart, Wilson, Wombles (7)

Nay: NONE (0)

Present: NONE (0)

The motion carried.

Alderman Wombles moved to approve the contract with Callendar Construction for the repair of Cherry Street in the amount of $14,556.00.

Alderman Ketchum seconded the motion.

Roll Call: Yea: Grimsley, Ketchum, Lennon, Little, Ritchart, Wilson, Wombles (7)

Nay: NONE (0)

Present: NONE (0)

The motion carried.

Alderman Wombles moved to approve Ordinance No 1715, A TIF I Redevelopment Agreement between the City of Pittsfield and Trux, LLC.

Alderman Ketchum seconded the motion.

Roll Call: Yea: Grimsley, Ketchum, Lennon, Little, Ritchart, Wilson, Wombles (7)

Nay: NONE (0)

Present: NONE (0)

The motion carried.

Alderman Wombles moved to approve the purchase order from Altorfer Inc., for a Track Loader 299D3 SE DM1 and attachments for a total of $182,338.00, after trade-in of 1989 CAT Road Grader.

Roll Call: Yea: Grimsley, Ketchum, Lennon, Little, Ritchart, Wilson, Wombles (7)

Nay: NONE (0)

Present: NONE (0)

The motion carried.

Alderman Ritchart moved to pay bills as stated by City Clerk.

Alderman Ketchum seconded the motion.

Roll Call: Yea: Grimsley, Ketchum, Lennon, Little, Ritchart, Wilson, Wombles (7)

Nay: NONE (0)

Present: NONE (0)

The motion carried.

New Business:

Mayor Mendenhall noted that the William Watson will have an event on July 30, 2023 and the alley directly behind the hotel will be temporarily closed.

Alderman Ritchart asked the status of the airplane that was inoperable that we send a letter to the owner in reference to. Mayor has spoken with the owner and they plan to be in compliance in August. Alderman Ritchart thanked Street and Alley Superintendent Todd Scranton and his crew from brush cleanup.

Alderman Ketchum asked what parking was going to be allowed once the parking lot under the water tower reopened. Mayor explained that this lot did not have any designations. This topic has been discussed previously and no action has been taken.

Alderman Wombles also thanked the City crews for clean-up.

Public Works Director Tom Reinhardt noted that he has been in touch with Reece Construction and they are waiting for manhole covers for Fayette Street.

Ed Knight stated that a meeting is scheduled to discuss City Hall expansion.

Ed Knight also stated that he is looking into new Safe Route to School grant opportunities.

Max Middendorf thanked the City for the assistance with the concrete for the disc golf expansion that was completed by Pike County Rotary.

Alderman Ketchum moved to enter into closed session at 6:39 pm.

Alderman Grimsley seconded the motion.

Roll Call: Yea: Grimsley, Ketchum, Lennon, Little, Ritchart, Wilson, Wombles (7)

Nay: NONE (0)

Present: NONE (0)

The motion carried.

Alderman Wombles moved to enter into open session at 7:08 pm.

Alderman Ritchart seconded the motion.

Roll Call: Yea: Grimsley, Ketchum, Lennon, Little, Ritchart, Wilson, Wombles (7)

Nay: NONE (0)

Present: NONE (0)

The motion carried.

Alderwoman Wombles moved to adjourn this meeting at 7:08 p.m.
