
West Central Reporter

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Carthage Elementary School District 317 Board of Education met Sept. 20

Carthage Elementary School District 317 Board of Education met Sept. 20.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

The budget hearing of the Carthage E.S.D. #317 Board of Education was called to order at 7:01 p.m. by Board President Luke Burling.

Roll call: Sean Dickerson/present; Derrick Nelson/present; Stephanie Fitch/present; Jacob Murphy/present; Luke Burling/present; Linda Housewright/present; Dillon Darbyshire/absent.

The Pledge of Allegiance was recited by all in attendance.

The proposed budget was reviewed.

There were no individuals wishing to address the board regarding the proposed budget.

It was moved by Mrs. Housewright and seconded by Mr. Nelson to adjourn the budget hearing at 7:04 p.m. Roll Call: Mr. Dickerson/yes; Mr. Nelson/yes; Mrs. Fitch/yes; Mr. Murphy/yes; Mr. Burling/yes; Mrs. Housewright/yes; Mr. Darbyshire/absent. Motion carried 6-0.

The regular meeting of the Carthage E.S.D. #317 Board of Education was called to order at 7:04 p.m. by Board President Luke Burling.

Roll call: Sean Dickerson/present; Derrick Nelson/present; Stephanie Fitch/present; Jacob Murphy/present; Luke Burling/present; Linda Housewright/present; Dillon Darbyshire/absent.

Additional Agenda Items: Mr. Day added: The setting of a price for sale or lease of property owned by the District to executive session.

Recognition of individuals wishing to speak: Jared Squier addressed the board regarding an incident involving his children.

Administrative Reports: Mr. Day gave a verbal board report.

Mrs. Jacoby and Mr. VanCamp had board reports included in the board packets.

It was moved by Mr. Murphy and seconded by Mr. Dickerson to approve the consent agenda as presented. Roll Call: Mr. Dickerson/yes; Mr. Nelson/yes; Mrs. Fitch/yes; Mr. Murphy/yes; Mr. Burling/yes; Mrs. Housewright/yes; Mr. Darbyshire/absent. Motion carried 6-0.

It was moved by Mr. Dickerson and seconded by Mr. Murphy to approve the FY24 budget as presented. Roll Call: Mr. Dickerson/yes; Mr. Nelson/yes; Mrs. Fitch/yes; Mr. Murphy/yes; Mr. Burling/yes; Mrs. Housewright/yes; Mr. Darbyshire/absent. Motion carried 6-0.

It was moved by Mrs. Fitch and seconded by Mrs. Housewright to approve the job descriptions as presented. Roll Call: Mr. Dickerson/yes; Mr. Nelson/yes; Mrs. Fitch/yes; Mr. Murphy/yes; Mr. Burling/yes; Mrs. Housewright/yes; Mr. Darbyshire/absent. Motion carried 6-0.

It was moved by Mr. Murphy and seconded by Mr. Dickerson to authorize Brandon VanCamp to transact business on the Activity Fund account held at Marine Bank & Trust, along with Ryanne Jacoby and Dustin Day. Roll Call: Mr. Dickerson/yes; Mr. Nelson/yes; Mrs. Fitch/yes; Mr. Murphy/yes; Mr. Burling/yes; Mrs. Housewright/yes; Mr. Darbyshire/absent. Motion carried 6-0.

It was moved by Mrs. Housewright and seconded by Mrs. Fitch to approve the gas supply agreement with Constellation New Energy, for 48 months at a fixed rate of 5.912. Roll Call: Mr. Dickerson/yes; Mr. Nelson/yes; Mrs. Fitch/yes; Mr. Murphy/yes; Mr. Burling/yes; Mrs. Housewright/yes; Mr. Darbyshire/absent. Motion carried 6-0.

The motion to approve the agreement as presented, to give in kind lots 6 & 7 of parcel 13- 19-999-051 to the Carthage Park District (CPD). This land is located south of the alley at 210 S Adams St. in Carthage IL on which the W.O.W. Park is located. S19 T5 R6 O T LOTS 6 & 7 BLK 32 CARTHAGE, was tabled due to contract wording.

