Pike County Courthouse | WikipediA
Pike County Courthouse | WikipediA
City of Pittsfield City Council met Feb. 4.
Here are the minutes provided by the council:
The regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Pittsfield, Pike County, Illinois, was held on Tuesday, February 04, 2025, at 6:00 p.m. The meeting was held in the Council Room at the Pittsfield City all at 215 N Monroe Street. The following officers were present: Mayor Gary Mendenhall, City Clerk Ann Moffit, and Alderperson Bill Grimsley, Kevin Ketchum, Chris Little, Paul Lennon, Robert Ritchart, Beth White, Robert Wilson, and Kevin Wombles.
Alderperson Ketchum moved to approve the January 26, 2025, city council minutes. Alderperson Grimsley seconded the motion.
Roll Call: Yea: Grimsley, Ketchum, Lennon, Ritchart, White, Wilson, Wombles (7)
Nay: NONE (0)
Present: Ketchum (1)
The motion carried.
Mayor’s Announcements:
Mayor Mendenhall thanked Kevin Wombles for standing in as Mayor ProTem during his travel time. Ameren is preparing an Electric Vehicle Readiness Guide for the community.
A meeting will be held tomorrow with Kline and Associates in regards to the Mill Property and TIF District Extension.
A meeting was held with the Pikeland Superintendent in regards to the TIF Extension and the addition of a SRO.
Mayor Mendenhall and Brittney Emerick, Economic Development Director met with Make My Move, Ms. Emerick will report on that meeting.
A meeting was held with Illini CEO, Holly Jones to discuss the Illini Daycare Facility as well as transportation for patients to and from doctor’s appointments.
We are waiting to hear from the bank that owns a vacant property on Jackson Street. A bank representative indicated that the bank will quit claim deed the property to the City for demolition.
Mayor Mendenhall announced that the Music Festival Committee will be Alderpersons White and Little, Clerk Ann Moffit, Economic Development Director Brittney Emerick, Fire Chief Jason White, and Public Works Director Tom Reinhardt.
Alderperson White stated that the Finance Committee met today and reviewed the budget.
Alderperson Wilson stated that the Utilities Committee met today and discussed the need to formulate a plan for meter replacements. Also learned that gas rates did not spike as feared over the Martin Luther King Day holiday weekend when the temperatures were well below average across much of the nation.
Alderperson Wombles stated that the Street and Alley Committee met tonight. Mr. Reinhardt stated the department has prepped equipment in preparation of the weather conditions tomorrow. He also updated the committee on the status of several projects. There was discussion about future projects.
Max Middendorf informed the committee that the Memorial/Higbee Intersection has been sent back for rebid.
Economic Development Director Brittney Emerick distributed a packet from Hometown Consulting and gave an overview of her meeting with the company.
Ameren Light Replacement Program was tabled
Addition of School Resource Officer was tabled.
Mill Property Development was tabled.
Alderperson Ritchart moved to pay bills as stated by City Clerk.
Alderperson Ketchum seconded the motion.
Roll Call: Yea: Grimsley, Ketchum, Lennon, Little Ritchart, White, Wilson, Wombles (8)
Nay: NONE (0)
Present: NONE (0)
The motion carried.
New Business:
Mayor stated that City Employees have made significant progress next door, the electricians are near complete, paint has been purchased, doors have been ordered, and insulation should be complete Friday.
Alderperson Ritchart asked for an update on the snowplow that was destroyed by fire. The insurance claim is still pending.
Alderperson Grimsley stated that the corner of Fayette and Illinois should needs attention as well as Jefferson Street between the Methodist Church and the First Christian Church.
Alderperson Wilson asked if the Street and Alley Department was prepared for potential weather. Mr. Reinhardt indicated they are.
Brittney Emerick advised that Make My Move has extended the contract for 3 months and we have two potential movers. Blue Cross Blue Shield has a grant available for outdoor exercise equipment. She met with JWCC and learned of many types of classes that could be offered in Pittsfield if there was interest. A bank reached out with interest in playing at the Music Festival.
Jim Filbert questioned the Mill Property Project. Mayor indicated that a developer would like to build houses on the property.
Alderperson Wombles moved to adjourn this meeting at 6:24 p.m.