
West Central Reporter

Saturday, February 8, 2025

Carthage Elementary School District 317 Board of Education met met Nov. 20

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Ryanne Jacoby, Principal - Carthage Primary School | LinkedIn

Ryanne Jacoby, Principal - Carthage Primary School | LinkedIn

Carthage Elementary School District 317 Board of Education met met Nov. 20.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

The regular meeting of the Carthage E.S.D. #317 Board of Education was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by President Luke Burling.

Roll call: Sean Dickerson/present; Derrick Nelson/present; Stephanie Fitch/present; Jacob Murphy/present; Luke Burling/present; Linda Housewright/present; Dillon Darbyshire/present.

An additional agenda item was added

• 60-day notice for long-term plan for Carthage/IW

Christina White wished to address the board. The board requested her to attend executive session.

Administrative Reports:

Dr. Day: Had a board report included in the board packet.

Mrs. Jacoby had a board report included in the board packets. Mrs. Jacoby highlighted the success of the first Primary Art Show. At the end of the night all student’s artwork had a sold sticker on it and they raised a total of $4,000 to help families in need this holiday season.

Mrs. Bockenfeld had a board report included in the board packets. Mrs. Bockenfeld told the board how pleased she was with the Veteran’s Day program and all of the student’s behavior while they attended.

It was moved by Mrs. Fitch and seconded by Mr. Murphy to approve the consent agenda as presented. Roll Call: Mr. Dickerson/yes; Mr. Nelson/yes; Mrs. Fitch/yes; Mr. Murphy/yes; Mr. Burling/yes; Mrs. Housewright/yes; Mr. Darbyshire/yes. Motion carried 7-0.

Board Conference: The Board Conference was discussed. All reservations are complete and all additional details have been emailed out.

Construction Upgrades/Maintenance Grant: It’s a matching grant of $50,000. Multiple items were suggested for the grant, including the middle school chair lift.

60-day notice for long-term plan for Carthage/IW: The board is discussing getting a long term plan in writing from Illini West school district regarding the facility. An action item has been added to the agenda.

It was moved by Mr. Murphy and seconded by Mr. Darbyshire to enter into executive session at 7:31 p.m. for the purpose of:

A. The appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance or dismissal of specific employees of the district. 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(1) B. Meetings between internal or external auditors and school board audit committees, finance committees, and their equivalents when discussion involves internal control weaknesses, identification of potential fraud risk areas, known or suspected frauds, and fraud interviews conducted in accordance with generally accepted U.S. auditing standards. 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(1)

C. Collective negotiation matters between the public body and its employees or their representatives or deliberations concerning salary schedules for one or more classes of employees. 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(1)

D. Litigation, when an action against, affecting or on behalf of the particular body has been filed and is pending before a court or administration tribunal. 5ILCS 120/2(c)(1)

Roll Call: Mr. Dickerson/yes; Mr. Nelson/yes; Mrs. Fitch/yes; Mr. Murphy/yes; Mr. Burling/yes; Mrs. Housewright/yes; Mr. Darbyshire/yes. Motion carried 7-0.

It was moved by Mr. Darbyshire and seconded by Mr. Dickerson to exit executive session at 9:11 p.m. Roll Call: Mr. Dickerson/yes; Mr. Nelson/yes; Mrs. Fitch/yes; Mr. Murphy/yes; Mr. Burling/yes; Mrs. Housewright/yes; Mr. Darbyshire/yes. Motion carried 7-0.

It was moved by Mr. Darbyshire and seconded by Mrs. Housewright to approve the first reading of the levy. Roll Call: Mr. Dickerson/yes; Mr. Nelson/yes; Mrs. Fitch/yes; Mr. Murphy/yes; Mr. Burling/yes; Mrs. Housewright/yes; Mr. Darbyshire/yes. Motion carried 7-0.

It was moved by Mrs. Housewright and seconded by Mr. Murphy to approve the maintenance grant. Roll Call: Mr. Dickerson/yes; Mr. Nelson/yes; Mrs. Fitch/yes; Mr. Murphy/yes; Mr. Burling/yes; Mrs. Housewright/yes; Mr. Darbyshire/yes. Motion carried 7-0.

It was moved by Mrs. Housewright and seconded by Mrs. Fitch to approve the middle school lift in the amount of $71,714.28. Roll Call: Mr. Dickerson/yes; Mr. Nelson/yes; Mrs. Fitch/yes; Mr. Murphy/yes; Mr. Burling/yes; Mrs. Housewright/yes; Mr. Darbyshire/yes. Motion carried 7-0.

Recommendation to approve the cameras, new door and lock at the district office in the amount of $15,077.25. Action item was tabled.

It was moved by Mrs. Housewright and seconded by Mr. Darbyshire to approve the resignation of Thomas Cokel. Roll Call: Mr. Dickerson/yes; Mr. Nelson/yes; Mrs. Fitch/yes; Mr. Murphy/yes; Mr. Burling/yes; Mrs. Housewright/yes; Mr. Darbyshire/yes. Motion carried 7-0.

It was moved by Mrs. Fitch and seconded by Mrs. Housewright to approve the Leave of Absence agreement with Megan Brink-Cook for the remainder of the 2024-2025 school year. Roll Call: Mr. Dickerson/yes; Mr. Nelson/yes; Mrs. Fitch/yes; Mr. Murphy/yes; Mr. Burling/yes; Mrs. Housewright/yes; Mr. Darbyshire/yes. Motion carried 7-0.

It was moved by Mrs. Housewright and seconded by Mr. Dickerson to approve the 60-day notice to Illini West. Roll Call: Mr. Dickerson/yes; Mr. Nelson/yes; Mrs. Fitch/yes; Mr. Murphy/yes; Mr. Burling/yes; Mrs. Housewright/yes; Mr. Darbyshire/yes. Motion carried 7-0.

It was moved by Mr. Nelson and seconded by Mr. Dickerson to adjourn the meeting at 9:38 p.m. Roll Call: Mr. Dickerson/yes; Mr. Nelson/yes; Mrs. Fitch/yes; Mr. Murphy/yes; Mr. Burling/yes; Mrs. Housewright/yes; Mr. Darbyshire/yes. Motion carried 7-0.