It was moved by Mrs. Housewright and seconded by Mr. Dickerson to enter into executive session at 7:55 p.m. for the purpose of discussing personnel and the setting of a price for sale or lease of property owned by the District, as added by Mr. Day. Roll Call: Mr. Dickerson/yes; Mr. Nelson/yes; Mrs. Fitch/yes; Mr. Murphy/yes; Mr. Burling/yes; Mrs. Housewright/yes; Mr. Darbyshire/absent. Motion carried 6-0.

It was moved by Mr. Murphy and seconded by Mr. Dickerson to exit executive session at 11:46 p.m. Roll Call: Mr. Dickerson/yes; Mr. Nelson/yes; Mrs. Fitch/yes; Mr. Murphy/yes; Mr. Burling/yes; Mrs. Housewright/yes; Mr. Darbyshire/absent. Motion carried 6-0.

It was moved by Mr. Murphy and seconded by Mr. Dickerson to approve Michelle Johnson as a paraprofessional for the 2023-24 school year, according to the pay scale stated in the contract between Carthage Elementary School District #317 and the Service Employee’s International Union Local Number 73, pending completion of paraprofessional certification. Roll Call: Mr. Dickerson/yes; Mr. Nelson/yes; Mrs. Fitch/yes; Mr. Murphy/yes; Mr. Burling/yes; Mrs. Housewright/yes; Mr. Darbyshire/absent. Motion carried 6-0.

It was moved by Mrs. Housewright and seconded by Mr. Dickerson to employ Thomas Cokel as Maintenance Director at the rate of $25.00 per hour. Roll Call: Mr. Dickerson/yes; Mr. Nelson/yes; Mrs. Fitch/yes; Mr. Murphy/yes; Mr. Burling/yes; Mrs. Housewright/yes; Mr. Darbyshire/absent. Motion carried 6-0.

It was moved by Mrs. Fitch and seconded by Mr. Burling to approve Jade Washburn as a substitute custodian at the rate of $16.90 per hour. Roll Call: Mr. Dickerson/yes; Mr. Nelson/yes; Mrs. Fitch/yes; Mr. Murphy/yes; Mr. Burling/yes; Mrs. Housewright/yes; Mr. Darbyshire/absent. Motion carried 6-0.

It was moved by Mr. Dickerson and seconded by Mrs. Housewright to approve Kim Passmore as a substitute custodian at the rate of $16.90 per hours. Roll Call: Mr. Dickerson/yes; Mr. Nelson/yes; Mrs. Fitch/yes; Mr. Murphy/yes; Mr. Burling/yes; Mrs. Housewright/yes; Mr. Darbyshire/absent. Motion carried 6-0.

It was moved by Mrs. Fitch and seconded by Mr. Dickerson to approve Michaela Gooding as Assistant Coach for 7th and 8th grade volleyball for the 2023-24 school year at the certified contract rate. Roll Call: Mr. Dickerson/yes; Mr. Nelson/yes; Mrs. Fitch/yes; Mr. Murphy/yes; Mr. Burling/yes; Mrs. Housewright/yes; Mr. Darbyshire/absent. Motion carried 6-0.

It was moved by Mrs. Fitch and seconded by Mrs. Housewright to approve the resignation of Michelle Bavery, effective at the end of the 2026-27 school year, with thanks for her many years of service. Roll Call: Mr. Dickerson/yes; Mr. Nelson/yes; Mrs. Fitch/yes; Mr. Murphy/yes; Mr. Burling/yes; Mrs. Housewright/yes; Mr. Darbyshire/absent. Motion carried 6-0.

It was moved by Mr. Dickerson and seconded by Mr. Murphy to approve the resignation of Robbie Middle Morgan as a paraprofessional, effective August 23, 2023. Roll Call: Mr. Dickerson/yes; Mr. Nelson/yes; Mrs. Fitch/yes; Mr. Murphy/yes; Mr. Burling/yes; Mrs. Housewright/yes; Mr. Darbyshire/absent. Motion carried 6-0.

It was moved by Mr. Dickerson and seconded by Mr. Nelson to adjourn the meeting at 11:52 p.m. Roll Call: Mr. Dickerson/yes; Mr. Nelson/yes; Mrs. Fitch/yes; Mr. Murphy/yes; Mr. Burling/yes; Mrs. Housewright/yes; Mr. Darbyshire/absent. Motion carried 6-0.
