
West Central Reporter

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Calhoun Community Unit School District 40 Board of Education met June 18

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The Calhoun PreK For All program has been awarded the GOLD Circle Of Quality from ExceleRate Illinois! | Calhoun District 40

The Calhoun PreK For All program has been awarded the GOLD Circle Of Quality from ExceleRate Illinois! | Calhoun District 40

Calhoun Community Unit School District 40 Board of Education met June 18.

Here is the agenda provided by the board:

I. Call to Order

II. Roll Call of Members

III. Approve Agenda

IV. Recognition of Visitors, Guests & Public Comments

 To preserve sufficient time for the Board to conduct its business, it is our public policy that each individual may speak for a maximum of 5 minutes unless prior arrangements have been made to speak longer.

V. Consent Items

A. Adoption of Consent Agenda

B. Previous Board Minutes

1. Regular Meeting – May 28, 2024

C. Expenditures

D. Financial Reports

E. Activity Accounts Report

F. Transportation Report

VI. Committee and Administrative Reports

A. Calhoun Elementary School

B. Calhoun High School

C. Superintendent

1. District Services/Maintenance Report

VII. Second & Final Reading of Press Plus Policy Update 114

A. 2:40 Board Member Qualifications

B. 2:50 Board Member Term of Office

C. 2:60 Board Member Removal from Office

D. 2:140 Communications To & From the Board

E. 2:140-E Exhibit Guidance for Board Member Communications, Including Email Use

F. 2:260 Uniform Grievance Procedure

G. 2:265 Title IX Sexual Harassment Grievance Procedure

H. 2:270 Discrimination & Harassment on the Basis of Race, Color & National Origin Prohibited

I. 4:20 Fund Balances

J. 4:110 Transportation

K. 4:190 Targeted School Violence Prevention Program

L. 5:10 Equal Employment Opportunity & Minority Recruitment

M. 5:20 Workplace Harassment Prohibited

N. 5:35 Compliance with the Fair Labor Standards Act

O. 5:40 Communicable & Chronic Infectious Disease

P. 5:100 Staff Development Program

Q. 5:300 Schedules & Employment Year

R. 6:40 Curriculum Development

S. 7:10 Equal Educational Opportunities

T. 7:20 Harassment of Students Prohibited

U. 7:180 Prevention of & Response to Bullying, Intimidation & Harassment

VIII. Action Items Prior to Executive Session

A. Consider Approval of

1. Metro Computer Solutions, Inc. Service Agreement

2. Close Class of 2024 Activity Fund

3. Agreement with JS Held

IX. Executive Session – For the purpose of discussion regarding the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employee(s); legal counsel, collective negotiating matters or deliberations; board vacancies; evidence or testimony presented in a hearing where authorized by law; purchase or lease of real property; sale or purchase of securities, investments or investment contracts; security procedures; student disciplinary cases or any matter involving an individual student; litigation; self-evaluation, practices and procedures, or professional ethics; minutes of meetings lawfully closed; internal control weaknesses, potential fraud risk areas; establishment of reserves, settlement or discussion of claims, loss or risk management information, records, data, advice or communications from or with respect to any insurer of the District. 5 ILCS 120/2(c)

X. Action Items Following Executive Session

A. Consider Approving Personnel Recommendations

1. ESP Hires

2. Coaches/Sponsors

B. Consider Approving Admin & District Staff Contracts

1. Admin.

a. High School Principal

b. Asst. Elementary Principal

2. District Staff

a. Accounts Manager

b. Human Resources Administrative Assistant

c. Administrative Assistant & Board Secretary

d. Director of District Services

XI. Other Business

XII. Communication and Announcements

A. July 4 - Holiday

B. July 16 – School Board Meeting

C. Correspondence

XIII. Adjourn



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