City of Dallas City Council met Jan. 23.
Here is the minutes provided by the council:
The Dallas City City Council held its regular meeting on January 23, 2019, at 5 p.m. Mayor Kevin Six called the meeting to order with the following commissioners present: Lila Gittings, Esther Newberry, Harold Northup Jr., and Greg Olson.
Others attending the meeting were Anne Thompson, Gary Smith, and Doug Erickson.
A motion was made by Newberry, and 2nd by Olson to accept the minutes of the January 9, 2019, meeting. Gittings, Newberry, and Olson AYE. Northup ABSTAIN.
Police Chief Gary Smith reported that he has issued a ticket to a property owner for violating the city's nuisance ordinance. Also discussed having a registration day for owners of non-highway vehicles to obtain their 2019 registration.
Anne Thompson asked if the city currently had any debts from previously issued bonds. The city clerk reported that all of the city's previously issued bonds have been paid off and that the city's only debt will be the portion of the current sewer project that has to be paid back.
At the January 9, 2019, city council meeting, the city council went into a closed, executive session. During that session, the council discussed a topic that they should have discussed in open session. The topic was current liquor licenses in Dallas City. The city council would like to let everyone know that they discussed liquor licenses in Dallas City, and if you have any questions about this, they will be happy to answer them for you.
Mayor Six read a report from the city attorney regarding the city's pending cases regarding properties that are in violation of the city's nuisance ordinance.
Doug Erickson reported on the sewer project. The contractor has submitted Pay Request #5 for the work that has been completed in the amount of $111,522.69. Mr. Erickson also submitted an invoice from Benton & Associates in the amount of $7,752.54 for the work that they have done. Both bills will be sent to the IEPA so that the city can receive the funds to pay them. Mr. Erickson also recommended that a contract change order for a transition piece in the amount of $3,500.00 be approved. A motion was made by Newberry, and 2nd by Gittings to approve Pay Request #5, the invoice from Benton & Associates, and the contract change order for a transition piece in the amount of $3,500.00. Gittings, Newberry, Northup, and Olson AYE.
Mr. Erickson and Chris Classen recently met with Kaleb Spiekermeier regarding the problem he is having with water in his basement. However, due to the recent snow, they were not able to make any decisions. They will wait until the snow has melted and meet again to try to determine what needs to be done.
Mr. Erickson informed the council that he is planning on making some kind of presentation to them regarding the sewer project. He plans to show videos to give the council an idea of what things were like before, and after, the sewer project was completed.
Commissioner Newberry discussed a water customer that has an extremely high bill. The customer has requested to be able to set up some kind of payment plan. The council gave Commissioner Newberry the authority to set up a payment plan with the customer.
Discussed the remodeling work that needs to be done on the city hall/police station building. Mayor Six has not heard back from any of the contractors that he has contacted.
Discussed a tree along West Third Street that needs to be removed.
Police Chief Smith discussed parking on Oak Street north of Third Street. The current two hour parking limit has not been enforced. Discussed making the parking area in front of the Connection Bank's ATM machine and the parking area in front of the city clerk's office 15 minute parking areas. A motion was made by Gittings, and 2nd by Olson to remove the two hour parking limit signs on Oak Street north of Third Street, and to post “15 Minute Parking” signs in front of Connection Bank's ATM machine and the city clerk's office. Gittings, Newberry, Northup, and Olson AYE.
Discussed making a snow emergency route policy for Oak Street to help with the clearing of snow after snow storms.
A resident that has property adjacent to some city property has indicated that she is interested in selling the property. This will be discussed more at the next meeting.
Mayor Six informed the council that there is an Economic Development Seminar in Springfield, IL, in March. A motion was made by Olson, and 2nd by Northup to send Mayor Six to the Economic Development Seminar in Springfield, IL, in March. Gittings, Newberry, Northup, and Olson AYE.
A motion was made by Northup, and 2nd by Newberry to adjourn the meeting. Gittings, Newberry, Northup, and Olson AYE.
The meeting was adjourned at 5:55 p.m.